Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1551 The Mother of Ten Thousand Snails (Additional update)

But I saw a huge corpse snail laying eggs in the water tank, and countless small corpse snails crowded the tank. It seems that it is the corpse mother I am looking for. The corpse snails that kill people are all its offspring...

I suddenly remembered that snails are very magical creatures. They can secrete some kind of liquid to seal the mouth of their shells and enter a long dormant period. But it only sleeps for a few years at most. What snail can live for hundreds or even thousands of years?

What did the people who built this tomb do for?

If he didn't bury his own body, why would he put a large corpse snail in a water tank and raise it? These little corpse snails are adsorbed on the human body and use the human spirit to support the mother's body. Only then can the mother give birth to so many corpse snails in a short period of time.

If they were allowed to crawl out of the tomb, I don't know how many people would die...

I looked at the giant corpse snail squirming in the water tank, and a thought suddenly flashed through my mind. The person who built this tomb must have a good understanding of the Five Elements and Bagua. He definitely did not build such a tomb for entertainment, it must have some purpose.

If I guessed correctly, this tomb should belong to the five elements of water, and water produces wood. Once the corpse snail got out, it immediately went to the next tomb, which was the tomb where the black truck driver died.

That tomb should have the five elements of wood, and the white maggots were fed inside.

According to this inference, there should be three such tombs around Heiyi Town. Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Only water and wood appear. I wonder what strange things are offered in the other three tombs?

Why did the person who built him design such a Five Elements Tomb? What did he want to gain from this tomb?

Every time at this time, I will miss the sacrificed Senior Rat, if he is still alive...

Forget it, don’t think about it.

Let’s think more realistically!

This mother of corpse snails must be dealt with, otherwise if it continues to lay eggs unscrupulously, when the corpse snails crawl out of the tomb and attach themselves to more people, the Black Town will be doomed.

But apart from my cell phone and a dagger, I really have nothing on me that can get rid of it. The incense sticks and matches that Zhuang Ning gave me before we set off, fearing that something would happen to me, were all wet when we entered the tomb and could not be used at all.

I thought about it and immediately decided to exit the tomb.

I quickly climbed out of the tomb along the way I came, and sealed the entrance of the cave again with stones. Looking around, I saw a large area of ​​grass around the tomb withered and yellow. It seemed that more corpse snails must have crawled out while I had just entered the tomb.

I didn't dare to delay any longer, so I quickly ran back to the dealer, took off my clothes and checked, and there was another corpse snail attached to my navel.

Damn it, are you still coming?

I used the old method to burn it off my body, then called Zhuang Ning and told her everything I encountered in the tomb.

Zhuang Ning said to me: "My dad woke up for a while just now. Although he is still a little unconscious, some of the words he said may be helpful to you. My dad said that the tomb was very long, but he did not insist on walking. In the end, and there was not a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in the tomb, he found some broken antiques and two five-baht coins under a pile of bones. There were a total of fourteen people who entered the tomb at that time, including my dad now. There are only two people left alive.”

I nodded and explained to Zhuang Ning: "This time the evil object is a bit tricky, because it is not one, but five! I still can't figure out where it came from, but there are mutually reinforcing elements among them. Principle. Now that the water tomb has been opened, the corpse snails are multiplying rapidly. If left alone, once all the Five Elements Tombs are opened, the consequences will be disastrous. We must stop them as soon as possible. "

Zhuang Ning also nodded firmly: "What do you think we should do?"

"Prepare some gasoline and a lighter. I'm going to the water tomb to burn the mother of corpses to death." I replied.

"I'll go with you!" Zhuang Ning said, "It would be good to have one more person to help you."

"No, I have a better candidate, not to mention you have more important things to do!" I looked at Zhuang Ning seriously.

My plan was to let Wen Jin and Er Hu accompany me into the water tomb, while Zhuang Ning was responsible for tracking the white maggots crawling out of the wooden tomb to see if they would automatically go to the fire tomb.

Zhuang Ning was stunned at first, but immediately nodded in agreement.

We went to find Wen Jin and Er Hu without saying a word. The two of them were a little confused after hearing my plan. Wen Jin asked in confusion: "Wait a minute, what did you just say? What about metal, wood, water, fire, and earth?" , what is that? What do you need gasoline for?"

Zhuang Ning said impatiently: "Don't ask so many questions, just listen to Jiulin's instructions."

Erhu glanced at me for a few times and suddenly said: "It's too unsafe for Xiaoning to follow him alone. Why don't we go to the tomb with Brother Jiulin, and Wenjin and Xiaoning will follow the maggots together, so that we have someone to share with each other?" Take care of.”

Wen Jin immediately agreed after hearing this: "Yes, Xiaoning is a girl after all, and I don't feel safe letting her act alone."

I took a deep look at Erhu, smiled and nodded: "That's fine."

There are few places in the town that need gasoline. Wen Jin’s family has a lot of cultivated land and has a tractor that is not commonly used. He immediately took Erhu home to get gas. Zhuang Ning and I were waiting there. I took the opportunity to ask Zhuang Ning: "I always hear you call Erhu Wenjin, what are their last names?"

Zhuang Ning didn't quite understand why I was still concerned about such trivial matters at such an important moment. He frowned and explained: "Wen Jin's surname is Wen, and as for Er Hu... his surname is Yu. This is a very ancient surname, Er Hu Our family is also the oldest family in Black Clothes Town.”

While they were talking, Erhu and Wen Jin hurried back.

I told Zhuang Ning and Wen Jin a few words, and then led Erhu up the mountain. We easily entered the tomb and groped along the dark corridor.

Erhu asked from behind me: "Brother Jiulin, why do you know so much about dead people's things?"

"Professional need!" I simply replied without intending to say more to him.

Erhu smiled slightly: "Then how much do you know about the Five Elements Tomb?"

"I don't know much about it..." Before I could finish my sentence, I couldn't help but pause in my steps and stopped in place in surprise.

I didn’t mention the words ‘Five Elements Tomb’ to Erhu. How did he know about it?

Just as I was about to turn around, someone hit me hard on the back of my head. My eyes blacked out and I fainted.

When I woke up wet, I saw Erhu lying in front of the water tank, staring at the mother of corpses in the tank in fascination, while my hands and feet were tightly tied together with hemp rope.

Hearing my movement, Erhu turned his head slowly, looked at me and smiled strangely: "Boy, do you know that curiosity kills the cat?

Do you know how long our Yu family has been waiting for this day..."

I looked at him puzzled.

Erhu smiled, looking proud and excited at the same time. He slowly took out a bamboo slip from the package and pointed it to me like a treasure: "Did you know that during the Three Kingdoms period, our Yu family had a great figure? ?”

Celebrities named Yu? It's from the Three Kingdoms period.

Sorry, there are too many awesome characters in the Three Kingdoms. I really don’t understand such small characters.

Perhaps my expression was too direct, which seriously irritated Erhu. He roared angrily: "You don't know the famous Yu Fan?"

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