Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,552 Yu Fan, a celebrity from the Three Kingdoms (additional update)

Yu Fan?

I remembered that Yu Fan seemed to be a famous counselor in Soochow during the Three Kingdoms period. This man was knowledgeable and well-read the "Book of Changes". Although he was an official in Soochow, his biggest interest every day was to tell people's fortunes.

It is said that Yu Fan once predicted that Sun Ce would die in an assassination attempt by his enemies, but Sun Ce did not take it seriously, and was eventually killed by three assassins while hunting.

Later, when Sun Quan came to power, Yu Fan repeatedly offended Sun Quan because of his strong personality, and was exiled to Jing County by Sun Quan.

Wait, Jing County!

Thinking of this, I suddenly realized that the county I passed by when I came here was called Jing County. Could it be that this black town is where Yu Fan's ancient tomb is?

He studied the "Book of Changes" all his life, and after his death, he used the Five Elements Formation to decorate his tomb. What secrets were hidden in it?

Erhu seemed very satisfied with the effect. He handed the bamboo slip in his hand to me and said, "Do you know what this is? This is the genealogy of our Yu family. Our ancestor Yu Fan was upright and strong, but he was not tolerated by the villain Sun Quan. , was assigned to serve as an official in such a remote mountainous area, and eventually died with hatred. Before his death, he built this Five Elements Tomb according to the principle of the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams mutually reinforcing each other. Corpse insects were raised in each tomb. Once the Five Elements Tomb was activated, The corpse worms will take over the entire land. The more people die, the faster the corpse worms will multiply. Not to mention Heiyi Town, the entire land belongs to our Yu family!"

"You have known about the existence of the Five Elements Tomb for a long time. Why have you tolerated it for so many years but not activated it?" I thought about it and immediately had the answer: "Oh, I understand. Although the secret of the Five Elements Tomb is recorded in your family tree, there is no such thing. Can I tell you the location of the tomb?"

"Yes, you are indeed a smart man." Erhu's tone became gloomy: "If we knew the location of the tomb, how could we live in seclusion in Heiyi Town from generation to generation? If it hadn't been for these heavy rains, I would still have I really don’t know how long I have to wait, but now I’m fine, I don’t have to wait anymore…”

I saw how complacent he looked and couldn't help but say, "Don't forget, once the corpse bug comes down the mountain, you will die too!"

Erhu smiled coldly at me: "I just thought you were a little clever and you let me down. If that's the case, how can the descendants of the Yu family expect the Five Elements Tomb to be launched? The genealogy has clearly recorded that mutual growth and mutual restraint are The truth is, these corpse insects are the treasures left to us by our ancestors, and they are weapons in our hands. With them, our Yu clan will rise completely, and even the King of Heaven and I cannot stop it."

I looked at him intently: "Then what are you going to do with me?"

There was a trace of murderous intent in Erhu's eyes: "I will leave you in the tomb and let you become the food of the corpse snail. When I see Zhuang Ning, I will tell her that you are in danger while dealing with the mother of the corpse snail." , unfortunately died..."

"You are really cruel." I smiled silently at him.

"You still have the heart to smile when you are about to die?" Erhu looked at me in surprise: "But I also want to thank you. If it weren't for you, the Five Elements Tomb would not have started so fast."

"I'm not about to die." I sneered, broke away the hemp ropes on my hands and feet, rubbed my sore wrists and said, "I like to leave myself a way out no matter what I do. You know I Why did I have the patience to listen to your long-winded chatter for a long time? Because I want to get something out of you, idiot! Look back..."

Erhu followed my line of sight and looked behind him, only to see Zhuang Ning rushing over with Dalong and Wenjin. Dalong was still holding an old-fashioned shotgun in his hand.

Their footsteps were so light in the darkness that Erhu, who was so carried away by the victory, didn't even notice!

Erhu shouted in surprise: "Why did you come in?"

Dalong gritted his teeth and cursed: "If we didn't follow, how would we have heard what you said? Yu Erhu, I didn't expect that you, who are usually honest and docile, would have such ambitions."

Erhu said with a dark face: "That only means you are stupid!" After saying that, he unfolded the bamboo slips in his hand.

I hurriedly shouted from the side: "Stop him, don't let him activate the Five Elements Tomb."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dalong and Wenjin rushed in first. Dalong was really heavy-handed. He swung the gun down and knocked Erhu staggering. The bamboo slips in his hands were also snatched away by Wenjin with quick eyes and hands. .

"Give it back to me! Give it back to me! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you all. Do you know who I am? I'm a descendant of Yu Fan." Even though he was pinned down by the dragon, but Erhu still resisted with all his teeth and claws, as if he was possessed by a demon.

Zhuang Ning looked at him in disbelief, even doubting whether he was the person he knew.

In fact, before I decided to ask Er Hu and Wen Jin for help, I had already told Zhuang Ning about my suspicions about Er Hu.

Zhuang Ning, who had grown up with Er Hu since childhood, refused to believe that Er Hu had any ulterior secrets. So I made a mysterious plan. I and Erhu would venture into the tomb, while Zhuang Ning, Dalong and Wenjin would quietly follow behind to provide support! Unexpectedly, Er Hu's ugly face was revealed.

After Erhu was subdued, Wen Jin hurried over and handed the bamboo slips to me.

I observed carefully. Although the text above was from the Three Kingdoms period, I am in the antique industry, so I can probably understand it. The bamboo slips explain in detail that the reason why Yu Fan built the Five Elements Tomb was because he felt that he had offended Sun Quan. According to Sun Quan's petty character, he would definitely send troops to destroy his clan, so he wanted to use the Five Elements Tomb to ensure the safety of his descendants. Safety.

The first residents of Heiyi Town were only descendants of the Yu family. As for the later times, outsiders joined, which Yu Fan never expected. He built this tomb based on the principle that the five elements and eight trigrams are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. It is divided into five tombs: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Each tomb has a five-element jar.

There is a kind of extremely lethal corpse insect cultivated in the tank, which Yu Fan found when he searched Soochow before he was born!

The water tomb houses corpse snails, which are giant snails that specialize in absorbing nutrients from the human body.

Blood maggots are raised in wooden tombs. This kind of white fleshy bug likes to eat human flesh. It will penetrate into the human body through the nostrils, ear holes and other places, frantically pecking at the human internal organs, and finally kill the human body. There was only one piece of skin left to eat.

The tomb of fire breeds poisonous moths. This moth has become extinct as early as the end of the Three Kingdoms. Unexpectedly, Yu Fan, an old man, got it into the ancient tomb! The phosphorus powder all over the poisonous moth's body is highly toxic, and even a little bit of it will kill people. People who are poisoned will have blisters all over their bodies, and from a distance it will look like they have been burned by fire.

The earth tombs house earth dragons, a pest that lives in the soil. Because it is fed by corpse energy all year round, it has extremely strong attack power.

The golden tomb houses golden beetles, which usually live under sand dunes. They are tenacious and work as a team. They can turn a living person into a skeleton in the blink of an eye.

Where did this old pervert Yu Fan find these corpse insects?

I have to admire his ability.

The genealogy of the Yu family also records in detail how to control these corpse insects using the method of the five elements mutually reinforcing each other. Although Yu Fan's original intention was just to save the lives of his tribe, but by Erhu's generation, he was ambitious enough to use insects to control the entire Black Clothes Town...

People's hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants, and greed is always the most difficult line of defense for people to overcome.

I even had a little doubt about Yu Fan's record in the genealogy. The old man died early. If he had been allowed to live a few more years, he might have been able to change the history of the Three Kingdoms with these corpse insects. By then, the world would have been divided into three parts or four parts. It’s really hard to say in the world!

(The fourth update is here! Remember to vote monthly, additional updates will continue until the 15th.)

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