Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,553 Destruction of the Five Elements Tomb

I closed the bamboo slips and asked Wen Jin to help Dalong tie up the two tigers, and then Zhuang Ning and I poured gasoline into the water tank.

Perhaps feeling the danger, the mother of corpse snails in the water tank made a strange squeaking sound. Following this scream, the originally motionless corpse snails on the stone wall began to move crazily towards her as if they had received some kind of order. Let's climb up.

I didn't dare to delay and hurriedly threw the lit lighter into the water tank.

The fire burst into flames, and the piercing scream of the mother of corpse snails came from the flames. The fire became stronger and stronger, and the corpse snails on the stone wall began to flee in all directions, falling to the ground one by one.

I hurriedly pulled Zhuang Ning, while Dalong and Wenjin pressed Erhu out of the stone room together.

Zhuang Ning sighed and asked, "Can you go out? I can't stay in this damn place for a minute."

"Don't worry, make sure all the corpses are dead." As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a bang, and the fire in the stone chamber burned bigger and bigger. Although there was a thick stone door, the scorching temperature was still there. Baking each of our faces.

Erhu roared several times unwillingly, and while Dalong and Wenjin were in a daze, he suddenly broke free from their control and rushed into the fire of the stone room like crazy.

Zhuang Ning cried and shouted: "Erhu, come out quickly! Come out quickly!"

"Stop barking!" Dalong said with some emotion: "He is no longer the Erhu you know, and he can't hear our voices."

The fire burned for more than an hour before it slowly extinguished. When I stepped in again, the stone slabs on the ground were so hot that it was unbearable to stand on. I could smell the burning soles of my shoes with every step I took.

Unexpectedly, the burned corpses of the two tigers appeared in the stone room. The corpses were completely dead, and the valuable water tank was burned and deformed.

I had an idea and suddenly said: "Let's wait a little longer, wait until the temperature has completely dropped, and then we will find a way to move the water tank out!"

"My eyes widen when I see wealth." Dalong still maintained his previous hostility towards me and glared at me with disdain.

"Idiot!" I cursed unceremoniously: "Jin Kemu, this is the only thing that can restrain the blood maggots in the wooden tomb."

Dalong snorted and surprisingly didn't say much.

Before entering the wooden tomb, I made a lot of preparations.

The power of blood maggots seems to be much greater than that of corpse snails. I was worried that if I was not careful, they would get into my body through my ears and nostrils, so I borrowed some large mosquito nets from Aunt Zhuang and used them to make Simple clothes, covering her from head to toe.

Let alone blood maggots, not even a single mosquito can fly in!

With the last cooperation, Dalong and Wenjin naturally wanted to follow. According to Dalong's words: "I have to keep an eye on you. What if you take something dishonestly? These tombs are the property of our Heiyi Town. You, an outsider, don't even think about it."

Would I care about this little thing?

However, seeing how he focused on the welfare of the town made me change my opinion of him a lot, and I became more pleasing to the eye.

Before setting off, I asked Wen Jin to prepare a big pot and carry a lot of firewood, and then I took the three of them into the wooden tomb.

This was the first time I entered this tomb, and I felt slightly uneasy. Fortunately, the layout inside was exactly the same as that of the water tomb, so I breathed a sigh of relief. It is called a wooden tomb. The walls on both sides of the tomb are also covered with plant roots. Although the ground is damp, there is no water accumulation. This makes me admire Yu Fan. If nothing else, just the location of these five tombs. The choice is no small matter.

Could it be that it was because Heiyi Town had better feng shui that he chose this place over Jingxian County?

After successfully passing through the corridor, we came to the last stone room. Because only the black car driver had been here before, it was impossible for him to pry open the stone door with his own strength, so he only picked up some antiques outside and went out.

There weren't many corpses on the ground, and they weren't damaged much. I specifically asked everyone to be careful not to step on them, so as not to be resented by the ghosts.

I took a careful photo with my phone and saw many white maggots squirming slowly in the corner of the wall. Every time they struck, they seemed to be crawling on the apex of my heart, making me itchy all over.

Dalong and Wenjin brought iron pickaxes and began to lift the stone door with difficulty.

Zhuang Ning and I were not idle either. We set up the iron pot and started melting the gold. I don’t know how long it took, but Dalong and Wenjin finally panted and pried open a gap in the stone door. Zhuang Ning and I also dissolved the gold into liquid.

With me taking the lead, the four of us entered the stone room.

The appearance of the stone chamber was the same as before. I successfully found the stone box on the wall, took out the stone ball, activated the mechanism in the same way, and saw the Five Elements Jar hidden underground.

The Five Elements Jar in the wooden tomb is a ceramic water jar. In the jar, a large, transparent white maggot is slowly wriggling its body.

I politely asked Dalong and Wenjin to pour the golden water in the pot down. Along with a burst of squeaking, the blood maggots squirmed slower and slower. When the gold completely cooled and solidified, the blood maggots were trapped and died in the gold.

Jin Kemu, complete victory!

Wen Jin said with some distress: "What a pity, how much is this gold worth?"

"You can move them home, as long as the blood maggots are not completely dead, and if they crawl out one day..." Before I could finish my words, Wen Jin shook his head in horror: "Then forget it!"

Dalong, Zhuang Ning and I looked at each other and smiled.

After the mother of the blood maggots died, the other maggots seemed to have lost their nutrition, and they stiffened and rolled down the stone wall. When the time was almost up, the four of us retreated from the wooden tomb.

On the way back to the town, Dalong asked me for advice in a rare and calm manner: "What should I do with the remaining three tombs?"

I looked at him twice and deliberately teased him: "You call me Brother Jiulin respectfully, and I will give you some advice!"

My original intention was to make a joke, but I didn't expect that this guy Dalong actually bowed to me respectfully: "Brother Jiulin, please give me some advice!"

My opinion of him has gone up a notch.

Although this kid is very arrogant, he is still a very responsible person. As long as it is related to the town, he is particularly concerned about it. You can call me 'Brother Jiulin' now, maybe because you are worried about the safety of the residents in the town, right?

I looked at him and smiled, and handed him the Yu family genealogy in my pocket: "Although the Yu family genealogy writes about the ways for the five elements of tombs to complement each other, it does not indicate the location of the five tombs. If it hadn't been caused by these heavy rains, Mudslide, I'm afraid the Five Elements Tomb will never be discovered in a lifetime. Now I leave the family tree to you. If there is a natural or man-made disaster in the future and the other three tombs appear, you can crack them one by one according to the method recorded above... …”

Dalong took the genealogy seriously, with a particularly firm expression: "I understand."

I deliberately joked with Zhuang Ning: "It seems that the next mayor of Heiyi Town has made preparations in advance." As soon as the words fell, Wen Jin and Zhuang Ning both laughed.

The rain is getting lighter and lighter, and it looks like tomorrow will be a sunny day!

As for Yu Fan’s tomb being in Heiyi Town, I decided not to mention it and let it remain a secret forever.

Although this old man created such a Five Elements Tomb and killed many people, his original intention was just to protect the safety of his own people. Besides, he was also a famous counselor in the history of the Three Kingdoms and made countless contributions to his country. Contribution, I still don’t want anyone to disturb him after his death.

What's more, my intuition tells me that if any unlucky child really digs up Yu Fan's tomb, he will definitely cause even greater trouble!

When I returned to the dealer, I had a good sleep. When it dawned the next day, it turned out to be a sunny day. The rain that had been falling for a long time actually stopped. I was in a good mood and ate two more meat buns for breakfast. After the meal, I said goodbye to Zhuang Ning and was about to leave. Zhuang Ning looked surprised: "Aren't you going back to Wuhan with me? "

"Of course I won't go back." I smiled at her: "This time I come out, I just want to visit more places, oh by the way..."

Thinking of this, I took out a few pieces of gold from my pocket: "This is the leftover material from the water tank. I don't think that much gold is needed to deal with blood maggots, so I kept some of it privately. Your father also took the risk to supplement the family income." Tomb, you’re not young anymore, it’s time to repay them. These golds should be able to be exchanged for some money. You can use them to pay the down payment and quickly buy a house to bring your parents together! Family, family, is only together when they are together. family."

Zhuang Ning's eyes turned red with gratitude: "Brother Jiulin, thank you!"

Oh, the little girl got the idea and finally called me Brother Jiulin.

I nodded and patted her shoulder gently: "Okay, I'm leaving."

"Brother Jiulin, can I still see you?" Zhuang Ning chased him out of the town.

"Let it go, we will meet again if we are destined." I waved lightly, but did not look back: "But you'd better pray not to meet me, otherwise nothing good will happen, because I am a trader of evil things."

After saying this, I quickly left Black Clothes Town.

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