Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,555 The Magic Fountain of Youth (Additional update)

Uncle Niu was furious with these words.

His son's life is at stake now, and he hates people talking about death in front of him.

However, the fat driver obviously had no time to pay attention to him: "Should you sit down or not? If not, get out of here and don't waste time by being stuck here."

After saying that, he glanced at the consumptive man next to Uncle Niu with disgust: "Go, go, go. If you want to sit down, I won't dare to pull you up. This kid is out of breath. If there is any infectious disease later, That’s really unlucky…”

Uncle Niu was speechless and could only hold on to the armrest with an embarrassed look on his face. I saw that the fat man was bullying others too much, so I hurriedly stepped forward and said, "That's enough. It's not easy to go out. Children are like this. Can't you keep your moral integrity?"

The fat driver was stunned for a long time, then glared at me fiercely and said, "Where the hell did you jump out of? You can't find me."

I have seen this kind of people a lot, and they are obviously the type to bully the weak and fear the strong. I simply snorted, turned around, and helped Uncle Niu and his son back to their seats.

The fat driver glared at me fiercely, but seemed to be frightened by my murderous intent and surprisingly didn't say much.

The car waited for nearly half an hour before it finally started. I sat behind Uncle Niu and watched Uncle Niu take good care of his son.

There were not many passengers in the car, and the fat driver obviously wanted to cause trouble. He came to Uncle Niu to collect the fare before driving. I didn’t talk nonsense to him, took out a hundred yuan and threw it over and said, “No need to look for it.”

The fat driver looked at me with surprise in his eyes.

Uncle Niu was really worried about me paying for the car: "Little brother, we are not familiar with each other, how can I ask you to pay? I will give it back to you." After saying that, he went to pay.

I waved my hand politely: "No need, I hate people who look down on others the most in my life!"

Uncle Niu thought for a while and didn't say much. He just hugged his son tightly.

It seemed that Uncle Niu's son was about to die, so he took his son to find some immortal village in a last-ditch effort. Could there be some magical thing there that could cure all diseases? Years of experience have taught me that it may not be that simple.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the winding mountain road has nine twists and turns and is very dangerous. I don’t know how long the bumps lasted, but the car finally stopped.

I woke up in a daze and saw a small, not very prosperous county town vaguely visible outside the window.

The fat driver honked his horn impatiently and shouted: "We're here, get out of the car!"

I looked up and saw that Uncle Niu had already got out of the car with his son on his back, and I quickly followed him. But the fat driver grabbed me. I thought he was going to fight with me, but he kindly reminded me: "Brother, I think you look like a normal person, don't go crazy with that stupid guy! How can you not be old?" , it’s all bluffing.”

I was a little surprised. I was about to say a few words of thanks, but he slapped me and pushed me out of the car: "Hurry up, don't delay me going home for dinner. My wife has a bad temper. If I am punished, I will kneel on the washboard." , I will skin you one by one when I turn around."

Haha, it turns out that this guy looks ferocious, but he is actually a strict wife.

I rubbed my sore shoulders and caught up with Uncle Niu and his son. Uncle Niu asked with a wary look on his face: "Why are you following me?"

I simply confessed to him: "To tell you the truth, I am also looking for the Eternal Village. Since we have the same goal, let's just be partners."

Uncle Niu looked surprised: "You are also looking for the Immortal Village. How did you know where it is?"

Seeing his nervous look, he clearly didn't believe what I said and thought I had other plans. I immediately thought about it and said, "It was said by an old man in our town. Oh, by the way... I am from Heiyi Town."

The reputation of Heiyi Town is obviously not small. Uncle Niu actually believed my words and looked at me with a lot of enthusiasm: "Brother, why are you going to Fu Lao Village?"

I had no choice but to lie: "An uncle in my family broke his leg when he went to the mountains to collect herbs a few years ago. He has been relying on ginseng to survive. I heard an old man in the town say that there is a village near Qiuchi County, and there are folk remedies there. Save my uncle’s life.”

"Home remedy?" Uncle Niu looked at me suspiciously, and I screamed in my heart, I must have lied and been exposed!

Just as he was thinking about how to cover it up, Uncle Niu continued: "It's not a folk remedy, it's the Fountain of Youth. I heard that there is a well in the village of Immortality, and there is a living spring at the bottom of the well. As long as you drink the water from the Fountain of Youth, you can cure all diseases."

I was stunned for a moment.

I've been riding in the car all afternoon. Did I just come here for the Fountain of Youth?

Even a three-year-old child wouldn't believe this kind of legend, right?

I suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness. I didn’t expect that I, Zhang Jiulin, who had been traveling around for countless years, would one day follow a madman everywhere...

Uncle Niu's eyes were full of excitement at this moment, as if the legendary Fountain of Youth was right in front of him, and his son would be able to say goodbye to tuberculosis in full health after drinking the water from the spring.

It was getting late and there was no car, so I decided to stay in Qiuchi County tonight and leave early tomorrow morning to avoid being with this madman again.

Although Qiuchi County is not big, it has a large population. There are many stalls selling vegetables on both sides of the street. I walked around and found the only hotel in the entire county at the end of the street. The hotel was dirty and smelly, and a lazy woman was waving a cattail leaf fan to chase away flies.

To be honest, I really don't want to walk into this store if I don't have to. As a result, when I turned around, I found that Uncle Niu had also come in carrying his precious son on his back. Come on, I can’t get rid of this dog-skin plaster!

I walked into the store helplessly and asked, "Madam boss, are there any rooms left?"

The landlady said without raising her head: "How many rooms do you want?"

I looked back at poor Uncle Niu, sighed and said, "Two rooms."

"Thirty-one nights, please pay a deposit of 100 yuan first." The landlady said.

"What, it's so expensive to stay in the county for one night?" Uncle Niu opened his mouth in surprise.

The proprietress threw down the cattail leaf fan very fiercely and said: "Is it too expensive? If it's too expensive, get out!"

Is this the attitude of doing business?

I was about to open my mouth to argue with her when a very familiar loud voice suddenly came from behind me: "What's going on? Which bastard dares to come to my store and cause trouble?"

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