Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1566: Deep love for licking the calf (additional update)

I turned around and saw that the person speaking was the fat driver I met before.

He was also surprised when he saw Uncle Niu and me: "Why is it you again? The ghost is still there."

The lady boss at the counter asked in confusion: "Hubby, do you know them?"

I'm dizzy!

Unexpectedly, the fierce wife mentioned by the fat man was this skinny woman. One of them drove a car to solicit customers, and the other ran a hotel to check in. Even their professional cooperation was so perfect.

The fat driver nodded and said, "The two lunatics who came in my car said they were going to some immortal village."

The thin woman lit a cigarette and snorted with great disdain: "There were quite a few people who came here looking for the Immortal Village in the early years. It has just stopped in the past two years. I thought that legend had been forgotten. Unexpectedly There are still some short-sighted lunatics who come here because of it." She stood up straight and limped out of the counter, and then I realized that she was lame.

Uncle Niu shouted excitedly: "No! This legend is true. It was told to me by the old birthday boy in the village."

The thin woman glanced at him indifferently and said sarcastically: "Should we stay in the hotel or not? If not, then leave as soon as possible. Don't delay our life as a couple."

I rolled my eyes inwardly.

Married life? Life is your sister!

Although the environment of the hotel was no different from that of a pig pen, since it was the only hotel in Qiuchi County that had no other hotels, I had no choice but to grit my teeth and pay a deposit of 100 yuan to get two rooms. The thin woman pointed upstairs: "Go up and choose a room to live in."

I was slightly startled: "Where is the key?"

"If you don't have a key, just open the door." The lame woman's words made me feel like I was in a dark store. I was helpless for a while, and stepped on the creaking wooden stairs to the second floor with Uncle Niu.

There are a total of three or four rooms on the second floor, all separated by wooden boards. I took a careful inventory of the things in the room. Except for a broken rusty iron basin and a piece of mosquito net, there was nothing of value. They even charged me a deposit of 100 yuan. Looking at it this way, I can sell the dime coin I picked up on the roadside as a valuable thing...

Uncle Niu and his son lived next door to me. Perhaps he was grateful that I helped him with the money. Before I could go to bed, Uncle Niu brought dried sweet potatoes that he had dried at home for me to eat.

Seeing his honest and courteous look, I couldn't help but persuade him: "We are in a scientific society now. If you are sick, you still have to go to the hospital! If you take your son everywhere to look for the Immortal Village, you will only delay his condition."

When Uncle Niu heard what I said, he let out a long sigh: "Brother, I know you are a good person. Do you think I didn't go to the hospital? I took Maverick to Beijing, but the doctor said nothing. Save, let me give up. This child is my life, how can I give up? Now there is only the last hope of Bulao Village. If I can't find it, I will jump into the river with the calf in my arms to prevent the baby from coughing every day. Blood suffers.”

Uncle Niu shed tears as he spoke. It could be seen that this man had been forced into a desperate situation. I patted his shoulder, not knowing what to say.

Just then, the fat driver came up the stairs. The stairs were in disrepair. Every step he took made a violent sound. I was frightened, fearing that he would collapse the stairs.

He walked upstairs, brought two bowls of vegetables and some dry steamed buns and said, "Here, let's put some food on your stomachs."

Although this man has a bad mouth, he has a very kind heart. I couldn't help but smile at him: "Thank you!"

"Thank you, this all costs money, and it will be deducted from the deposit every time you turn around." The fat driver roared in anger.

These two bowls were very ordinary dishes, but they were extremely delicious. Uncle Niu and I started eating immediately. The fat driver looked at Uncle Niu's son and asked, "Can I get something to eat for this sick baby like you?"

Uncle Niu shook his head: "No, half of his lungs are rotten. Now he can't eat anything. He can only drink some liquid food every day."

At the mention of his son, Uncle Niu's appetite suddenly lost.

But I ate it deliciously and praised: "The vegetables are fried well."

"That's my wife's own cooking!" The fat driver raised his eyebrows proudly. While we were eating, he couldn't help but sit down and chat with us: "Where did you hear the legend about the Immortal Village?"

Uncle Niu glanced at me uneasily, as if hesitating whether he should say anything or not.

Not to mention whether there is a so-called immortal village nearby, even if there is one, Uncle Niu and I definitely can't find it. It would be great if we could get some useful clues from the fat driver!

Thinking of this, I immediately signaled to Uncle Niu and said it didn't matter.

Uncle Niu sighed: "I won't hide it from you, Xiao Niu is not my biological son. I have no father or mother since I was a child, and I grew up eating the food of hundreds of families in the village. Later, the policies became better and better, and the superiors treated me like this. The people I grew up in were also very supportive, and I slowly started to raise cattle, and I also built a shabby house. But my condition was considered poor in the village, so naturally I couldn’t get a wife, and I couldn’t eat enough. Dun, how can I feed my family? Gradually, I stopped thinking about it."

"More than ten years ago, I took a cow to graze. Who knew I saw a calf next to the grass? It was an abandoned baby less than a month old. It had more air coming out and less air coming in. It was about to die. I hurriedly I took him home, and from then on Maverick became my son. He had been in poor health since he was a child. I wonder if it was for this reason that he was abandoned by his cruel parents? I took Maverick to the hospital for a physical examination. The doctor told me that the baby was not born enough and would definitely not live to be ten years old. I also thought about giving up, but I still couldn't bear to give up. After all, it is a human life!" Uncle Niu said, wiping his tears.

"Since then, I have gotten up earlier than usual, worked more, and gradually made profits. But all the money I earned was spent on Mavericks' medicine, and Mavericks finally survived ten years with the help of the medicine. Years old, but his health has become worse and worse in recent years. I took him to many big cities for medical treatment, but there was no result. One time I saw a blind fortune teller on an overpass in Beijing. He told me If I want to save the calf's life, I have to find the Fulao Village. Drinking the water from the Burao Village will cure my son's illness. The calf's life hangs by a thread, and I have almost spent all my money. After much thought, I decided to fight. , groping over here with the calf! Because we are not familiar with the road of life, we have searched in several places here. If we still can’t find it this time, we will die here..."

After Uncle Niu finished speaking, the fat driver and I couldn't help but sigh.

Watching him take care of the calf along the way reminds me of Fanfan. Unexpectedly, Maverick was not Uncle Niu's biological son at all. For such a child, Uncle Niu actually traveled all over the country and dedicated everything he could.

This can't help but make me a little respectful of him.

Even the fat driver looked at him differently!

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