Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1588: Cold as frost and as hot as fire!

The muscular man still asked relentlessly: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

His condescending tone sounded like he was interrogating a prisoner, which was very unpleasant.

Uncle Niu stammered to explain. I was afraid that he, an honest man, would not be able to keep his mouth shut and would leak the legend of Fu Lao Village and cause unnecessary trouble. I hurriedly said, "We are here to travel, but we accidentally I took the wrong road and am stuck here and can’t get out..."

The muscular man listened and nodded with satisfaction: "That's right. Actually, we were lost in the forest. Just call me Adu."

Adu seemed to be the backbone of the team. After listening to his words, the rest of the people also began to introduce themselves. Adu's girlfriend is named Miaomiao, and she is also a senior traveler. The rosacea Taoist priest's surname is Huang, and everyone calls him Huang Daochang. The others are all college students from Anhui Academy of Fine Arts.

The last beautiful woman in white kept crossing her arms and looking at us coldly, followed by a tall man wearing sunglasses who also said nothing.

Adu introduced enthusiastically: "The beauty is called Leng Rushuang, and the handsome guy wearing sunglasses is called Yan Ruhuo. They are both from Xinjiang."

When Miaomiao heard this, she immediately gave him an unhappy tug: "I don't have a mouth. Do you need your courtesy? You are Adu, not Durex. Can you please stop sticking up to a female when you see her?"

The relationship between this group of people was chaotic enough, and I suddenly had the idea of ​​staying as far away from them as possible.

Being choked in front of his favorite goddess, Adu suddenly blushed with anger and said, "If you say one more thing, do you believe I will break up with you immediately?"

Meowth suddenly shrank his neck in fear.

But Leng Rushuang didn't care at all about the quarrel between the two. A pair of bright black eyes swept over me, and then fell on Uncle Niu and Mavericks. She looked at the calf carefully, and a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this scene, I was shocked. Oh no, she saw through my lie!

What a smart woman, with Maverick’s serious condition, how could we possibly be traveling?

But Leng Rushuang didn't say anything and stood coldly at the back of the team, showing an otherworldly look.

At this time, Taoist Huang came out to smooth things over: "Don't argue, don't argue, we are all grasshoppers on a rope now. If we can't find a way out, we will die of thirst and starvation!"

After listening to the advice, Adu glared at Miaomiao coldly: "Be careful." Then he pushed Miaomiao aside.

Miaomiao was sad and sad, so she could only transfer her anger to Leng Rushuang, and cursed hysterically: "You stinky cousin, I asked you to seduce my man!" After saying that, he pounced on Leng Rushuang.

Leng Rushuang stood motionless, turning a blind eye to Meow Meow's attack.

Just when Miao Miao's nails were about to scratch Leng Rushuang's face, the man in sunglasses behind her suddenly flew out with a kick, kicking Miao Miao four to five meters before landing with a crash. The force of this kick was huge, and Miao Miao directly I fainted from the pain.

The crowd immediately became confused and rushed over to help Miao Miao up.

"Meow meow, what's wrong with you?"

"Meow meow, wake up!"

After a long time, Miaomiao opened her eyes, looked at Adu and cried bitterly: "Adu, are you still a man? My girlfriend was beaten, and you still don't go up to avenge me."

Adu surprisingly didn't say anything, but looked at Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses with surprise in his eyes. Obviously, he didn't know that the two of them had such high skills before!

In fact, I can tell that this man in sunglasses is a practicing master, and he is a master among the practicing masters. Although he is taciturn, it does not mean that he is not lethal. If I read it correctly, he only used 10% of the force when he kicked. If he had used 100% of the force, Miao Miao would have been kicked to death on the spot.

The scene was a little awkward for a while, and Miaomiao was helped up by Adu.

Adu was strong and somewhat knowledgeable. He immediately asked Miaomiao to try to move his muscles. After making sure there was nothing serious, he said: "This is not the place to talk. Let's continue on our way!"

"Okay, okay!" The other students nodded immediately, except Aduma who followed suit.

Only Leng Rushuang sat on the ground and said calmly: "I'm tired from walking and want to rest for a while. You can go first."

Her voice is elegant and pleasant, and she speaks Mandarin very fluently. If she hadn't been introduced before that she was from Xinjiang, I wouldn't have believed it.

It turned out that Adu had long been tired of playing Meow Meow, so the cool and noble Leng Rushuang in the team naturally became his next target. But the scene just now successfully scared him, and he didn't dare to think anything wrong. He just nodded and walked forward while supporting Miaomiao.

I'm also a little confused about Leng Rushuang's thoughts. Why does she want to stay?

The man in sunglasses is very skilled, but his attitude towards him and her is respectful. What is the relationship between the two of them? Bodyguard or master and servant?

What surprised me even more was that Taoist Huang actually stayed, picking his feet happily. A pungent sour smell suddenly came over me, and I covered my mouth with my hands without thinking.

Leng Rushuang's eyes changed, and his eyes fell on the eternal spirit ring I was wearing. He smiled slightly and said to the man in sunglasses behind him: "You should also sit down and rest."

"Yes!" The man in sunglasses hummed and sat down three steps away from her.

Taoist Huang finished picking his feet and said to himself: "This fog is obviously a little weird. I wander around here and there even if I can't get out for a hundred years, I might as well conserve my energy."

After resting for a moment, dense footsteps were heard again in the forest. I followed the sound and looked over. As expected, Adu came back with the student gang. It was obvious that they had made another big circle in vain.

As soon as several students saw us, they immediately knelt on the ground wailing: "Holy shit, what the hell is going on? Why are we back again?"

"Boss, think of a solution quickly! If this continues, we will all be doomed."

"Why are you anxious?" Adu said unhappily: "We got lost entirely because of these annoying white fogs. When the fog dissipates, we will naturally find a way out..."

"What if this fog doesn't clear for a while? What will we do then? It's all your fault for leading us down this road." One of the students said dissatisfied.

"Do you deserve a beating?" Adu clenched his fists angrily: "I didn't ask you to follow me, who asked you to follow me?"

Seeing that they were about to start a quarrel, Taoist Huang suddenly said: "Can't we tell the direction by the position of the sun?"

He raised his head and looked at the sky. However, the trees in the big forest were very dense, and the leaves were stacked on top of each other, blocking all the light. Not to mention the sun, not even a small patch of sky could be seen.

When Taoist Huang saw this, he couldn't help but said, "It would be great if there were people with dexterity who could climb the big tree."

When he said this, everyone's eyes fell on the man in sunglasses. After all, the man in sunglasses shocked everyone with his move just now. It's just that he didn't seem to hear it at this moment, standing behind Leng Rushuang without saying a word.

Finally, a student from the team came out and said, "Forget it, I'll do it! I've participated in several sports meets in school."

After saying that, he put down his photography equipment and climbed up the tree with great skill. It's just that the trees here are extremely slippery. The student just climbed three or four meters and fell down. His calf was also broken and he was grinning in pain.

Seeing that climbing the tree was no longer possible, Uncle Niu turned red and asked me, "Brother Zhang, what should we do?"

I looked at him and said: "This fog is a bit evil. I don't think it will clear for a while. Let's continue to find the way!"

Uncle Niu was impatient to rest for a long time. He nodded immediately when he heard the voice: "Okay, okay!" It seemed that his son would be in danger if he stayed for one more minute.

I stood up, and Uncle Niu carefully carried the calf on his back. Just when we were about to set off, Adu suddenly shouted: "Why are you going?"

This kid really deserves a beating, and he behaves like a leader to everyone. I replied with some disdain: "We are not the same as you, and we have no friendship. We can leave whenever we want. Do we still have to say hello to you?"

Perhaps the words were too direct, which made Adu's face look ugly.

I snorted, not intending to offend him at all, and Uncle Niu walked forward without looking back. Unexpectedly, Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses also followed. As a result, other students couldn't sit still. They threw away their photography equipment and followed Uncle Niu and me.

As I walked, I recalled the thin woman’s reminder before going out: Don’t take the high road, take the small road!

What does it mean to be a thin woman?

It seems that she and the fat driver must have been to the Immortal Village. If I had known that I would get lost, I should have asked her carefully.

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