Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,559: Broken Illusions (Additional Update)

So, is the road we are taking now a big road or a small road?

I suddenly stopped and carefully observed the road under my feet. Many people must have walked on this road. It was well-trodden and there were not even a few weeds on it.

Assuming it is the avenue that thin women talk about, then where is the trail hidden?

Seeing that I stopped, Taoist Huang hurriedly came over: "This little brother, why did you stop suddenly..."

I thought hard for a moment, and suddenly made up my mind. Without thinking, I gave up on the path under my feet and led Uncle Niu into the grass that was half a person tall.

The student party behind him looked confused. Miao Miao held Adu's arm and said, "Is there something wrong with this guy's brain? Let's not follow him."

While Adu was still hesitating, Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses had already followed me without thinking, followed closely by Huang Taoist. Adu thought for a while and came with a group of students.

The student who was injured while climbing a tree could no longer walk, collapsed to the ground, and let out a series of wailings!

Leng Rushuang winked at the man in sunglasses, who immediately stepped forward and carried the student on his back. Although he was tall and thin, he was surprisingly strong, and the student immediately felt much more comfortable.

A group of us groped forward for an unknown amount of time, and finally found an old chain bridge at the end of the forest.

This chain bridge is suspended between two peaks. It is very simple. The two rusty iron chains are covered with a layer of wooden boards. Some of the wooden boards are in disrepair and have rotted, exposing many large holes.

When the wind blows, the chain bridge makes a rattling sound and looks extremely dangerous!

At this time, the sky had turned dark, and dark clouds covered half of the sky. Uncle Niu seemed very happy. He pointed at the chain bridge and said: "Brother Zhang, this must be the bridge leading to Bulao Village. Let's... let's go there quickly."

"Don't worry! Now that we're here, it won't take more than an hour and a half." I comforted him in a low voice, and then said to the people behind me: "I'm going to the other side to explore the situation now. If you think there is danger, don't follow, stay where you are. Do not move."

After saying this, he walked onto the chain bridge without looking back.

Although I am not afraid of heights, I started to feel dizzy when I was swaying, and my palms were all sweaty. I took a deep breath and glanced down. I saw that the bottomless mountain stream was like a bloody mouth that could swallow me up at any time.

I suddenly felt that my legs were a little weak. At this moment, Leng Rushuang reminded me from behind: "Keep moving forward, don't be distracted."

Although she is young, she speaks with a maturity that belies her age.

I looked back at her and saw that she and I were very close, separated only by a few boards.

I smiled gratefully at her, took a deep breath and continued to move forward.

By the time I managed to walk across the chain bridge, all my clothes were soaked with sweat.

Immediately afterwards, Leng Rushuang and others also followed one by one. Except for Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses, everyone else had pale faces and trembling legs...

Although the road near the chain bridge is also dilapidated, it has obviously been carefully repaired. The ground is paved with gravel and extends deep into the mountain.

Uncle Niu's eyes lit up instantly: "I found it, I found it! It must be here!"

I turned my head and glanced at everyone, and found that everyone had a trace of greed on their expressions.

I suddenly felt that the group of people in front of me didn't seem simple. Maybe they were like me and were not lost in the mountains at all. This trip was to find the location of the Immortal Village!

We kept silent along the way and continued walking along the gravel road.

The legendary Fu Lao Village is at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by cliffs. The houses in the village are very simple, they are all the oldest stone houses. Because it is getting late, there are only a few scattered lights on.

The first thing Uncle Niu did when he entered the village was to look for water wells, as if the water there was a panacea to save people's lives. However, the water wells in the village were all in the yards of each household, and there were no public wells outside. Uncle Niu was running around with his head full. Even though I was sweating, I couldn't find a drop of water.

I looked around and felt that this small village seemed like a pool of stagnant water, so quiet that it was almost scary.

Uncle Niu couldn't find the well, so he could only knock on the door anxiously. After a long time, a stooped old man slowly opened a crack in the door and asked in a hoarse voice: "Who is it?"

Uncle Niu said excitedly: "Is there anyone there? Hurry... open the door and help."

The old man looked Uncle Niu up and down: "Whose life can I save?"

"Quick, save my son's life!" Uncle Niu showed the calf on his back to the old man and shouted impatiently: "Quick... give us some water."

The old man didn't think much, turned around and went into the house and brought out a bowl of water. Uncle Niu took it as if he had found a treasure and fed it to the calf's mouth without thinking: "Son, drink this water quickly. All diseases will be cured after drinking it."

Mavericks had been tortured all day and was in a very bad state of mind. He heard the sound in a daze and barely opened his mouth.

Uncle Niu carefully poured the water in. After just two sips, the calf coughed violently. Not only did he spit out all the water, he even coughed up some blood clots.

Uncle Niu was completely panicked: "Son, are you okay?"

He looked at the old man for help: "What's going on?"

The old man blinked: "How do I know?" After thinking about it carefully, he immediately reacted: "You must have heard the legend of the Village of Youth and came here to find the Fountain of Youth."

Uncle Niu nodded dully.

The old man took back the water ladle unceremoniously: "Idiot, there are no villages and springs like that in the world. They are all made up to deceive children."

After hearing this, Uncle Niu felt as if he had lost his soul. He looked at his son and the village for a while.

I can probably understand his mood, just like a mountain climbing enthusiast who wants to conquer the mountain just to see the beautiful scenery on the top. But when he spent all his energy to climb up the mountain, he found that there was nothing on the top of the mountain. That kind of disappointment would defeat any strong person.

Uncle Niu lost hope and was completely stunned.

But Adu couldn't wait any longer. He pointed at the student who was put down by the man in sunglasses and said, "Old man, my friend is injured. Is there any medicine?"

The old man asked: "Where was it injured?"

"Leg, his leg seems to be broken!" Adu said.

The old man said: "My leg is broken. Ordinary medicine is not easy to use. I have to go to Lao Luotou. He is the only person in our village who can set bones."

"Old man, please take us there quickly." Adu urged.

"Okay, okay." The old man was wearing a coat. As if he hadn't noticed us, he led Adu and others to the other end of the village without raising his head.

Watching their retreating figures, Taoist Huang came over and asked, "What are we going to do?"

Before I could speak, Leng Rushuang had already turned around and told the man in sunglasses: "This village is not normal, let's follow and take a look."

The man in sunglasses hummed and quickly followed her footsteps.


I looked around. What was wrong with this village besides being quieter?

After much deliberation, I couldn't think of a way out, so I simply walked over to Uncle Niu. At this moment, he was carefully wiping the blood from the corner of the calf's mouth. When he saw me, he asked blankly: "Brother Zhang, the Immortal Village is fake. I The sky is falling."

Seeing him like this, I felt really unspeakable. Thinking of Fanfan and looking at Mavericks, I sympathized with the father and son even more, and immediately comforted me: "Nothing is difficult in the world, only for those who are willing. You and Mavericks went through so many hardships to find the Bulao Village. How can you just give up?" ? Let’s also go to Old Luo Tou’s house to have a look, this Old Luo Tou should know some medical skills, in case there is any folk remedy that can cure the calf’s disease.”

Although I also know that this possibility is slim, I still have to give Uncle Niu some hope.

After listening to my words, Uncle Niu's dull eyes lit up again. Without saying a word, he picked up the calf and walked forward. On the way, he did not forget to thank me: "Brother Zhang, you are such a rare good person! If I were God bless the calf to survive, I will definitely let him recognize you as his godfather, and I will honor you well from now on."

Godfather, let’s forget it! I smiled helplessly.

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