Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,661 A person is missing

When Uncle Niu woke me up, the man in sunglasses was no longer in the room, but his quilt was neatly folded and placed aside.

Uncle Niu shouted anxiously: "Brother Zhang, wake up quickly, something happened, a student is missing!"

I opened my eyes in a daze and saw the genius Meng Mengliang. At this time, I was afraid that the rooster had not crowd: "Which student is missing? Why are he gone?"

"I was left to take care of the one with a broken leg. He said he had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night last night, but I didn't take it seriously. Who knew he didn't come back even after going there all night. It's already dawn, so he wouldn't have met Are you in any danger?" Uncle Niu asked nervously.

"Go out and look for it!" I hurriedly put on my clothes and walked out the door.

I found that Leng Rushuang was not in the house either. Could it be that he was also missing? Probably not. With a master like the man in sunglasses following her, no stranger could get within three steps of her. Moreover, the quilt of the man in sunglasses was folded neatly, and it looked like he had finished folding it when he left the door.

Uncle Niu and I walked around the village twice but didn't find the missing student.

The old people went to bed early and got up early. There were already many old people doing morning exercises in the village. Uncle Niu and I asked them about the whereabouts of the missing students, but unfortunately all of them were old and dim. We struggled to describe it for a long time, but they still asked at the top of their lungs: "Ah, what are you talking about?"

I was so angry that I almost vomited blood.

It didn't take long for the others to wake up. They heard that a student was missing and helped to search for him. However, we turned the entire village upside down and found no sign of the student.

Adu scolded dissatisfiedly: "This stupid thing, did he escape by himself first..."

Uncle Niu said hurriedly: "It shouldn't be possible. He went out in the middle of the night. If nothing else, how could he get through the cable bridge in the dark?"

"Since we haven't left, and the village is only so big, where will people go?" I couldn't help but feel worried at this moment.

At this moment, Meow Meow also woke up and sat on the low wall eating potato chips. When he saw Adu come back, he pouted and asked, "Why are you going? You disappeared as soon as I woke up. I thought you were there." You left me here alone! Do you want to eat?"

Adu shook his head unhappily: "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, and you are almost turning into a pig! A buddy is missing, come down and help us find him together."

Miaomiao was very dissatisfied with Adu's words and snorted coldly: "He is not my father or my brother, why are you looking for him? Adu, if you dislike me, just say so and I will give up my position immediately so that you can Go after that cold goddess!"

Her words reminded Adu, who asked me in confusion: "Where is Leng Rushuang?"

"I don't know, it was gone when I woke up in the morning."

Before I finished speaking, Adu jumped up anxiously: "What, could something happen to Rushuang too?"

Just when we were worried, Leng Rushuang strolled back to the village with a man wearing sunglasses. When Adu saw her, he quickly greeted her: "Miss Leng, are you okay?"

Leng Rushuang looked puzzled: "I just got up and went for a walk in the morning, what's wrong?"

Aduru was granted amnesty: "It turned out to be just a walk, which made me worry in vain..."

Miaomiao said angrily from the side: "Yes, some people are worried that you are dead, and their hearts almost jump out of their hearts."

Leng Rushuang frowned, and Adu scolded her: "You stinky cousin, shut up!"

Meowth closed his mouth in jealousy.

I asked: "Miss Leng, a student in the team is missing, have you seen it?"

Leng Rushuang shook her head in surprise, and it was obvious that she was not lying.

Where did the missing students go?

Everyone fell into silence for a while, and Adu said: "Maybe this kid got lost in the bathroom. Don't worry too much, he might be back later."

As soon as he finished speaking, Miao Miao suddenly pointed at Leng Rushuang and said, "It's you, you must have killed that student!"

Although everyone did not believe that such a delicate beauty like Leng Rushuang could kill someone, the man in sunglasses next to her was different. So several people looked at you and me, and they all became more and more suspicious.

After something like this happened, I became the target of suspicion again. Leng Rushuang's reaction was beyond my expectation. She just stood there without saying a word, and her expression didn't even change.

I can't help but admire this little girl!

Adu took a few steps forward and asked in a calm voice: "Miss Leng, can you tell me where you went for a walk in the morning?"

Leng Rushuang shrugged and said, "Sorry, no comment."

Such direct contempt made Adu very unhappy, while Miao Miao became excited: "How about it, she can't tell you? She must have killed someone. I have long felt that something is wrong with her, she must not be a good person."

Leng Rushuang had no intention of explaining and turned to leave. Adu suddenly rushed forward and said: "You can't leave, you must speak clearly!" Seeing the critical moment, he couldn't care less about the goddess or not.

But before Adu could get close to Leng Rushuang, he was stopped by the man in sunglasses.

The man in sunglasses has a murderous look in his eyes. As long as Adu takes another step forward, he will definitely take action...

Adu was not a fool. He knew that he was no match for the man in sunglasses, so he gritted his teeth and left the village with Miaomiao.

The old people in Fu Lao Village were still busy working in their yards. No one made a sound, and they seemed to be indifferent to our coming and going.

However, not long after, Adu and Miaomiao turned back again, both of them looking very unhappy. Uncle Niu asked in surprise: "Why are you back? Did you leave something behind?"

Adu replied with a gloomy face: "The chain bridge is broken and we can't get out..."

"Ah?" Uncle Niu's eyes widened in shock.

As soon as Adu finished speaking, I suddenly felt that things were starting to develop in a strange direction. Could it be that the legend of Bu Lao Village was true, and was there really any secret here that I didn't know about?

After thinking about it, I suddenly became interested and told Uncle Niu that I wanted to go to the Iron Chain Bridge to check it out. After walking a few steps, Taoist Huang followed up: "Little donor, I'll go with you!"

I nodded and said nothing more.

Huang Taoist obviously wanted to get close to me, and he was extremely enthusiastic along the way: "Little donor, I think you have an extraordinary temperament. You are definitely not an ordinary person. What do you do?"

"I didn't expect you could read faces." I couldn't help but joke.

Taoist Huang said with a smile: "That's right, we in the Taoist sect must know something about everything."

When I got to the edge of the cliff, I found that the chain bridge was indeed broken. I checked carefully and found that the broken chain was not rotten, but had been cut off with a sharp weapon.

It seems like there must be someone who doesn't want us to leave the Immortal Village and wants to trap us here!

Since the chain bridge is broken, it means our escape route is cut off. We can't get out, and people from outside can't get in. Who did this? What is his purpose?

I was thinking about the question along the way, and I didn't answer the Taoist Huang who talked to me several times.

Maverick's condition was relatively calm, but the injured student was too excited and struggled to get out of bed to find his friend, which caused injuries. Fortunately, Uncle Niu stopped him in time, and Lao Luotou gave him medicine again, so there were no serious consequences.

Since I was trapped in Fu Lao Village, I simply walked around the village a few times to find out the details of Fu Lao Village. There are a total of more than thirty residents in Fu Lao Village, and not surprisingly, all of them are old people. Each one of them is staggering and their pace of life is extremely slow. It seems that he is used to living in a paradise, so he is relatively conservative and is extremely indifferent to our arrival. Even if he sees us, he seems not to have seen us.

And they are older. No matter what you say to them, their expressions are the same from beginning to end.


It's like being deaf.

In the evening I returned to the old couple's house, and Leng Rushuang was sitting in the yard playing with the golden compass in her hand.

When Leng Rushuang saw me coming back, she nodded lightly as a greeting, while the man in sunglasses stood upright in the corner of the yard waiting.

I slowly sat next to Leng Rushuang. From such a close distance, I could clearly see the compass in her hand. This compass is made entirely of fine pure gold and has sixteen directions in total. Each direction is inlaid with a gemstone of a different color. It looks like a priceless antique at first glance.

At this moment, the compass needle was rotating slowly, as if it was trying to find something.

"Ask." Leng Rushuang suddenly spoke.

"What?" I was stunned.

"Aren't you always curious about me and want to know my identity?" Leng Rushuang raised her head and looked at me unblinkingly with her long eyelashes and big eyes.

After saying that, she said to herself: "My shopkeeper Zhang, you have been in the world of femininity for so many years, you should have heard of the name of Eastern European Sirloin, right?"

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