Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,622 Tianshan Leng Family

Eastern European Sirloin!

I have indeed heard this word mentioned by a man in a t-shirt. The business of yinwu has its origins very early. There have been traders of yinwu in all dynasties. Gradually, four huge families have accumulated, namely, Eastern Europe, Xileng, and Nanlong. Beizhang.

South Long and Beizhang are Longquan Villa entrenched in the south and Jiangbei Zhang Family guarding the north.

As for the so-called Eastern European Western Cold, although its strength is much weaker than the first two, it should not be underestimated! Eastern Europe refers to the lineage of Ou Yezi's weapon refiners who made their fortune in the East. They have forged many magical weapons over the years.

Xileng is the Leng family who has lived in the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang for generations. In the past, the Leng family produced many outstanding figures, who were among the best in the world of yinwu. However, as the years changed, the Leng family's talents withered and they gradually became lonely.

Unexpectedly, Leng Rushuang is actually from the Leng family in Tianshan!

Needless to say, the compass in her hand must also be an amazing femininity.

But why did she come here, and how did she know my identity?

As if seeing the doubts in my heart, Leng Rushuang smiled lightly and said: "The ring on your hand, when I first saw it, I felt the infinite power! This power seems to be stronger than the Leng family's Ice Soul Divine Sword. Even stronger.”

It turned out that the ring betrayed me.

"Why did you come to the Immortal Village?" Although I felt that I shouldn't ask this question at the moment, I still couldn't help it.

Leng Rushuang chuckled: "Of course I came to Fu Lao Village to find the Three Emperors Cauldron!"

Three Emperors Cauldron, just hearing the name is very domineering!

My eyes widened with great interest: "What is that, a very powerful vagina?"

"That's right!" Leng Rushuang explained to me: "During the Ming Dynasty, because the country had been peaceful for too long and there were no foreign enemies to invade, the Emperor Jiajing gradually lost his enterprising spirit and did not go to court for several years. He only wants to live forever! He built Taoist temples across the country and even made Taoist priests officials with great power to help him refine the elixir of immortality."

"The Jiajing Emperor not only believed in Taoism himself, but also asked the ministers below to follow Taoism. Those who believed in Taoism were promoted and made rich, while those who did not believe in Taoism were thrown into death row and died of torture in prison. In order to satisfy his Taoism, he selected people several times The women entered the palace and collected dew for themselves to drink every morning. I don’t know how many palace maids died from exhaustion. In the end, the group of palace maids could not bear it anymore and almost strangled Emperor Jiajing with ribbons when he was sleeping. This is the famous Renyin Palace Incident in history. .”

I thought for a while: "Isn't the Three Emperors Cauldron the alchemy furnace used by Emperor Jiajing?"

Leng Rushuang saw that I knew how to understand, so she couldn't help but clapped her hands: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, who is famous in the Yinwu circle, is really awesome! You guessed it right, the Three Emperors Cauldron was built by Landao Xing, the then national master, for Emperor Jiajing. He Using living people to make elixirs, I have always wanted to find a way to live forever."

I looked at Leng Rushuang in confusion: "Why are you looking for the Three Emperors Cauldron?"

"For the purpose of training." Leng Rushuang said to me very cheerfully: "When the Leng family reaches a certain age, they must go out to practice. Only by surrendering a certain number of evil things can they become the family patriarch! It is for this purpose that I brought Ah Before going out, I have conquered several vaginal objects, and then the Golden Compass brought me here."

I nodded.

Leng Rushuang said: "Shopkeeper Zhang, you are also in the business of yin objects. You should know that every yin object has its own special ability. The ability of the Three Emperors Cauldron can prevent people from getting sick, so the old man in Fu Lao Village has lived a long life. Their great age is the result of the Three Emperors Cauldron. Don't look at their appearance, but they are only seventy or eighty years old. In fact, everyone is over a hundred years old. This is also the reason why there are no young people in the Immortal Village. People age little by little. It has lost its fertility, so there is no new life to join, only a group of aging souls lingering here."

"No wonder!" I thought the Immortal Village was a bit weird before, but it turns out the weirdness is here.

"And..." Leng Rushuang continued: "I don't know if you have noticed, but apart from the elderly, there are no livestock or poultry in Bulao Village. Even our meals have no meat, they are all vegetarian!"

I noticed that there was no meat, but I did not notice the absence of livestock and poultry. When she said this, I immediately discovered this detail.

I thought of the Fountain of Youth that Uncle Niu mentioned to me before, and asked doubtfully: "Is there any relationship between the Three Emperors Cauldron and the Demonic Fountain of Youth?"

"There is no magic spring of youth in this world." Leng Rushuang whispered: "The so-called magic spring of youth is just an ordinary spring. In order to avoid being disturbed by outsiders, Lan Daoxing traveled all over China to find an outstanding person. He finally chose this place as a good place. He built an underground palace and made alchemy in the underground palace. In order to make it easier to get water, he dug a spring. Later, Lan Daoxing Dan failed to be practiced and the person disappeared, so this place became the Slowly being forgotten..."

"Because Lan Daoxing used living people to make elixirs, the Three Emperors Cauldron was filled with resentment, and gradually became a yin object! The yin object moistened the spring, and the water flowing out also changed. This is the so-called Demonic Spring of Agelessness. "

Listening to her talk, I couldn't help but have a little doubt: "Why do you know so much about the ins and outs of the Three Emperors Cauldron?"

Leng Rushuang shook the compass in his hand at me: "The golden compass told me! Don't think that only your ring is a treasure, my compass is also a rare treasure. This is one of the three treasures of the Tianshan Mountains of the Leng family, because this My father lent it to me because my trip would be dangerous. The golden compass will detect any yin object within a few hundred miles, and will automatically classify it into grades, and can even find out its origins based on yin energy."

Damn it! Isn't this the damned version of Du Niang with enhanced power?

I am far more interested in the golden compass in Leng Rushuang's hand than the Three Emperors Cauldron.

However, why did she choose to say this to me at this time? I looked at her with some confusion.

Although Leng Rushuang is young, she is extremely smart. She smiled immediately after meeting my gaze and said, "Actually, I don't have any good intentions. Although I know that the Three Emperors Cauldron is here, I can't do it with my own ability." I can’t figure it out, that’s why I want to cooperate with you, shopkeeper Zhang Da, what do you think?”


Over the years, I have fought alone, except for the T-shirt man and Zen Master Baimei, who have fought side by side several times.

But when I think about it carefully, I can’t leave Fu Lao Village anyway since the chain bridge is broken, so I might as well find something to do for myself. Thinking of this, I readily agreed: "Okay!"

Leng Rushuang was very satisfied with my attitude. She smiled and asked me, "What do you think about the disappearance of the college student?"

"I didn't take it seriously before, but after hearing what you said, could his disappearance be related to the Three Emperors Cauldron?" I put forward my own opinion.

Leng Rushuang nodded: "There must be a huge secret hidden in the Three Emperors Cauldron, which requires the two of us to work together to decipher it."

I nodded: "Okay, no problem!"

Leng Rushuang suddenly said to me: "You should also pay more attention to the Taoist priest in the team. I think he must have some secrets!"

Yellow Taoist?

Seeing that I didn't understand, Leng Rushuang frowned and said, "I suspect that he is the successor of Lan Daoxing!"

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