Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 163: Drugging (Additional update)

Before Leng Rushuang said these words, to be honest, I didn't care much about Taoist Huang. I felt like a wretched rosacea, but now I began to secretly pay attention to Taoist Huang's every move!

I don't know whether Leng Rushuang overthinks it or whether Taoist Huang is a good actor. Apart from taking care of Mavericks and injured students every day, he does nothing else. He just talks to Lao Luo when he has nothing to do.

It's a pity that Lao Luotou ignored him at all, and Huang Taoist was so angry that he blew his beard and glared.

Adu and Miaomiao stopped arguing. Probably because they knew that Leng Rushuang was a piece of meat that they could not eat, Adu became very kind to Miaomiao. The two of them were glued to each other, hugging each other wherever they went. Very blind.

Even that night, their screams of joy echoed throughout the village, making me tossing and turning and unable to sleep.

Young people have good physical strength and are not tired after working hard for so long!

When I woke up the next morning, Leng Rushuang went out again with a man in sunglasses. Because he had made it clear yesterday, I guessed that the two of them must be looking for the specific location of the Three Emperors Cauldron again.

Since the Three Emperors Cauldron was in the underground palace, it might take some effort to find it, so I didn’t think much about it. I simply washed my face and prepared to go to Lao Luotou’s house to have a look.

Uncle Niu happened to be at the door. Uncle Niu shouted in panic: "Brother Zhang, I was just going to find you! Another student is missing, the one with a broken leg."

"What?" I was also a little surprised at this time. After all, the man in front of him had hands and feet. If he said he left on his own, I would still believe him. But this man with a broken leg couldn't get off the ground at all, so why did he disappear inexplicably?

I hurriedly went to the room where the injured students were placed with Uncle Niu, and found that the bed was empty and no one was there. Maverick was lying on the bed on the other side. Although he was still coughing, his face was much rosier than the previous days.

Uncle Niu said: "I took care of him last night, but why did he disappear when I woke up in the morning..."

Uncle Niu is a simple and honest old man. Although he has known these college students for a short time, he treats them as his children. Another person was missing at this moment, and he was sweating hotly.

I also realized that things were not as simple as I thought, so I hurried out and woke up Adu and Miaomiao. The two young men exerted too much force last night and were still awake at this time.

When I called the door, Sister-in-law Mao glared at me a few times in displeasure: "You guys, are you going to let people live in peace?"

She must have been extremely dissatisfied with Adu and Miaomiao's performance last night.

Fortunately, Adu woke up soon. After learning that another person was missing, he hurriedly put on his clothes and went out with me. We searched twice in Fu Lao Village without any clues. The two college students seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and they seemed to have never been here at all.

After Miao Miao woke up, she did not forget to pour dirty water on Leng Rushuang: "You don't believe what I say, what do you think? I'll just say that there is something wrong with that woman. She disappears every time someone disappears."

The jealousy of a woman is so terrible!

However, what she said was heard by Adu and Uncle Niu, and they actually thought it was reasonable, and even suggested that they should work together to control Leng Rushuang.

Adu said confidently: "Although that henchman in sunglasses is very skilled, he can't beat four hands with two fists. The three of us will fight him together, and we will definitely knock him down!"

I couldn't help but feel ashamed after hearing this.

Brother, I am a fighter among masters, so don’t let your eggs flutter against a rock, okay?

But Adu's words reminded me, where has the Yellow Taoist gone?

Every day when something like this happens, he always jumps out immediately. Why is he missing at this time?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly asked Adu about the whereabouts of the Yellow Taoist. Adu shook his head and said he didn't know. A few of us rushed into Huang Daoist's room and found that his luggage was still there, but he was missing.

This is great. Following the two college students, Taoist Huang also disappeared...

When Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses came back, they immediately felt a different atmosphere. She glanced at me curiously, and I shook my head slightly, signaling her not to ask any more questions.

Leng Rushuang was also very smart. The man wearing sunglasses entered the door without saying anything.

My cooperation with Leng Rushuang cannot be leaked yet, otherwise others will definitely take precautions!

I feel that apart from the Three Emperors Cauldron, there is also a bigger cloud of doubt surrounding the Elderly Village. It seems that every elderly person here has a problem.

Due to the disappearance of people one after another, Adu and Miaomiao were no longer in the mood for intimacy and were worried that it would be their turn next, so they simply moved in with Uncle Niu and his son.

I secretly told Leng Rushuang about the disappearance. Leng Rushuang frowned and thought for a long time and said, "This Taoist priest is really an old fox! I just told you yesterday to keep an eye on him, and he disappeared today. "

"Do you suspect it's him?" I asked.

Leng Rushuang hummed: "Although I don't know if the disappearance has anything to do with him, but he is definitely not a simple person..."

I found that every disappearance happened at night, so I decided to stay up tonight to see what would happen? After dinner, I held on for a while and my eyelids started to fight. Finally, I couldn't control myself and fell asleep.

At dawn, Uncle Niu came over and woke me up: "What should I do? Adu and Miaomiao are gone too!"

"What?" I was shocked and finally realized the seriousness of the matter. It's definitely not easy for people to disappear one after another like this. What's even more surprising to me is that I slept so well that I woke up until dawn. There must be something fishy in this.

I arrived at Lao Luotou's house, but Lao Luotou was not there. Uncle Niu said that he had gone to the village party secretary's house for a meeting, and I was confused. What kind of meeting could be held in such a broken village?

Uncle Niu pointed to the bed and said, "Adu and Miaomiao slept here yesterday, but they disappeared as soon as I woke up."

At this time, Maverick suddenly coughed twice weakly. Uncle Niu leaned over distressedly: "Son, are you okay? Does it hurt?"

The calf's mouth moved slightly, as if he had something to say.

I quickly put my ear to it and heard him say in a weak voice: "Brother, don't drink the water."

Don't drink water, what does that mean?

A sudden inspiration came to me, and I suddenly remembered a question that I had ignored.

All the problems were in the water, we were drugged!

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