Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 167: Weird things in the hotel

The Leng family is not a small family. Since they can control the entire western world, they must be unique in their own way!

Since Leng Rushuang is the candidate for the patriarch of the Leng family, he must be strong as well.

On the way together, I observed her secretly for a long time. She was cold on the outside and hot on the inside. She was very sophisticated in what she did. She was accompanied by a man in sunglasses who was extremely skilled in martial arts.

I didn't know much about the Leng family in Tianshan, but I started to wonder about their family situation. Don't most families choose men to be their patriarchs? Why did the Leng family choose a woman?

It's a pity that Leng Rushuang didn't speak most of the time, either playing with the golden compass in his hand or closing his eyes to meditate. The man in sunglasses was like a mute, holding me back until I almost vomited blood during the whole journey. I began to miss Li Mazi very much. Although he talked a lot, he could at least relieve my boredom.

On this day we crossed the Yangtze River and came to Tongling City.

Tongling has a long history. It was named after copper and prospered with copper. It is the ancient copper capital of China. It has a history of mining and smelting copper mines for more than 3,000 years. After entering the city, Leng Rushuang rarely spoke up and asked: "Shop Manager Zhang, most of the yin objects we come into contact with are bronzes. How many of them do you think are cast from Tongling's copper?"

I didn't have time to pay attention to her jokes. At this moment, I finally saw the bright lights of the city. I just wanted to find a hotel as soon as possible to wash away the sour smell. They are busy traveling these days, and most of them live in remote villages and towns. The conditions are extremely difficult, and they have limited water to drink, let alone take a bath.

Fortunately, Leng Rushuang and I had the same mind. When we arrived in Tongling, we found a hotel with good conditions without saying a word, and we had a room per person and cleaned up first. Smelling the fragrance of shower gel emanating from my body, I felt like I was alive.

After Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses finished washing up, we found a restaurant downstairs to treat our stomachs that had been protesting for a long time, and the three of us gathered around to eat hot pot.

After eating and drinking, I asked Leng Rushuang: "Where should we go next? Is your golden compass reliable? Is it possible that it will lead you the wrong way?"

After walking with Leng Rushuang, I discovered that her family heirloom seemed to be too old and was not particularly useful, often leading us to a dead end. For example, one time, there was already a river in front of us, but it still insisted on us moving forward. Doesn't this force us to commit suicide?

Leng Rushuang's pretty face turned red: "What's next..."

She took out the golden compass and looked at it. She suddenly frowned and said, "Hey! There is a yin object nearby, and it's not low grade. It seems to be very powerful."

I looked around, pointed at the steaming hot pot and said, "If this is the vagina you are talking about, I will part ways with you."

"Don't make trouble." Leng Rushuang said seriously: "It's nearby!"

I didn't think she was joking, so I immediately became alert. I looked around and didn't feel anything was wrong. It was already past dinner time, and there were not many people in the hot pot restaurant. However, several customers at the next table were already drunk, and they didn't look like they were being controlled by evil spirits.

Leng Rushuang picked up the golden compass and left the hot pot restaurant without looking back, while the man in sunglasses followed silently.

Damn it, these two people didn't deliberately stage such a show just to make me pay, right?

I gritted my teeth and paid the bill and hurried out. In the end, Leng Rushuang didn't go anywhere and went back to the hotel directly, which only made me feel more cheated.

I followed them very unhappily. What was strange was that Leng Rushuang did not go back to his room, but took the elevator straight to the seventh floor.

The seventh floor was quiet at the moment, filled with an eerie silence, and there was a musty smell in the air.

At this moment, a middle-aged aunt was digging at a door in a twisted manner. Her hair was messy and she looked nervous, as if she had been possessed by a ghost.

Leng Rushuang glanced at me alertly. I looked carefully and found that the middle-aged aunt's heels were turned up.

Generally speaking, people who hang themselves will kick their feet around because they are in too much pain before death, so their heels will not touch the ground. It seems that the person possessing the middle-aged aunt should be a hanged ghost.

The middle-aged aunt was banging on the door. After a while, a man's confused voice came from the door: "Who is this in the middle of the night?"

The middle-aged aunt didn't reply, she just knocked on the door numbly.

Soon there was the sound of the door opening, and the middle-aged aunt took out a gleaming fruit knife from her bag with a grin. Seeing that a murder was about to occur, the man in sunglasses rushed forward immediately after receiving Leng Rushuang's order, and kicked the middle-aged woman off guard, causing the fruit knife in his hand to fly out.

The guy in sunglasses didn't have any respect for the elderly and cherished the young. He struck hard and hard. He knocked the middle-aged aunt to the ground with three punches and two kicks, and then

He sat on her and held her mouth with his hand to prevent her from biting his tongue.

A man wearing only big underpants quickly came out of the door. Seeing the scene in front of him, he asked dumbfounded: "Who are you, and what do you want from me? I have to call the police in the middle of the night."

Leng Rushuang came over to check on the middle-aged aunt and said: "It is indeed controlled, but the strange thing is that it is not possessed. It seems that this Yin spirit has some magic and can remotely control other people's thoughts."

I hummed, but before I could say anything, the man in big pants shouted in horror: "What are you talking about, this waiter is possessed by a ghost? Is that woman looking for me? Why did I go to Tongling or not?" Will you let me go."

That woman?

As soon as I thought about it, I immediately realized what secrets the man in the big pants might be hiding, and I walked into his room carelessly.

This is a very ordinary hotel private room. The bed is covered with dirty clothes, and it looks like they were taken off by men. The man in big pants looked very panicked at our uninvited appearance and asked stammeringly: "Who are you? What is going on here."

My eyes searched carefully in the room, and finally fell on a tool bag in the corner. My intuition told me that there was an urn of a dead person hidden in that tool bag!

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