Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 168 The Old Carpenter and the Young Carpenter

Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses followed her into the room. The man in sunglasses roughly threw the middle-aged aunt on the bed, then leaned aside and smoked silently.

The middle-aged aunt neither struggled nor shouted, she just stared straight at the man in big pants, her eyes filled with infinite tenderness: "Why don't you come and marry me? Didn't you already personally agree?"

The man in big pants turned pale with fright, leaning against the wall and trembling.

Leng Rushuang felt that the middle-aged aunt talked too much, so she walked up to her and put the magic talisman on her forehead unceremoniously. The middle-aged aunt's body suddenly twitched, and she fainted. But before she closed her eyes, she still muttered: "Come and marry me, you promised. You can't run away, I will always follow you!"

Seeing that the middle-aged aunt had passed out, Leng Rushuang ordered the man in sunglasses: "Throw her out, otherwise she will cause unnecessary trouble when she wakes up later."

I couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you try to communicate with the Yin spirits and ask about the causes and consequences?"

Leng Rushuang said: "What can you ask if she looks like this?"

Without saying a word, the man in sunglasses picked up the middle-aged aunt, opened the door, and threw her into the corridor like trash. The whole set of movements was so smooth that I and the man in big pants beside me were dumbfounded.

Leng Rushuang looked at the man in big pants with disgust: "What are you doing standing there stupidly? Put on your clothes, we have something to ask you."

The man in big pants agreed dully, rushed into the bathroom with his clothes, and soon stumbled out.

Leng Rushuang looked at him and asked: "Who are you and what do you do? What trouble did you get into? Why is there a female ghost haunting you? And..." She glanced at the corner with her eyes. Kit: "Whose ashes are in there?"

The man opened his mouth wide: "How do you know there are ashes in the bag?"

Leng Rushuang interrupted him impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, just answer whatever I ask you." His attitude was extremely domineering, and he actually carried a dignity that was inconsistent with his age.

I couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

The man shrank his shoulders: "The ashes belong to my master. We are both carpenters, and others call us the old carpenter and the young carpenter. I have had no parents since I was a child. It was my master who raised me. Now there are many people in the city. There are furniture shops, but very few people know how to make furniture. Only remote rural areas still retain this habit. So as long as I can remember, I have followed the master traveling all over the country to make all kinds of furniture for others. The master is ingenious and the furniture he makes is beautiful. It is durable and very popular among the people, and we have always had a lot of work. The master said that he was old and asked me to seize the time to learn the craft, so that he could retire and enjoy happiness. I just didn’t expect that a month ago..."

It seemed that the show was about to begin, so I immediately sat up straight and seriously.

The little carpenter swallowed nervously and said: "A month ago, the master and I went to a small village in Zhejiang to help people make furniture. The youngest son of that family was getting married and wanted to make two sets of wedding cabinets. This kind of cabinet Master and I didn’t know how many we fought, so we didn’t take it seriously at all, but that village was really weird.”

"What kind of weird method?" I asked curiously.

"Maybe it's because of the remote location. The villagers there have very weird tempers and guard us like thieves. I feel like I'm being followed wherever I go, and I can often hear women's screams in the middle of the night. At that time, I thought it was haunted, so I told the master secretly. The master told me not to mind my own business and focus on making furniture. We finished the wedding cabinet quickly, and the master also painted it with beautiful red paint. "The little carpenter replied.

"We were about to leave after finishing the furniture, but just in time a house in the village collapsed. There was only a lonely old lady living in that house. The people in the village saw that she was pitiful, so they pooled their money to help her rebuild the house. My master Because I know how to be a carpenter, I was kept here. The master said that he would save more money and help me find a wife in the future, but I didn’t expect that before I got a wife, the master died first..."

When the little carpenter said this, he started crying.

This child is pitiful enough.

I sighed and was about to say a few words of comfort to him when Leng Rushuang said sarcastically from the side: "How come you, a grown man, always cry when something happens?"

I couldn't help but persuade: "He and his master depended on each other for life, and they must have the same relationship as father and son. Well, don't be too sad. Tell me how your master died?"

"I don't know either." The little carpenter wiped away his tears and said, "We have been helping the lonely old lady build a house, but one day I fell asleep and heard a woman's voice in my ear asking if it was... Looking for a wife? I answered in a strange way and said yes, and the woman asked me to follow her. I don’t know if it was sleepwalking or something, but I actually got out of bed and followed her."

"That voice seemed to have magic power and kept guiding me. I followed that voice and walked and walked, and I actually went to a magnificent mansion. I pushed the door and walked in, and found that there was no one inside, but there was no one there. It was hung with red lanterns, and it looked like it was going to be a happy event. As soon as I entered the door, the voice disappeared, as if it was trying to play hide-and-seek with me, deliberately making things difficult for me to see if I could find her?"

"I walked around the house and finally found the woman in a room. She was wearing a bright red wedding dress and was sitting in front of the mirror combing her hair. She was longer than any woman I had ever seen before. She was all good-looking, her skin was as white as milk, especially her long black hair, which was full of temptation. I felt like I had lost my soul and walked over involuntarily. She looked at me without saying a word and just said She handed me the comb in her hand and asked me to comb her hair. I combed her hair step by step, and she muttered something like: if you comb your hair with one comb, you will not have to worry about wealth; if you comb your hair with two combs, you will be free from disease and worry; If you comb your hair three times, you will have more children and live longer; if you comb your hair again, you will fly together..."

The little carpenter was talking with an intoxicated expression on his face. Immediately afterwards, a faint evil aura emerged in the room!

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