Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 169: Dark Marriage

The evil spirit emanated from the old carpenter's urn. It was obvious that he was very dissatisfied and even angry with the young carpenter's words.

Leng Rushuang scolded: "Since you are dead, just stay in the jar for me. If you dare to be angry again, I won't be polite!"

Her voice had a tone of calmness, and the evil spirit immediately shrank back into the urn in fear.

The little carpenter was also startled by her voice, and asked in confusion: "Who are you, and why can you see ghosts?"

The expression on his face was very obvious, as if he thought we were bad people with ulterior motives. If we didn't explain clearly, he would not continue talking.

I said calmly: "We are all people who deal with ghosts. It was your master's ghost who asked us to help. You have provoked a powerful female ghost. If you don't get rid of it, it will stay with you for the rest of your life!"

Leng Rushuang snorted coldly, seeming to sneer at my lack of drafting of lies.

I rolled my eyes at her rudely. At this time, it was not easy for me to make up a few words to fool the little carpenter. Otherwise, how could I find a vagina?

Sure enough, after listening to my words, the little carpenter shed tears of excitement: "What do you mean, it turned out to be the ghost of the master who invited all the masters! Wow, the master is so kind to me. Even if he is dead, he still lets me go." No less than me."

This kid's tears are so worthless, right?

I coughed awkwardly: "Little carpenter, we are all busy people. Your master only took time out after pleading with us again and again. Please hurry up and talk about business."

The little carpenter nodded repeatedly: "I'm talking about business, I'm talking about business, master, you must save me!"

"At that time, the beautiful woman kept asking me to help her comb her hair, and then she talked to me all the time. She asked me if I wanted to marry a wife? I said I dreamed of it. She asked me if she was beautiful, and I said Of course she is beautiful. She asked me if I wanted her to marry me as my wife. I felt like I was possessed by a demon and nodded excitedly. She seemed very happy and told me that since she wanted to marry her, she should stay with her. The next thing was a token of engagement. I touched my trouser pocket and found that I didn’t have anything with me, so she asked me what was the most precious thing?”

When the little carpenter said this, I suddenly realized: "You wouldn't say that the master is your most precious thing, right?"

The little carpenter cried and slapped himself: "Yes! That's what I said at the time, and the master died inexplicably."

I turned my gaze to Leng Rushuang and found that she frowned slightly, as if she understood the cause and effect of the matter. There is no doubt that the little carpenter has met a very powerful female ghost. This can be seen from the fact that she can transform into a wedding bridal chamber. What's more, she can control other people's thoughts thousands of miles away and control others to kill the little carpenter. This kind of The strength is terrifying just thinking about it.

I have encountered many cases of female ghosts seeking their lives before. Most of them died because of injustice, so they turned into ghosts to take revenge on humans. I have also seen female ghosts seduce young men to suck their yang energy. Those men think that they are lucky and can have an affair in the middle of the night. Don’t they know that once they are entangled by a female ghost and their yang energy is sucked dry, their own My life has been decided...

It was just the first time I encountered something like a young carpenter being proposed to a female ghost, so I was particularly curious.

Generally speaking, only virgin ghosts who have not had contact with men before death will hope to find a man to have a bridal chamber after death to make up for the regrets of their lifetime. Therefore, until now, many remote places still have the habit of underworld marriage.

The so-called ghost marriage is to pair up two ghosts who were not married during their lifetime through the introduction of the goddess. The ghosts who have a partner are busy living their own lives, so they will not cause trouble and avoid making trouble at home. Moreover, women in ancient times had a humble status and were not qualified to enjoy incense. Once they died, they would become lonely ghosts. However, after getting married, they could enshrine the tablet to the man's home and enjoy the incense with him. It can be said that it is the best of both worlds!

However, with the development of society in recent years, ghost marriages have become less and less common, and there are fewer and fewer goddesses who can join in ghost marriages.

As long as there are many rules for ghost marriage, the first rule is the underworld kiss ceremony!

The so-called yin marriage ceremony, as the name suggests, is the betrothal gift nowadays when a living person marries a dead person. It can be a piece of jade pendant to wear, or it can be a verbal promise.

No matter what it is, you must never go back on it once you export it. As long as the ghost accepts the betrothal gift, you can choose a date to officially get married.

The young carpenter didn't know the key, so he boldly offered the old carpenter as a wedding gift to the female ghost. Naturally, the female ghost was going to take the old carpenter's life.

No wonder the old carpenter’s ghost got so angry when the young carpenter mentioned that the female ghost was still intoxicated!

I would be angry too! I raised you by pooping and peeing, but in the end, you killed me with just one word...

The little carpenter continued: "After I answered the woman, she smiled very happily, then took off her clothes and went to bed with me. We didn't sleep all night, and we were all excited about the bridal chamber. As a result, the next morning When I got up, I found myself lying in a cemetery. It was just dawn, and the gray surroundings were surrounded by small graves. I was so scared that I almost peed my pants. I was so scared that I fled back to Houxi Village! As a result, I As soon as I returned to the lonely old lady's house, I saw a group of people gathered in front of their house. I realized that something was wrong, so I pushed through the crowd and rushed in. I saw that my master was dead and was hit by a beam. His head was smashed, and his brains and blood were all over the floor."

When the little carpenter said this, he blamed himself again: "It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, the master would not have died."

I comforted him in a low voice: "This matter is not your fault. You, an ordinary person, are no match for the female ghost. You were just confused by the female ghost at that time."

The little carpenter looked at me with tears in his eyes: "Is this really the case?"

Suddenly he seemed to come to his senses and screamed: "Are you saying that the woman who slept with me that night was a ghost?"

Damn it, this idiot!

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