Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1071 Come back and marry me!

In order to prevent the female ghost from harassing the little carpenter again, Leng Rushuang left the man in sunglasses to take care of him while she left yawning. The little carpenter looked a little scared, so I briefly comforted him and went back to his room to rest.

After suffering these days, I can finally have a peaceful sleep.

Early the next morning, the man in sunglasses and the little carpenter joined us. Leng Rushuang asked the man in sunglasses: "Is that female ghost here again last night?"

The man in sunglasses nodded.

"Resolved?" Leng Rushuang asked with interest.

The man in sunglasses nodded again.

Leng Rushuang gently raised the corners of her lips, showing a very satisfied smile.

The exchange between these two people was simply shocking and beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like me, so I grabbed the little carpenter’s arm and led him out the door. According to yesterday's agreement, Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses went to Tongling Railway Station to buy tickets today, while I was responsible for escorting the young carpenter to the funeral parlor and temporarily storing the old carpenter's ashes there. After all, carrying a jar of ashes was a lot of work. inconvenient.

The young carpenter was unwilling to separate from his master at first, but Leng Rushuang signaled him to come over with a glance. The man in sunglasses slapped him and destroyed a table in the hotel.

Although this move successfully shocked the little carpenter, I believed that the hotel would come to settle the claim soon, so I took the little carpenter first and went out directly.

If I had to choose one place in the world that I like least, it would definitely be a funeral home. Because not only are there no valuable ghosts here, but there are many lonely ghosts, which is very annoying!

The procedure was extremely simple. We made a temporary storage cabinet for the old carpenter. When we put the urn in, the young carpenter looked unbearable and seemed to want to change his mind. I was afraid that this kid would get into trouble again and make others laugh, so I hurriedly comforted him: "Your master has been working hard all his life, so I just took this opportunity to let him rest. Although this place is not grand enough, it is only temporarily rented." Yes, when you return him and send him back to Henan for a grand burial, it will be considered that his upbringing was not in vain."

The little carpenter heard what I said and nodded immediately.

Things went extremely smoothly, and the little carpenter and I walked out of the funeral parlor. The little carpenter became very nervous when he thought about going back to Houxi Village. He kept chattering to me, asking me over and over again to ensure his safety.

I nodded, looking impatient. The moment I walked out of the door of the funeral home, I suddenly felt something strange. The eternal spirit ring on my finger seemed to remind me of the danger behind me.

I turned my head quickly and saw an old ghost standing in the funeral parlor looking at us worriedly.

He looked very nervous, as if he was worried about the little carpenter's safety.

If I guessed correctly, the ghost of the old carpenter should have escaped from the urn!

With the world bright and clear in broad daylight, does the old carpenter want to lose his mind? Although I knew clearly that he was worried about the little carpenter, I was still very dissatisfied with his behavior. I waved at him casually and told him to go back and hide in the urn.

The funeral parlor does not know how many undead it receives every day, so not only is the location chosen very particular, but before the construction begins, eminent monks and Taoist priests will be asked to practice leaving magic circles here. If these ghosts are disobedient, the magic circles buried underground will take care of them. Immediately stunned.

The little carpenter saw my waving action and asked in surprise: "Who are you saying goodbye to?"

"It's nothing." I wasn't going to tell the truth, so as not to scare him out of fear, but seeing the worried look in the old carpenter's eyes, I couldn't help but said to him: "Kowtow to your master three times! So that he won't miss it. you."

The little carpenter knelt down obediently and kowtowed three times.

When the ghost of the old carpenter saw it, he sighed helplessly and obediently got into the urn.

I took the little carpenter to the train station to meet Leng Rushuang.

Leng Rushuang bought the ticket. Because it was still early, the four of us waited boredly in the waiting hall. Leng Rushuang took out the golden compass and played with it again. The pointer rotated much faster than usual.

I asked curiously: "Why is it spinning again? What's going on."

Leng Rushuang said: "It's nothing. Don't look at where this place is. There are so many people coming and going at this train station every day, and they may have a few negative things with them. Or they may be treasures passed down from the family, or Or I picked it up on the road and bought it. The Golden Compass felt it, so it reminded me. But they are not good things. Look at the man over there..."

Leng Rushuang pointed with her hand.

I followed her line of sight and saw a fat, pig-like man sitting on a chair picking his feet. Perhaps because the weather was too hot, he opened his clothes, revealing his bare chest and dark chest hair, but the string of green rosary beads around his neck looked particularly green in the sunlight.

Leng Rushuang whispered: "That rosary is a yin object, but the grade is very low, not even middle grade. And... the jade beads are yin in nature. If a woman wears them, she will have continuous good fortune. If If it's worn by a man, it will break all the peach blossoms. Look how much that man looks like a single dog."

"Come on!" I rolled my eyes: "Have you ever seen such a fat dog? A single pig is just about the same."

Leng Rushuang and I laughed together.

As he was talking, another person suddenly walked over. She was an elderly woman, wearing an unusually bright floral skirt. At first glance, she looked like a standard square dancing aunt. She stared at the little carpenter and moved forward step by step, her eyes full of anger.

I looked carefully and saw that the old woman's heels were turned up again.

She should also be controlled by the female ghost!

I frowned and took out a medium-sized magic talisman and placed it on my lap.

The old woman also noticed my movements and took a few steps back in fear, not daring to step forward rashly, but she kept staring at the little carpenter.

The little carpenter was so stared at that she hid behind me in fear.

Brat, are you scared now? How do you feel so good when sleeping with a female ghost? I was so angry that I wanted to punch him to death, but I still comforted him: "Don't be afraid, we are here."

The old woman suddenly grinned and smiled strangely at the little carpenter: "You are finally coming back to marry me. I have been waiting for you."

As soon as she finished speaking, the old woman fell to the ground with a thud.

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