Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,772 The crow crows three times

This happened so suddenly that the surrounding passengers were frightened. But for fear of being offended, no one dared to help the old woman.

Fortunately, the old woman woke up quickly, but the fall was so strong that she cursed in pain: "What's going on? Why did I fall? Fortunately, it didn't break, otherwise how could I participate in the square dance competition?" He said, rubbing his butt and walking away without remembering what happened just now.

The radio also announced that ticket checking for our train had begun, and the four of us got on the train smoothly.

The train was speeding along. The man in sunglasses was very sleepy because he had stayed up all night watching the little carpenter last night. He climbed to the upper bunk and fell asleep quickly. Leng Rushuang was studying the golden compass with headphones on, ignoring the plans of the little carpenter and me.

The little carpenter had nothing to do, so he came over to chat with me: "Master, it seems that you are not simple, what do you do?"

Along the way, both Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses had a cold attitude, which really frustrated me. It's rare that there is a normal person who can communicate with me at this moment. Of course I will not miss this opportunity: "I am a femininity dealer."

"Female goods merchant? What does that do?" The little carpenter looked confused.

Before I could answer, Leng Rushuang said coldly from the side: "You don't understand even after I told you, why are you asking so many questions?"

The little carpenter shrank his neck in fright and did not dare to speak.

Look! ! You don't chat with me yourself, and you don't let others chat with me. Are you trying to suffocate me to death? I glared at her fiercely and said to the little carpenter in a friendly manner: "Penin objects are things used by dead people."

"Ah?" The little carpenter was startled: "It's so scary."

Leng Rushuang said again: "Is it scary? Don't you have one in your pocket? That comb."

When the little carpenter heard this, he turned pale with fright and almost fainted on the spot.

Damn it, we can’t talk today!

The little carpenter's face turned pale and he didn't say a word for the rest of the trip. Leng Rushuang was very satisfied with the effect and looked at me proudly several times. I had nothing to do, so I had no choice but to close my eyes and rest my mind. Who would have thought that I would actually fall asleep as well.

Drowsily, I had a dream.

I dreamed that I was back in the antique store, and Yin Xinyue was busy in the store. I looked at her back and felt extremely happy. Suddenly, she slowly turned around, and I realized that she was not Yin Xinyue at all. She had a breathtakingly beautiful face, with skin as smooth as cream, charming eyes as soft as butter, and that exquisite figure that so many men dreamed of. .

I looked at her in surprise.

She slowly came forward and whispered in my ear: "Why are you here? I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

We know each other?

The woman smiled slightly and was about to speak when I was shaken by an external force and suddenly woke up from my sleep. Leng Rushuang looked at me puzzled and said, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I just had a dream." I breathed a sigh of relief.

Leng Rushuang nodded: "We're here, get ready to get off."

I responded, and just as I was about to sit up from the bunk, I suddenly felt like I was holding something hard in my hand. When I looked down, I was shocked. The small wooden comb that had been in the little carpenter's pocket was now in my hand.

Leng Rushuang obviously saw it too, and she looked surprised: "What's going on?"

You ask me, who should I ask?

I hurried to the little carpenter and found him sleeping soundly. Without saying a word, I put my hand into his pocket, and sure enough, it was empty. The little carpenter woke up suddenly and screamed: "What are you going to do?"

I ignored him and pulled Leng Rushuang aside: "Tell me the truth, where did this wooden comb come from?"

Leng Rushuang calmly broke away from my hand and said without changing her expression: "It's just a very ordinary vagina, there's nothing special about it."

"Then why is it in my hand?" I frowned.

Leng Rushuang smiled slightly: "Perhaps the female ghost had a change of heart and fell in love with the handsome shopkeeper Zhang Da. So she changed her mind and abandoned the little carpenter and chose you. That's why the wooden comb came into your hands!"

"How long has it been since this happened and you still have the heart to joke with me?" I glared at her dissatisfied.

Leng Rushuang smiled and said: "Don't worry, Shopkeeper Zhang. You have traveled all over the country and seen many weirder things than this in the past few years. This little thing won't trouble you at all."

With that said, the train has stopped steadily and we have reached our destination.

When I got off the car, I put the comb back into the carpenter's pocket while he wasn't paying attention.

The platform is very small, and it looks like a remote and remote place. After leaving the platform, we waited on the side of the road for a long time before a small minibus arrived. The car drove swaying for a long time and placed us in a deserted place.

I found that there were dense woods on both sides, and the winding mountain path led to no one knows where. A few crows could be heard faintly around me.

Gua Gua Gua.

The crow crows three times, indicating that bad luck is coming.

Very unlucky!

The little carpenter was sleepy-eyed and still unconscious. Leng Rushuang shouted to him: "What are you still doing? Lead the way!"

The little carpenter rubbed his eyes and waited for a while before leading us forward along the bumpy mountain road. Houxi Village is located deep in the mountains. Without the rugged mountain road, it is very suitable for seclusion. It's a pity that I don't have the physical strength like a little carpenter. Halfway through, I felt like my organs below the waist were no longer my own.

Although Leng Rushuang is just a little girl, her physical fitness is surprisingly good. She walks very easily and she can tell she has received special training.

When we arrived at Houxi Village, the sun was setting. The setting sun shone in the village, making people feel like they were in a paradise.

However, when the villagers saw us, they all looked alert. If it had been before, I would have felt uncomfortable, but after experiencing Heiyi Town and Elderly Village, I am really used to it! Because people who live in the mountains are often cold-tempered and not good at dealing with people.

I sighed helplessly, thinking it would be better to hang out in the city. Should I find a chance to discuss with Leng Rushuang, and try to choose the city as my next stop, instead of running into these big ravines.

The little carpenter took us to a house. He stepped forward and patted the door. After a while, an old woman who was blind in one eye opened the door!

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