Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,773 The Secret of the Village

This blind old woman is what the little carpenter calls the lonely old woman. She looked at us with her one eye and asked with a gloomy face: "Why are you back again? Who are they?"

The little carpenter was an honest man and didn't know what to say for a while.

However, Leng Rushuang was extremely smart. Through the crack in the door, she saw the ruins of the yard and a lot of wood and bricks for building a house. She immediately smiled and said: "We are helpers invited by the young carpenter. He said that because His reason is that your house is not finished, so he specially called us here to help. There is strength in numbers, so you can live in a new house."

The blind old woman shook her head very rudely: "No, the old woman lives alone, why do you need such a good house? How many more years can I live? One room is enough." She snorted without saying anything. He said and closed the door.

It is true that he died before he left the army, which made the hero burst into tears.

Leng Rushuang, who had always been indifferent, was so angry that she turned pale. She kept taking deep breaths. If she hadn't controlled her emotions strongly, she would have ordered the man in sunglasses to destroy the house.

On the contrary, the little carpenter seemed to be used to such scenes, and explained nonchalantly: "People here are all like this, with very bad tempers. It doesn't matter, let's go! Let's go somewhere else to think of a solution."

There was no point in getting entangled any longer. After thinking about it, Leng Rushuang and I followed the little carpenter and prepared to leave.

The little carpenter said as he walked: "There is a dilapidated temple behind the mountain in Houxi Village. When my master and I came here, we repainted the temple, but it was already empty. I heard that the monks thought it was too bitter here, so they all If we go to other places to make a living, we can live there. Although it’s a bit far away, it’s very convenient.”

When I thought about walking such a long way over mountains and ridges, every cell in my body protested tenaciously. I really wanted someone to keep us.

My wish soon came true. Just as we were about to leave Houxi Village, a voice came from behind, calling the little carpenter's name. The little carpenter stopped in surprise. A middle-aged couple ran up quickly and said to the young carpenter: "Thank you for coming back. My son is going to start a family in a few days, and I am worried about who to turn to for building furniture."

The middle-aged couple both have honest-to-goodness looks, and at first glance they look like dutiful mountain people.

The little carpenter said overjoyed: "Congratulations! Don't worry, I will make you the best and strongest furniture!"

The middle-aged man nodded repeatedly and turned his gaze to us: "Who are they?" He seemed to be very concerned about our identity.

The little carpenter followed what Leng Rushuang said before: "They were the helpers I invited. They originally wanted to finish the house that the master had not finished, but the old woman didn't want it, so we were ready to leave..."

"That's it!" the middle-aged man hesitated: "Can't you hit furniture by yourself?"

"Of course, but do you want it in a hurry?" the little carpenter asked.

The middle-aged man sighed and said: "My son will get married in a few days. Do you think I am in a hurry?"

Before the little carpenter finished speaking, I said leisurely to the side: "Since the need is urgent, the little carpenter can work slowly and carefully by himself. How can he do it without our help?"

The middle-aged man was probably really anxious, and because it was the little carpenter who brought us in, he had a guarantee, so he reluctantly agreed to take us in. But the middle-aged man still said over and over again: "Just keep beating the furniture, and don't worry about other things. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, I won't be able to save you!"

After that, he led us towards his house, counting on his fingers what furniture to pack as we walked. The bed given to children and the cabinet for children and grandchildren all imply that the house is full of children and grandchildren. It seems that this family is very concerned about passing on the family line.

Perhaps because I was the only one chatting with the little carpenter along the way, he was unusually close to me. At this time, he came next to me and said in a sour tone: "Brother Zhang, let me tell you, this family's surname is Fu. People in the village They all asked him to pay a dime because he was very stingy and wasted no money. The couple worked hard farming to make money, just to save up and marry his son, because his son was a fool, the boss only had children of a few years old. IQ. Most good girls from other families don’t marry at all, so he can only prepare more betrothal gifts..."

The villagers we met along the way were all congratulating the Fu family, and some asked us what happened to these three unfamiliar faces.

Lao Fu kept explaining patiently, but the villagers did not relax their vigilance. Instead, they pulled Lao Fu aside and whispered. I couldn't hear clearly because I was too far away. Intermittently, they seemed to be reminding Lao Fu to keep an eye on us, especially the undercover reporters sent by the TV station. If the news was exposed by then, it would be over...


Is there any secret hidden in Houxi Village?

My eyes lit up, and I suddenly felt that walking such a long way was not particularly unfair. It would be a worthwhile trip if there was some powerful evil hidden in this village!

As if reading my thoughts, Leng Rushuang came over and poured cold water on me at the right time: "Don't be excited, there is no negative thing here. I have already measured it with the golden compass."

have to! I suddenly felt that all the bones in my body were sore, and I wanted to lie down and rest for a while.

We stayed at Lao Fu's house that night. There are not many houses. Apart from the room where Lao Fu lives and the room where the stupid son lives, there is only one room left. We all looked at Leng Rushuang awkwardly, wondering how to divide the house? On the other hand, Lao Fu's mother-in-law kept sneaking glances at Leng Rushuang, looking up and down, and seemed to be particularly satisfied with her.

She was not satisfied with seeing it for herself, and even dragged Lao Fu along to comment, lowering her voice and saying: "Look at her, her skin is white and tender, look at her butt, she will definitely give birth to a son, if she takes her Just be a wife for our son!"

Lao Fu warned with a cold face: "Be honest with me. The price has been negotiated over there, so don't make things worse. Besides, if you detain her, will others be able to let it go? Be careful. If you go out of your way, the village won't be able to accommodate you."

Lao Fu's wife shrank her neck in fear: "Master, I understand."

I hid aside and overheard the conversation, which made me even more curious about this village.

What's the secret?

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