Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,774 Midnight Scream

Regarding the issue of room allocation, Leng Rushuang's attitude shocked me.

She said very calmly: "It's okay. Since there is no extra room, the four of us can just squeeze in! I am not the kind of flower in the greenhouse, and I have never suffered at all. What's more... I don't I think you can take advantage of me."

When she said this, she glanced at the man in sunglasses next to her.

The man in sunglasses shook his windbreaker, which scared the little carpenter and instinctively took a step back.

The room was finalized in this way. After Lao Fu's wife heard about it, her attitude towards Leng Rushuang suddenly changed 180 degrees. The eyes he looked at her were full of disdain, as if he believed that she was not a good girl and there was something wrong with her style.

Leng Rushuang had no intention of paying attention at all, and naturally ignored her.

The wood for making furniture was all ready and stacked neatly in the yard. Perhaps due to professional instinct, the first thing the little carpenter did was to inspect the wood.

Lao Fu came over and asked, "How is it?"

"They are all good materials, and they will definitely make good furniture." The little carpenter replied.

Lao Fu nodded with satisfaction: "That's good, that's good!"

At dinner, I met Lao Fu's silly son. He actually looked quite handsome, but he was completely dull, drooling all over his mouth. He would only giggle and giggle when he saw people. He showed that he lacked IQ at first glance.

Lao Fu's wife prepared meals for us alone and moved a small table for us to eat at the side. I looked at the green vegetables on the plate, and then at the big fat chicken on their own table, and I felt a little unhappy. They were treated so differently. Do you want to break the furniture?

Leng Rushuang patted my shoulder comfortingly: "You have to lower your head when you are under the eaves! Shopkeeper Zhang Da, please bear with it!"

There is really no better way to do it now than to endure it! I snorted, held my rice bowl and started eating.

The young carpenter looked at Lao Fu's son with envy and jealousy, and sighed: "Such a man can get a wife, but I am still single. Is there any justice?"

Leng Rushuang did not forget to stimulate him: "Don't you also have a fiancée? You forgot, we came to Houxi Village this time to help you find a wife."

The little carpenter said angrily: "What wife, that's a female ghost. If it weren't for her, my master wouldn't have died! She and I have an sworn hatred!"

Just as he said this, a gust of wind suddenly blew up outside the window, which frightened the little carpenter to drop the bowl and dive directly under the table.

This time, not only Leng Rushuang and I, but also the man in sunglasses with a thousand-year poker face had a smile on his face.

After running around for a day, we are all tired. After dinner, we were ready to go to bed. There was only one bed in the room, so the man naturally wanted to let Leng Rushuang sleep in style, although I was not very willing.

The little carpenter, the man in sunglasses, and I worked on the floor. The ground here is damp and wet, and the quilt sticks to my body, making it very uncomfortable. But I was probably very tired. After struggling for a while, I fell asleep sleepily.

In the middle of the night I was awakened by a crisp ringing of a bell.

I turned over and sat up and found that the man in sunglasses and Leng Rushuang had woken up, and the little carpenter who was originally lying next to me had disappeared. I looked up and saw that the little carpenter had opened the door. His body was very straight and stiff, and the heels of both feet were raised high.

No, he is controlled by a female ghost!

I hurriedly got up from the ground, flew to the little carpenter and held his shoulders. The little carpenter turned his head suddenly and glared at me viciously, as if I had ruined his good deeds. But soon, after he saw clearly that it was me, his eyes gradually became tender, and there was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

This weird smile in the middle of the night made me go crazy.

At this moment, Lao Fu and his wife also heard the sound of the bell and rushed out wearing their clothes.

Lao Fu shouted: "What are you doing? Where are you going?"

All my attention just now was on the little carpenter, and I didn't pay attention to anything else. Now I looked through the moonlight and saw a thin and long hemp rope tied to the wooden door of our house. The other end of the rope was tied in front of Lao Fu's window, and a fist-sized bell was tied to it.

As long as we open the door and pull the hemp rope, the bell will make a sound.

This is obviously a mechanism designed by Lao Fu to prevent us from going out.

What is he hiding? Why are we afraid of going out?

Looking at Lao Fu's nervous face, I pretended to smile relaxedly: "It's nothing, the little carpenter is sleepwalking."

"What?" Lao Fu was stunned and looked at the little carpenter beside me carefully. He saw that his eyes were blank, and he vaguely looked like his own son. Then he believed: "So that's it. Then Just let him rest quickly!"

As if he was afraid that we would think too much, Lao Fu explained: "This rope has no other meaning. This place is too remote, and I'm afraid you might go out and wander around in the middle of the night and get lost. There are wild boars and bears in the mountains nearby, which are very dangerous. It's no joke." of."

I didn't say much, and instead thanked him.

Only then did Lao Fu help us close the door, and left muttering with his mother-in-law.

I pressed the little carpenter on the bed, used the magic charm to drive away the female ghost, and the little carpenter fell asleep again. Leng Rushuang lowered her voice and said: "This village is a bit weird, it seems like it's not just a vagina!"

I hummed: "Many things in this world are hidden the faster they are exposed. Let's just wait and see what happens and see what kind of medicine they sell in the gourd. From now on, the three of us will take turns to stand guard at night. Don't get into trouble. In the hands of this group of people.”

Leng Rushuang nodded: "Okay, that's it!"

"I've had enough sleep. I'll keep vigil first while you two rest. I'll call you when I can't hold on any longer." After I said this, Leng Rushuang agreed and went back to bed to sleep.

I was completely sleepless and listened attentively to what was going on outside.

After a long time, several women's screams suddenly came from outside. Although they were far apart, the night in the village was very quiet, and I could still hear them clearly.

"Let me go...let me go! Help! Help..." The voice was helpless and desperate, looking very helpless.

I listened carefully, but found that the sound had completely disappeared.

Is it my imagination?

After that, I kept waiting for that sound attentively, and it didn’t appear again until dawn. I breathed a sigh of relief and comforted myself that I might be experiencing auditory hallucinations due to excessive stress.

Early the next morning Leng Rushuang asked me: "Is there nothing wrong?"

I thought for a while and did not tell her about the scream I heard last night: "As long as I am here, what can happen?"

Leng Rushuang snorted and ignored me.

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