Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,775 The Haunted Mansion Appears (Additional Update)

After the little carpenter woke up, he had no memory of what happened yesterday. He began to take out the planer and prepare to build furniture. Since the three of us are pretending to be helpers, we naturally have to work hard to prevent our identities from being exposed.

In my free time, I discussed with Leng Rushuang: "If the female ghost comes to see the little carpenter again tonight, we will follow her quietly to see what's going on."

Leng Rushuang also wanted to finish work and leave this hellish place as soon as possible, so she immediately agreed: "That's it!"

The biggest reason why she hated this place so much was that every guest who came to Fu's house would look at her greedily, as if she were a commodity on the shelf.

This made Leng Rushuang very unhappy. If I hadn't pulled her a few times, she would have rushed forward and started to fight.

I don’t blame him, it’s just that the eyes of the villagers in Houxi Village are too naked.

The little carpenter looked timid, but he was very serious about what he did. He held a broken pencil in his ear and punched out the big frame of the bed in a few strokes. Lao Fu and his wife were extremely satisfied and gave them an extra plate of scrambled eggs at noon.

After finishing the meal, the little carpenter continued to work under the scorching sun, while Leng Rushuang, the man in sunglasses, and I chatted and relieved our boredom in the shade. When the villagers in Houxi Village saw such a scene, they pointed at us and sounded dissatisfied. I said to Leng Rushuang with some embarrassment: "Do we want to go over and help the little carpenter? People's words are scary, and the eyes of the people in the village will eat us up."

Leng Rushuang glanced at the group of people coldly and said nonchalantly: "Do you want to stay here and be your son-in-law?"

I was stunned and didn't understand what she meant.

Leng Rushuang continued: "You don't live here permanently, so you don't need to have a good relationship with them. Why do they want to have nothing to do with us? We will leave immediately after settling the peach blossom debt caused by the little carpenter. Who is still friends with them? !”

I think what she said makes sense, so I might as well relax and relax.

Leng Rushuang watched the group of villagers gather together and discuss for a long time before slowly dispersing. She suddenly said to me: "Have you noticed that Houxi Village is a bit strange?"


I looked around and saw nothing wrong.

Leng Rushuang said: "The residents here are mainly men. Women seem to rarely go out. Even if they go out, they are all elderly. There are no young women at all."

When she said this, I thought about it carefully, and it seemed that I had never seen a young woman before!

But the scream that came last night seemed to come from a young woman, but I couldn't be sure whether it was real or an auditory hallucination.

I found that Leng Rushuang is a very delicate person and sees things more clearly than I do. When she was in the village for the elderly, she was the one who discovered that there were no livestock or poultry in the village.

This little girl is indeed a good candidate!

Leng Rushuang said: "There may be something going on. Let's pay more attention later."

The man in sunglasses and I nodded in unison.

After having nothing to do until night, the little carpenter couldn't stand it anymore after a busy day and fell asleep first. Soon the whole Houxi Village fell into silence. Because we had agreed in advance that we would wait for the female ghost to control the little carpenter, we asked the man in sunglasses to use a dagger to cut the hemp rope tied to the door so that the little carpenter would not wake up and open the door in the middle of the night and disturb the old man. Pay for two.

I didn't sleep well last night, and now I have to stay up until midnight, and my eyelids have begun to fight involuntarily. At this moment, the little carpenter suddenly sat up from the ground with excitement. The sudden movement startled me. Like a mindless robot, the little carpenter opened the door on his heels and walked out without looking back.

Leng Rushuang and I exchanged glances and followed him out without saying anything. Before leaving, I deliberately closed the door for fear of being discovered by Mr. and Mrs. Lao Fu.

The little carpenter walked very slowly because his heels were turned up. It was dark all around, but he could find his way without using his eyes. Leng Rushuang, the man in sunglasses, and I followed him in a deep voice, perhaps because we knew that Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses were more reliable. Even in such a dark night, I was not too worried and felt very confident.

The little carpenter walked directly towards the back mountain.

The mountain road was not easy to walk, and the sky was frighteningly dark. There were no stars or moon, and everything was shrouded in airtight darkness.

After climbing over a hill, a house loomed in front of me. I said cautiously: "Everyone, be careful. This may be a female ghost. Be careful not to fall into a trap!"

Leng Rushuang rolled her eyes at me: "That's just a house, it's not an illusion at all!"

Yeah? I turned away in embarrassment.

When I got closer, I realized that it was a dilapidated temple with the words "Namo Amitabha" written on the outer wall. However, some of the words had weathered away over the years.

I suddenly realized: "I still remember when we first arrived in Houxi Village, the little carpenter said he would take us to live in a temple. It seems that this is the temple!"

But shouldn’t the little carpenter go find the female ghost? What is he doing in the temple? The temple is dedicated to the Buddha, so how dare the female ghost approach it?

I was puzzled, and when I looked at Leng Rushuang again, I found that she also looked confused.

As a result, the little carpenter did not enter the temple at all, but continued walking along the temple and came to the back of the temple.

Leng Rushuang and I looked carefully for a long time before we discovered that there were several tombs there. This shocked me even more. Whose grave would be located behind a temple?

As the little carpenter arrived, a thick black fog appeared in front of him. A gloomy old house slowly appeared in the fog. There were two paper figures, a man and a woman, standing at the door. They were illuminated by two red lanterns above their heads. The photo looks particularly weird and terrifying.

The little carpenter opened the door and walked in as if he was bewitched by something.

Leng Rushuang asked me in a low voice: "What should I do?"

What else can we do at this critical moment? I replied without thinking: "Follow me!"

Leng Rushuang nodded, and the man in sunglasses rushed out first. When the two paper figures saw him, they hugged him together, but they were kicked out by the man in sunglasses one by one.

We walked into the gate and found that there was an eerie atmosphere everywhere in the ancient house, and there was a faint smell of rot and mold in the air. It seemed that this was the female ghost's lair!

The haunted house was decorated with joy, with red lanterns hanging under the eaves and red silk and satin everywhere, making it look like a wedding in the countryside.

Leng Rushuang looked around and said, "This female ghost has dressed her lair up like this. She must have been seducing young men into having secret marriages with her. She has killed many people."

As soon as she finished speaking, I heard a woman's resentful sigh coming from the ghost house. The voice seemed to be there but not at all, far away and close, but it seemed particularly endearing, making people want to take her into their arms immediately.

My heart was beating wildly and restlessly!

(ps; extra updates will be sent! There will be more at 9 p.m.)

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