Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,776 The Old Temple to Suppress Ghosts (Additional Update)

Leng Rushuang suddenly pressed my shoulders coldly: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, you are well-informed. Could you be seduced by a female ghost?"

I quickly composed myself: "Of course not, who am I? Besides, I'm married, and my wife and I have a very good relationship!"

Leng Rushuang chuckled: "Come on, you blushed so hard just now that you could bleed. If I hadn't stopped you in time, you would have fallen into the trap of a female ghost."

"How is that possible?" I snorted disdainfully: "I did it on purpose to show the female ghost!"

Leng Rushuang curled her lips, but she was too proud to expose me.

The three of us continued walking forward and successfully entered the backyard. There was only a large and spacious house in the yard. The door was open, and dragon and phoenix wedding candles were lit inside. A slim woman sat in front of the bronze mirror, and the little carpenter was combing her hair.

The long hair was dark and dense, like fine black brocade, shining with a dazzling luster.

When the woman heard the footsteps, she suddenly turned her head slowly. That very beautiful face suddenly appeared in front of me, exactly like the woman in my dream.

That's her!

Her slender phoenix eyes fell on me, seemingly very satisfied, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses scolded each other, and they rushed into the room. The female ghost was startled and flicked her long hair, and the fine strands of hair were entangled like spider silk. Leng Rushuang hurriedly stepped back, and the man in sunglasses jumped forward first. He held a cold dagger in his hand, and with a few strokes, he cut off a few strands of the female ghost's hair.

The female ghost obviously cherished her hair very much. When she saw this, she screamed repeatedly, her voice was sharp, thin and harsh, and her face became extremely panicked.

When Leng Rushuang saw it, she immediately shouted: "Her hair is her weak point, keep attacking her hair!"

She gave the order, and the man in sunglasses struck even more quickly and accurately. With a few daggers, the female ghost's hair was broken all over.

With a look of resentment on her face, the female ghost suddenly took back her hair, held it in her hands and looked at it with an expression of distress and pain. Finally, she glared at Leng Rushuang resentfully and disappeared into a ball of black smoke.

As she disappeared, the fog quickly receded, and the haunted house we were in became lighter and lighter like a mirror, and finally disappeared. The little carpenter lost control and fell down on the tomb bun.

I hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and saw a big bump on the little carpenter's forehead. His breathing was relatively stable, and there was nothing serious.

Leng Rushuang walked to the tomb and took a closer look. I saw that the tomb was not particularly big. There was already a lot of weeds growing on it, and there was no monument. I had no idea who lived inside.

Seeing that there was nothing gained, I was worried that Lao Fu would notice something, so I decided to come here first tonight!

When I was leaving, I passed by the empty temple. I suddenly thought of a possibility and couldn't help but said to Leng Rushuang: "Do you think this was the tomb or the temple that came first?"

Leng Rushuang looked at me in surprise: "What do you mean by this?"

"What I mean is, if there is a temple first and then a tomb, why should the dead be buried here? If there is a tomb first and then a temple, then why should a temple be built here? Could it be that the people in this tomb have a good background and must Build a temple to suppress her grievances?”

When I said this, Leng Rushuang stopped and looked at the temple carefully.

If it is the latter possibility, we really need to carefully inquire about the origin of this female ghost, otherwise we may suffer a loss if we act rashly. After all, as the old saying goes: Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles!

When I returned to Fu's house, Mr. and Mrs. Fu were still sleeping soundly. I put the little carpenter away and then breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of the beautiful face of the woman just now, a determined person like me can't help but feel a little moved.

I sighed and lay down, and was about to go to bed when a shrill scream suddenly rang out. Although it was far away, I could still hear it clearly. It was the voice of a young woman, and she seemed very unwilling. I hurriedly turned over and sat up, and found that Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses had also heard it.

This also proves that the scream last night was not my imagination!

The three of us immediately got up and prepared to go find out. As soon as we opened the door, we saw Mr. and Mrs. Lao Fu rushing out with their clothes on. They obviously heard the sound, and when they saw the three of us going out, they immediately stopped us loudly: "What are you going to do?"

It seemed that they were not sleeping particularly deeply, and they rushed over as soon as they heard any commotion.

Thinking that I had been guarded by them as if they were guarding against thieves, I suddenly felt unhappy, and my words were not so polite: "Didn't you hear the cry? Maybe something happened."

"What can happen?" Lao Fu said with a fierce face: "Don't meddle in other people's business, go back to your room and sleep, and don't cause trouble for yourself!"

Mrs. Lao Fu also said with a sullen face: "This is a private matter of our village, and you don't need to worry about it as outsiders!"

Leng Rushuang frowned and said, "Didn't you hear it? That was the voice of a young woman. She may be in danger, how could she ignore it."

"What is dangerous? There is no danger in our village!"

"Shut your mouth! Otherwise I will drive you away."

I was extremely surprised by the attitude of Lao Fu and his wife. What were they trying to prevent from being so nervous?

The three of us stood motionless and looked at Lao Fu and his wife. The man in sunglasses was even more eager to take action. As long as Leng Rushuang gave the order, he would take action immediately.

Lao Fu also sensed the danger and quickly took two steps back: "What do you want to do? Believe it or not, I can make the whole village come to help with just my voice!"

This is true, I have seen this kind of unity in a small village before.

"Go inside, or get out of here now!" Lao Fu threatened us.

Leng Rushuang glanced at me twice, I nodded quietly to her, and we slowly returned to the room. Lao Fu was still uneasy, so he stayed behind to guard the door and arranged for his wife to run out quickly, not knowing where she went.

Soon, the entire Houxi Village people gathered in front of Lao Fu's yard with shovels, hoes and other tools.

A man who looked like a village chief told Lao Fu with a cold face to let us out. When the three of us walked out, the village chief said straight to the point: "We don't welcome you in Houxi Village. Please leave!"

Although the words were quite polite, his attitude was extremely firm and there was no room for maneuver.

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