Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,777 The abducted girl

The whole people in Houxi Village were holding weapons and staring at us eagerly. If we said no at this time, we would definitely be beaten into pig heads.

Before I could say anything, Leng Rushuang said with great disdain: "Let's go, who cares to stay here!" As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and entered the room, carrying his bag and picking up the little girl who was still sleeping. The carpenter left Lao Fu's house without looking back.

The man in sunglasses and I had no choice but to follow him with our luggage.

At this time, the sky was getting a little brighter. Seeing that Leng Rushuang was extremely cold, I leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Where are we going next?"

"I don't know, you decide!" Leng Rushuang actually left this trouble to me.

You were so cool just now, I thought you had it all figured out, but you don’t have any ideas at all!

My head suddenly felt heavy. After thinking about it, I could only temporarily decide to go to the ruined temple and wait until dawn.

The little carpenter didn't know that we were kicked out, so he kept asking me what happened all the way. I thought he was annoying because he talked too much, so I deliberately frightened him and said, "There were several women's screams from Houxi Village in the middle of the night last night. Maybe they were haunted."

Unexpectedly, the little carpenter, who had always been as timid as a mouse, was not afraid at all, and even said to me mysteriously: "That's not a ghost, it's the woman who was sold here asking for help."

"What?" I suddenly felt that my brain was not enough. The woman who was sold, what does that mean?

Leng Rushuang also came over with interest, stared at the little carpenter and asked him to continue.

The little carpenter said: "I don't know much. I just heard from my master that Houxi Village is remote and far away, so the young men in the village cannot get wives. But in order to continue the family line, they have to buy wives from traffickers." …”

When he said this, I immediately understood why there were no young women in the village. Either there are not many young women at all, or women are bought and they dare not take them out.

The little carpenter continued: "The people in the village were very united because of this incident. If a family had trouble, every family would help. Even if the police came to rescue the abducted girl, the villagers would surround the police car! At that time, my master and I would do it every night I heard screams, but my master told me to pretend to be deaf and mute and not to interfere with things that shouldn’t be done.”

When Leng Rushuang heard about the abduction of girls, she was so angry that her eyebrows stood up: "Your master is not a good person, no wonder he can't die a good death."

"What did you say!" After hearing her insulting the master, the little carpenter immediately shouted dissatisfied: "My master is a good person!"

"How about I say your master is not a good person?" Leng Rushuang gave the little carpenter a disdainful look: "Do you want to compete with me?"

The man in sunglasses took a step forward at the right moment, scaring the little carpenter into hiding behind me.

Leng Rushuang sneered: "Your master raised you and was a good person to you. But because of his indifference, countless girls who were trafficked to the mountains were abused. He is not even a human being, and he still talks about it. What’s good or bad?”

Leng Rushuang dropped these words and walked forward without looking back.

The little carpenter lowered his head and thought for a moment, then followed reluctantly.

It was already bright when we arrived at the ruined temple. Although the temple had been empty for a while, it was not too bad, but there was dust everywhere. We simply packed up a place to stay, and finally we could rest. Leng Rushuang and I discussed: "It's okay if we don't know about the human trafficking in Houxi Village. Now that we know it, we must take care of it."

Leng Rushuang's eyes changed when she looked at me: "We are merchants of femininity. We only deal with femininity. This matter has nothing to do with femininity. Do you want to take care of it too?"

I knew she was deliberately testing me, so I immediately laughed and said, "If you don't care, you might scold me behind my back!"

Leng Rushuang smiled proudly: "Don't be anxious about this matter. We will definitely take care of it. We just have to find a way, but others can't save us, and we got ourselves involved..."

I nodded.

The villagers of Houxi Village are extremely united. If they want to save people from them, the only thing they can hope for is for the man in sunglasses to suddenly take action and catch them off guard. However, how many girls need to be rescued and how to leave Houxi Village after rescuing them all requires careful planning.

As a result, before the plan was realized, people from Houxi Village caught up with him again.

They looked excited and waved their shovels and hoes, which showed that they were coming with bad intentions.

We have already left Houxi Village. It’s a bit too much for them to pursue us like this. Are we really afraid of you because we are vegetarians? I suddenly felt unhappy, frowned and asked, "What are you doing? We have already left Houxi Village, what do you mean by chasing after us like this?"

"Stop pretending to be stupid! Hand the person over."

The people in Houxi Village were very excited and seemed to be ready to take action if they disagreed. In the crowd, a couple with a son were particularly excited. If there wasn't someone pulling them beside them, they would have hit them with a hoe.

The young carpenter recognized these three people and secretly came over to me and said, "Brother Zhang, this is the family where my master made furniture before he died. Their son just got married not long ago."

What does your marriage have to do with me? Did he come over panting and blame us for not drinking the wedding wine?

I was just wondering, when suddenly an idea came to me and I reacted immediately. It seems that the girl who screams every night in the middle of the night is the one their family bought to be their wife... Could something have happened to that girl?

Leng Rushuang also figured it out in an instant, and suddenly shouted: "Shut up, everyone! This is a quiet place in Buddhism, who told you to shout?"

Lao Fu's wife was also in the crowd. When she heard Leng Rushuang's words, she clutched her rolling pin and said loudly: "Everyone, don't listen to this bitch. She is sleeping in the same bed with three men. She is definitely not a good person!"

These words made Leng Rushuang so angry that he wanted to rush up and tear her mouth open immediately.

"They must be hiding people! Let them call people out."

"It was fine before, but as soon as they come, they disappear!"

"Hurry up and hand over the person, or we won't be polite!"

Judging from what they said, it was obvious that the girl who was bought should have escaped. Maybe they sneaked away while the villagers rushed to Lao Fu's house last night to deal with us, so these people would blame us.

Thinking that the girl had sneaked away, I breathed a sigh of relief.

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