Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,778 The Skills of the Man in Sunglasses

"You're welcome?" Leng Rushuang always had an aloof face, but now she was even more cold because she was really angry.

She sneered and said, "Why do you want to be so rude? Since I want to take action, I don't mind killing a few more people."

After saying that, she gestured to the man in sunglasses with her eyes. The man in sunglasses immediately shook his windbreaker and knocked out with all his strength. Only a loud bang was heard, and a towering ancient tree in the temple broke.

Everyone at the scene, including me and the little carpenter, were all stunned.

Damn it! This combat power was simply off the charts. I suddenly felt that it would be great to have a master like the man in sunglasses in the team.

Amidst the billowing dust, the villagers of Houxi Village took a few steps back neatly and stared at the man in sunglasses with their mouths open, as if they were looking at a monster.

The man in sunglasses walked back behind Leng Rushuang with a calm expression.

Leng Rushuang said: "If you think about it carefully, if you feel that your body bones are stronger than this big tree, just let your horse come over!"

The villagers in Houxi Village looked at each other, and no one dared to speak.

Leng Rushuang smiled slightly: "Since there is nothing left to say, then get out of here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people in Houxi Village all exited the ruined temple, fearing that they would be beaten to death by the man in sunglasses if they walked slower.

Although they are united, they are not afraid of death.

After all this trouble, everyone was a little hungry. I asked Leng Rushuang: "Food is the most important thing for the people. There is nothing we can do if we are hungry. How can we solve the food problem?"

Leng Rushuang said: "Don't worry, I never fight an unprepared battle." As she said that, she actually took out a box of compressed biscuits and two boxes of canned beef from her backpack.

I looked at her in shock and admiration: "When did you prepare it?"

"Tongling Railway Station!" Leng Rushuang glanced at me with a particularly proud look.

Although the temple is empty, many things are still there and have not been moved. Including some simple tableware in the kitchen, the man in sunglasses and the little carpenter went to light a fire and boil water. We boiled cans to deal with it, and then lay down to rest. The man in sunglasses was worried that people from Houxi Village would leave and come back, so he stood guard at the gate of the temple.

These people are definitely no match for us with their open swords and open guns, but if they play dirty tricks, we have to guard against them!

When he woke up, it was already dark. The little carpenter was sitting in the temple in a daze, while Leng Rushuang was studying the golden compass in the shade. The man in sunglasses fell asleep not far from me. I found him to be very interesting. He didn't talk at all, but he made no sound except breathing when he slept. Is he a human?

I stretched, found some cold water and washed my face, then approached Leng Rushuang and asked, "What did you come up with?"

Leng Rushuang shook her head: "I didn't find anything. The only thing around here is probably the negative thing on him." As she said this, she looked in the direction of the little carpenter.

The little carpenter sat blankly in the yard, not knowing what he was thinking.

Leng Rushuang sighed softly: "I have been wondering who the owner of this little wooden comb is? Why is it so powerful and can even control people's thoughts."

The two of us didn't reach a conclusion after discussing it, so Leng Rushuang went to take the compass to vent in depression. I had no choice but to walk up to the little carpenter and ask him condescendingly: "What are you thinking about?"

"Think about the future!" the little carpenter replied seriously: "Now that the master is gone, what should I do in the future?"

"What are your plans?" I asked.

The young carpenter looked at me blankly: "I have been working with the master to make a living since I can remember. Now that the master is gone, I don't know what to do in the future."

"Actually, there is a need for craftsmen in big cities now. You can find a job in a furniture factory and slowly stabilize. Traveling around like this will increase your knowledge, but it will waste your future." I patted his shoulder comfortingly: "It's really If you can't find a job, I will arrange it for you after this matter is over."

I thought that the female ghost would find the little carpenter again tonight, but the little carpenter slept soundly all night, and the female ghost did not appear until dawn the next day.

After communicating with Leng Rushuang, I felt that this female ghost was quite cunning. After knowing that there was a powerful person around the little carpenter, she did not dare to act rashly.

Leng Rushuang lowered her voice and said to me: "Whether she can do anything or not is secondary. All my food has been contributed. If she doesn't come to cause trouble tonight, we will have to drink from the northwest wind..."

I suddenly came up with a trick: "It's okay, I have a solution!"

The next day we were hungry all day in the temple. When it got dark, I left the temple with Leng Rushuang. Leng Rushuang asked me: "Where should we go to find food?"

"Just come with me." I smiled at her in a coquettish way.

Leng Rushuang stamped her feet angrily.

In fact, we didn't go anywhere else. Leng Rushuang and I returned to Houxi Village in the dark, and then sneaked to the gate of Lao Fu's house.

Leng Rushuang looked at me in surprise: "What are you doing here? Did you leave something behind?"

I shook my head and said, "Lao Fu's mother-in-law scolded you with such unpleasant words. How can she regain her position without retaliating? Let's punish her with some rice and flour today."

Leng Rushuang chuckled: "Just steal something, why do you say it so elegantly?"

"As you say, how can a scholar's matter be stolen?" Leng Rushuang and I joked, and the two of us climbed over the wall and entered Fu's house. Leng Rushuang whispered: "Looking at how skillful you are, you should do this kind of thing often, right?"

I glared at her.

At this time, Lao Fu and his wife had just finished eating. Perhaps because there was no one to monitor in the yard, they were chatting very comfortably in the room.

Lao Fu was still a little worried about driving away the young carpenter: "The date set with the trafficker is coming soon. What should I do if I don't have any decent furniture at home?"

Old Fu's wife didn't care about this: "It doesn't matter what we have at home. Anyway, the girl didn't marry her because of this. We spent money and would rather not sleep to take good care of the person, otherwise we would run away like the old Li family again." , then you can’t get anything out of it..."

Lao Fu hummed twice: "How about we tie up our daughter-in-law with an iron chain like the Sun family did before."

"What's the use! The Sun family's daughter-in-law ran away so many times. Later, Old Sun broke her legs and she had nowhere to run. After she gave birth to two children, she didn't want to leave either. "Lao Fu spoke with such a relaxed tone, and I thought about the hellish life those girls who were trafficked to remote mountain villages lived. I was so angry that I almost rushed in and killed this inhuman couple.

Leng Rushuang held me down and comforted me: "They are just a group of ignorant villagers, and the human traffickers are the culprits. Didn't you listen to them? The wedding day is coming soon."

After listening to Leng Rushuang's words, I finally felt a lot better and nodded sullenly.

Lao Fu continued: "By the way, how did Lao Ma's family arrange it? His son's underworld wedding date will not really overlap with our son's wedding date, right? If so, I must find his family and talk about it, I'm not afraid even if I go to the village chief. I'm usually nice to his family, how could he cause trouble for me at this time?"

Mrs. Fu smiled and said: "We have changed it a long time ago. It was decided at first because we didn't know our son was getting married. Later, when I found out, Lao Ma immediately pushed back the date. His family is quite pitiful, so don't go looking for it. Trouble, that son died in the cemetery behind the temple after he was raised so well, who wouldn't feel uncomfortable?"

Lao Fu nodded.

Leng Rushuang looked at me in surprise when she heard that someone had died at the hands of a female ghost before the little carpenter.

Lao Fu and his wife had enough talking, turned off the lights and got ready to go to sleep. I gestured to Leng Rushuang, and the two of them ducked down and went to the kitchen. Because I hated Lao Fu and his wife so much, I was not polite at all. I took away most of the sausages and bacon that Lao Fu prepared for his son's wedding.

Seeing this, Leng Rushuang smiled helplessly.

I also knew that my behavior was a little childish, but I just couldn't understand my hatred, so before I left, I took half the basket of eggs away!

Leng Rushuang and I returned to the ruined temple with a great harvest, and saw the little carpenter waiting at the temple gate with an uneasy look on his face. When he saw us from a distance, he immediately shouted in a panic: "Master, something happened!"

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