Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,779 Rouge Coffin (Additional update)

I have great confidence in the man in sunglasses. With him staying behind, I don't have to worry about anything, so I said disdainfully: "What's the big deal?" "

The little carpenter was sweating anxiously: "A woman escaped to the temple..."

As soon as the little carpenter finished speaking, Leng Rushuang and I immediately understood that this must be the girl who was abducted and trafficked to Houxi Village. The two of us rushed back to the temple immediately, and sure enough we saw a girl with scars all over her body, huddled in the corner with an alert look on her face. The slightest disturbance would make her very uneasy.

When she saw me and Leng Rushuang, she instinctively wanted to run away. The little carpenter hurriedly comforted her: "Don't be afraid! This is the Master Zhang I mentioned to you. He is a very good man and will definitely help you!"

This high hat is worn a little too high, why am I so embarrassed?

After hearing this, the girl burst into tears and knelt down in front of me: "Master, please do a good job and save me! I was sold here and I want to go home."

"Okay, okay, don't get excited. Where is your home?" I asked softly.

The girl sobbed and said: "I am from Guangzhou. I ran away from home because of a quarrel with my parents. Who knew I met a man on the train. He said he had a factory in Zhejiang and asked me to go to his factory." I worked part-time in a factory. After drinking her drink, I fell unconscious. When I woke up, I was already in a black car. At that time, there were several other girls who were abducted like me. Within a month, I was sold here. They don’t treat me as a human being, they just want me to help them carry on the family line and have a son. Brother, I fought to my death to escape last night, you must save me!"

Leng Rushuang sighed softly on the side.

"Don't worry, now that we have encountered it, I will definitely not stand idly by!" I said solemnly.

I asked the little carpenter to go to the kitchen to boil a pot of hot water, and then asked Leng Rushuang to check the girl's body to see if the injury was serious. The man in sunglasses started preparing dinner.

Leng Rushuang came out after the examination and said to me: "It's not just a wound, it's just bruises all over my body!"

I sighed.

Leng Rushuang said: "The poor person must be hateful. She is not a one or two-year-old child. How can she easily believe the words of strangers? Besides, there are not many similar news nowadays? I have never seen pork before. The pig ran away? You were not alert at all and deserved to be tricked."

Although Leng Rushuang's words were a bit vicious, they were not unreasonable. I patted her shoulder gently: "Not all women in this world are as capable as you!"

Leng Rushuang glared at me fiercely.

After dinner in the evening, Leng Rushuang insisted on staying and keeping vigil. I couldn't persuade her, so I had to let it go. The girl was so worried these days that she only ate a small mouthful of rice for dinner and fell asleep quickly. Leng Rushuang woke me up in the middle of the night, and saw that the little carpenter had already set off under the moonlight. I was startled, and hurriedly got up and walked out with Leng Rushuang.

The man in sunglasses was about to follow, but Leng Rushuang ordered: "You stay and keep an eye on this girl. Don't let the people from Houxi Village capture her again."

The man in sunglasses was a little worried, his brows furrowed.

Leng Rushuang smiled at him: "Don't worry, isn't there still shopkeeper Zhang to protect me?"

The man in sunglasses gave me a distrustful look.

I walked over and borrowed the dagger he was wearing, and I repeatedly promised that I would take good care of Leng Rushuang's safety before he gave up.

Leng Rushuang and I walked out of the temple gate and saw the little carpenter walking toward the back of the temple. Leng Rushuang and I quickly followed up, and saw another layer of thick fog rising over the cemetery. It seemed that the female ghost had been silent all night, and finally couldn't help but take action!

The haunted house with the red lanterns appeared again in the thick fog, and the little carpenter walked in with his heels turned up.

Leng Rushuang and I quickly chased after us, but before we reached the gate, the gate of the haunted house clicked shut. I suddenly felt that something was wrong, so I stretched out my foot to kick, but the kick was in vain.

The haunted house disappeared out of thin air, and the fog dispersed little by little, but the little carpenter disappeared.

Leng Rushuang suddenly panicked: "Where are the others? What should I do?"

I listened carefully, and there was no sound of footsteps or breathing around me. The little carpenter, a big living person, actually disappeared in front of me.

Leng Rushuang hurriedly took out the golden compass, but it didn't move. The pointer stopped here quietly. She patted the compass anxiously and said, "What's going on? Is the golden compass broken?"

I shook my head: "The compass is not broken, the little carpenter is here!"

Leng Rushuang looked at me in surprise: "Here? Why can't I see you?"

"He's in the grave!"

Leng Rushuang was shocked by my words. I told her to go back to the temple to find some tools. Leng Rushuang quickly agreed and hurried back to the temple without looking back. After a while, she came back with two broken shovels.

I dug the grave without saying a word. Leng Rushuang was not strong enough and could only help from the side.

Worried about the safety of the little carpenter, I dug faster and faster, and soon the shovel touched something similar to a stone. I took out the lighter from my pocket and lit it. It turned out to be a sarcophagus!

Seeing that I had hope, I acted more quickly and quickly dug out the sarcophagus.

I jumped into the tomb and pushed open the coffin lid with a click. Unlike the rotten stench emitted by other coffins, a faint aroma of rouge actually wafted out of this stone coffin.

The smell penetrated directly into my nostrils, and I suddenly felt as if I was about to fly into the sky at any moment. The stunning female ghost also appeared in front of her. Her black hair was particularly eye-catching. She was combing her hair with a wooden comb in her hand, and her movements were graceful.

"Why are you here? Are you here to marry me?" The female ghost looked at me delicately.

Even though I knew it was all fantasy, I still instinctively wanted to nod.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the Yongling Ring was turned on, which made me wake up instantly. This female ghost really has some moral principles!

I held my breath and looked into the coffin. I saw a person lying upright in the coffin, it was the little carpenter. He held the wooden comb tightly in his hand, and a curl of black hair hung beside him.

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