Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 108 Li Mazi was tricked

I smiled and said, "You will know by then! Now I will arrange for you to do something. As long as you follow my instructions, I guarantee that the villagers will be saved within a few days."

Niu Dazhuang nodded immediately: "Okay, I will do whatever you say."

I said: "When you go back, tell the villagers that I have fished out the kneecaps and pots and taken care of them. Tell them not to be afraid. That's it. Leave the rest to me." Do."

Niu Dazhuang still looked unconvinced.

I shrugged helplessly and said just do as I said, I guarantee there will be no problem.

Niu Dazhuang had no choice but to agree in the end, but before leaving, he told me viciously that if I dared to fool him, he would cut me into pieces and throw me into the mountains to feed the wolves.

After returning home, Niu Dazhuang immediately followed my instructions, and I went directly to the old witch doctor.

The old witch doctor's family was very poor, but it was kept very clean, with the cabinets and tables arranged neatly.

It can be seen that the old witch doctor should have been a hard-working woman when she was young.

I don’t know whether the old witch doctor didn’t welcome my arrival, or he was like that to everyone. In short, he didn’t have a good attitude towards me. He glanced at me and asked me what I wanted to do here.

I smiled and asked the old witch doctor, what did he think of the villagers' diseases?

Is this disease contagious?

The old witch doctor said impatiently: "How do I know? Anyway, I treat them every day, and nothing happens."

I asked the old witch doctor again if he could use some water as an excuse. Niu Dazhuang was going to lock me into the Earth Temple today. I was afraid I wouldn’t have anything to eat or drink all night.

The old witch doctor suddenly became excited and said: "Everyone here is like this. If you can't stand it, get out of here, otherwise you will definitely die here."

I sighed helplessly and said that if I could leave, I would have left long ago. My brother was still imprisoned in the Earth Temple, how could I just leave?

The old witch doctor said nothing, and after a while he said, "Do you really want to leave?"

I nodded.

"Well, I can rescue you." The old witch doctor said: "After all, I am also a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded. I don't want to see you beaten to death by the villagers. But remember, never come back after you leave. Don’t be found by the tall and strong ones!”

I asked the old witch doctor excitedly, what should I do?

The old witch doctor asked me to stay in the Tutu Temple first, and someone would naturally come to rescue us at night. As for Li Mazi's illness, there was nothing she could do and she could only resign herself to fate...

I nodded and said okay, let's wait for the savior tonight.

After saying that, I left. Before leaving, I took another look at the old witch doctor's room.

I returned to the Tutu Temple and was told that Li Mazi had been taken to Niu Dazhuang's home.

I had to go to Niu Dazhuang's home to look for it, only to find that the most luxurious tile-roofed house in the village was Niu Dazhuang's home. It seemed that the treatment we enjoyed had improved a lot in an instant.

When I suggested that Li Mazi be sent back to the Earth Temple, Niu Dazhuang was immediately stunned.

"Brother, what do you mean by this? Do you think our village doesn't provide good hospitality?" Looking at the embarrassed expression on Niu Dazhuang's face, I didn't bother to pay attention to him. I simply said it was part of the plan and told him not to think too much.

Even so, Niu Dazhuang was still a little reluctant.

In the end, I had no choice but to pick up Li Mazi and walk towards the Earth Temple.

The Tutu Temple is still so shabby. It was dark that night and I couldn't see it clearly. I regretted coming here again during the day.

There were cracks in the wall, the statues were crooked, spider webs were densely covered, and even the beams overhead showed signs of collapsing at any time.

Am I not looking for trouble?

I laughed at myself, put Li Mazi on the ground, and took a deep breath. Looking at Niu Dazhuang who was about to leave, he shouted: "Village Party Secretary, don't leave. I want to ask you something."

Niu Dazhuang immediately ran forward: "If you want to ask anything, just ask."

"Let me ask you, does that old witch doctor's accent sound like he's not from here?" I said with a smile, trying to make Niu Dazhuang relax as much as possible.

Niu Dazhuang was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a moment. He was probably wondering why I suddenly asked him about the old witch doctor?

However, he still told me honestly: "That's right, that old witch doctor is indeed not a local, he married from out of town."

"Where did you marry from?" I asked, "Where is your hometown?"

Niu Dazhuang hesitated a little, and finally shook his head and said he didn't know.

I already understood it in my heart, and said with a faint smile: "Okay, nothing happens. I will instruct a few people to guard the well in the village tonight, and be sure to hide it! If someone goes to the well to fetch water, Just catch him for me, remember not to be harsh and entertain him well."

Niu Dazhuang was very surprised. He said that since the accident, the villagers had stopped drinking the water from the well and had gone to fetch water from the mountain spring ten miles away.

I said impatiently: "Just do as I say. Someone will naturally go to fetch water when the time comes. Remember to stay hidden."

Niu Dazhuang gave me a strange look, but he didn't say much and gave the order in a hurry.

I checked Li Mazi's injury and found that it was fine and had not worsened.

Li Mazi also woke up in a daze and asked me how I was doing. Can his life be saved?

I consoled him, "Don't worry! I've already made up my mind about this."

After chatting with Li Mazi for a while, the sky outside became dark, and Niu Dazhuang sent two villagers to deliver dinner to us.

The dinner was quite rich, including dried prunes, vegetables, bacon, and a white-chopped chicken. Li Mazi and I were already starving, so we ate it voraciously.

After eating, he lay down to sleep. During this period, Niu Dazhuang came over. When he saw us sleeping, he suddenly looked helpless: "Brother, thank you for being able to sleep. I'm almost nervous to death now."

I asked, "What are you so nervous about?"

Niu Dazhuang said that if the plan failed, then the thing would have to deal with the villagers even harder? He fears the situation will be even worse by then.

I smiled: "Haha, don't worry, this time it will be absolutely foolproof."

After sending Niu Dazhuang away, I finally breathed a sigh of relief and simply lay down on the ground, wrapped in a blanket and fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept for, but suddenly I heard someone calling my name. When I opened my eyes, I found that the sky was completely dark and I couldn't see my fingers.

At first I thought I was dreaming, but I didn't expect that as soon as I closed my eyes, the sound started ringing again.

Before I could figure out what was going on, I was shocked to find that Li Mazi next to me was missing.

I immediately became nervous and called Li Mazi softly, but I didn't get any response.

I was sweating profusely and immediately turned on the flashlight to shine.

The moment I turned on the flashlight, I heard the voice calling me again: "Brother from the Zhang family, little brother from the Zhang family..."

My coma suddenly became clearer. I raised my flashlight and followed the sound. After a moment, I discovered that Li Mazi, who had lost the ability to move, was standing blankly at the door of the Tutu Temple, looking out the door with a dull expression.

"Li Mazi?" I got goosebumps all over my body and asked softly: "Is your leg... okay?"

Li Mazi turned his head, looked at me blankly, and shouted mechanically again: "Brother from the Zhang family."

Hearing Li Mazi's voice, I instantly felt horrified. This voice didn't belong to Li Mazi at all. Instead, it sounded like a woman. The voice was tender and a bit familiar, as if... it was the voice of the little widow from the village.

The more I listened to it, the more it sounded like it. When I finally closed my eyes, I felt that the person standing in front of me was the little widow from the village.

Li Mazi's face was pale, his brows were furrowed, and his movements were a little stiff.

My eyes fell on Li Mazi's legs, and I found that Li Mazi seemed to be a little unsteady even when standing, and some dirty liquid was flowing down his trouser legs. The scene was very disgusting.

Li Mazi's eyes were dull, and he was obviously not in the right state of mind. It was possible that even he himself didn't know what he was doing.

I pretended to be calm and said: "It's getting very late, go to bed quickly."

But he still ignored me, just turned around slowly, and then flew up and kicked open the dilapidated door of the Earth Temple.

My heart was beating wildly, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on my forehead. This is simply not something a person with sick legs can do. What is the power driving him?

I am convinced that Li Mazi is not possessed by a ghost at all, because the voice coming out of Li Mazi's throat is that of a little widow from the village, and I have seen that little widow, with strong yang energy and crimson cheeks, a serious and lively person.

In that case, the little widow must have cast some kind of evil spell.

I started to have a headache, because the culprit I initially guessed was the old witch doctor, so all the designated plans were aimed at the old witch doctor.

Now a little widow pops up out of nowhere, which really makes me hard to guard against!

But now it's too late to regret, I can only take it one step at a time.

Seeing Li Mazi walking out of the Tutu Temple, I followed closely behind. What I'm most worried about now is whether the two aunties guarding outside the temple will forcefully stop us? Think we're going to run away.

But what’s incredible is that the two aunties were chatting as if nothing had happened, without even looking at us. It was as if they didn’t hear the big noise just now.

I felt even more unsure. The power of the other party's magic was far beyond my imagination. I really had no confidence at all in dealing with her...

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