Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 109: Evil Arts

The bright moon is high and the breeze is blowing. The night view of Baisha Village is really beautiful.

But such a wonderful night scene is now making people's hair stand on end.

Li Mazi walked stiffly in front, and I followed behind. There was no one on the wide country road.

We walked step by step towards the outside of the village. I didn't know what to do.

When I passed the old witch doctor's house, I turned around to take a look at the old witch doctor's house, but I was horrified to find two pale eyes staring at me through the crack in the door.

Those eyes are full of malice and anger. I can imagine that the old witch doctor should be gritting his teeth in hatred now, right?

I couldn't help but take a breath, what on earth did this old witch doctor mean? During the day, he said he would let us go, but now he is so angry.

Is this a regret? Still know my plan.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong, so I stupidly knocked on the door and asked the old witch doctor what he wanted to do.

The old witch doctor did not hide, but opened the door directly, still staring at me with his pale eyes, wishing he could eat me alive.

"Why, why." She said angrily: "All of you will die, you will all die!"

After saying that, the old witch doctor slammed the door shut.

I was a little scared. The old witch doctor definitely didn't mean to scare me when he said this. She must know that I am plotting against her, no, I have to explain it to her.

I knocked on the door hard, but the old witch doctor ignored me at all.

At this time, I clearly heard the creaking sounds of a row of farmhouses behind me. I looked back curiously, and the scene in front of me immediately frightened me to no end!

The doors of all the farmhouses were pushed open almost at the same time, and figures came out of the rooms one after another.

With a cold expression and stiff movements, after coming out of the house, he followed Li Mazi in a long line.

Through the cold moonlight, I clearly discovered that these figures were all men from the village.

Until this moment, I finally understood that it was not one person, but two people who caused chaos in the village: the old witch doctor and the young widow.

As for how these two people got together, I don't know.

In a remote and lonely mountain village, dozens of men with dull movements and rolled eyes walked stiffly along the village path. It was terrifying no matter how you looked at them.

The leader among them turned out to be Niu Dazhuang! It seemed that this strong man still could not escape his bad luck.

I couldn't help but get goosebumps all over my body, and I didn't know where they were going? But it's definitely not a good place.

At this time, Li Mazi had already walked away. I looked at the direction they were walking in. I was silent for a moment, and finally jumped up.

They are going to the small lake outside the village!

In their current state, if they fell into the lake, there would be only one consequence, and that would be to drown alive.

what to do? what to do?

I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but there was nothing I could do. In the end, the only way to untie the bell was to tie it, so the old witch doctor started.

So I slammed the door hard and shouted loudly: "Old man, we have something to discuss. Can you get what you want by killing these villagers? Think twice before you act."

The old witch doctor ignored me at all. I seemed to hear a sound of chanting sutras. The sound of chanting sutras was not as compassionate as the sound of Buddha. Instead, it sounded like a sound coming from hell. It was buzzing and buzzing, making the scalp of those who listened to it numb.

"These ignorant villagers deserve to die, they all deserve to die." At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from behind me.

This voice seemed to be that of the little widow in the village.

I was horrified. Could it be that the little widow came here too?

But when I turned around, I realized that the other person was not a village widow, but a villager. At this moment, the villager's eyes were wide open, his tongue was hanging out, and he looked like a hanged man, as if he would pounce on him in the next second.

I was so frightened that I quickly ran away and looked at him tremblingly.

I knew that this villager must have been controlled by the little widow's magic, so I persuaded: "Tell me, what did these villagers do to make you so cruel? Even if they have done something wrong, you don't have to kill them all, right?" Each of them has a wife and children to support, do you want Baisha Village to be completely destroyed?"

"Listen to my advice, as long as you promise to let them go, no matter how wronged you are, I will make the decision for you!" shouted loudly.

At this moment, I was thinking, it would be great if Li Mazi was sober. With my eloquence, it would be extremely difficult to convince them.

It seems that I am still self-aware. My words did not impress the other party. The villager snorted coldly and continued to move forward with the team.

I can stop one or two people, but how can I stop such a long team? No, we still have to start from the fundamentals.

I knocked hard on the old witch doctor's door again: "If you don't mind, can you tell me your story? I don't think things really have reached this point."

Before I finished speaking, the old witch doctor had already opened the door. She stood at the door and glanced at me condescendingly, and said lightly: "You don't understand at all. If you knew the ins and outs of the matter, you would support me in this way." made……"

She was finally willing to sit down and talk with me.

I knew in my heart that this was my only chance, so I struck while the iron was hot: "No one is willing to seek justice for you, so today I will seek justice for you! Good and evil will be rewarded in the end. Once you go down the wrong path, you two will suffer in the future." Retribution. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, but when you turn around, you will find the shore."

"Mom, don't listen to his nonsense." The little village widow stood behind me at some point. When I looked back, she had tears streaming down her face and her hands and feet were trembling with excitement: "They deserve to die, they all deserve to die! Think about dying. Father, if you think about what happened to the two of us, their deaths are not enough to make up for our trauma."

She actually called the old witch doctor mother!

It seems that their story is much more complicated than I imagined.

The old witch doctor smiled bitterly: "Forget it, what is in the past is in the past. You are right, young man. We need a person who upholds justice."

The little widow stamped her foot angrily, looking a bit coquettish. She didn't seem to dare to go against her mother's wishes, so she followed her into the house.

I looked at the villagers worriedly, but the old witch doctor told me that it didn't matter, life or death, just leave it to fate! He also advised me not to be anxious, as it is useless to be anxious, it will only be a waste of time.

I gritted my teeth and stamped my feet, and decided not to care about these villagers, and sat directly opposite the old witch doctor.

The old witch doctor poured me a glass of water. The little widow gave me a fierce look and ignored me.

The old witch doctor casually took out a white object from his pocket. I took a closer look and found that it was a kneecap.

The kneecap is very weathered, and dense fibers can be clearly seen, but the surface has been rubbed very smooth. It can be seen that the owner pays great attention to it and touches it with his hands every day.

The white kneecaps glowed faintly under the dim light.

The light was a little dazzling, as if it was not only refracted, but also the light it released itself.

The old witch doctor glanced at the little widow, and the little widow said angrily that you are really an old fool. But in the end, he crawled under the old witch doctor's bed, took out a clay pot, and placed it on the table.

I observed the clay pot carefully and found that the pattern on the pot was very strange. The carving was very rough, as if a child had drawn it casually. But it can still be identified, it seems to be two feet.

Looking at other parts, it is no different from ordinary clay pots. However, the surface has been blackened by incense. It can be seen that this clay pot must have been worshiped.

After the old witch doctor drank a glass of water and rinsed her mouth, she began to tell me her story.

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