Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 110 Ghost Doctor

I listened attentively.

The old witch doctor gave me the impression that he was an expert who was not involved in worldly matters.

The aura on her body can make my impatient heart slowly calm down.

Thirty years ago, Baisha Village was just a deserted place, with a mountain, a thatched house, and a hard-working couple who rested at sunset and worked at sunrise.

Men farm and women weave, living a poor but happy life. Men love women very much and take them to watch the sunset with them every night.

The woman originally thought that this happy life would last forever, but with the arrival of a group of refugees fleeing from famine, this ideal life was shattered.

The woman felt sorry for them and gave them food and water.

I thought they would be grateful and leave. Unexpectedly, the refugees took a fancy to the richness of this land and forcibly stayed.

There is no way, this land does not belong to the couple, so they can only turn a blind eye. They even provided seeds to the refugees and taught them farming.

The woman was born with good looks, much prettier than those village women, so some refugees took advantage of her idea to kill the men while they were working in the fields, and then took the women as their own.

Women have spent these years in hatred.

The woman was already pregnant at the time. In order to keep the child, she did not resist too much, but gave birth to the child with difficulty...

Unfortunately, her children were not spared either.

She gave birth to a daughter who inherited her mother's excellent genes and was naturally beautiful and juicy. She stood out from the crowd in the village. As a result, she was raped again, during which no villager was willing to save her.

The daughter is very strong-willed, doesn't cry or make trouble, and she's even married to the gangster who uses force.

In the end, he used his ancestral magic to kill the other party, and he himself became a little widow.

Originally, the mother and daughter thought they could live in harmony with the villagers in the future, but as time went by, their hatred had almost faded away. Perhaps the villagers felt quite guilty towards the mother and daughter, and helped them everywhere. The mother and daughter also used ancestral methods to collect medicines and treat diseases for the villagers.

But who would have thought that these villagers did not give up, but intensified their efforts and even started planning to climb the mountain!

That mountain is simply more important than a woman's life, that is her belief. I have stayed here for generations, enduring the torture of poverty and loneliness, just for that mountain.

Because the tombs of her ancestors were buried on that mountain. If they were destroyed, she would not be able to see her parents below even after she died.

In the end, the woman was forced to resort to magic and try to create some supernatural means to scare the villagers.

But the villagers didn't buy it and continued to dig up the hill.

In the end, they had no choice but to stop and prepare to kill all the villagers to restore peace to Baisha Village!

Originally, she was not prepared to deal with me as an outsider, so the old witch doctor let me go tonight.

Unexpectedly, I exposed her conspiracy, so she became angry.

But what I said just now made her change her mind. She suddenly felt that the authorities were confused and bystanders were clear, so she might as well let me, an outsider, support justice.

It can be seen that the old witch doctor and the little widow are still very kind-hearted, but they were forced by the villagers to take this road of no return.

I asked the old witch doctor who owns that stone tomb in the back mountain?

Why is there only a clay pot containing a kneecap in the tomb?

The old witch doctor became even more sad and looked at the distant mountains in despair: "My ancestors have been sleeping for thousands of years, but they still have to be dug up. It's because of my incompetence."

It turns out that the old witch doctor, like the ghost dealer, belongs to a special profession.

Her profession is called: ghost doctor!

I have heard of ghost doctors. Because of their unique way of treating diseases, they often use the bones of dead people as medicine introduction. Therefore, they were rejected by traditional Chinese medicine and eventually established their own practice and became a ghost doctor.

The founder of the ghost doctor was Sun Bin, an outstanding military strategist in ancient times.

Sun Bin is a man with a flexible mind. Not only is he superior in using troops to fight, but he also has many novel ideas in other aspects. He is the recognized ancestor of many trades, such as boot makers, charcoal burners, etc.

The most mysterious among them is the ghost doctor's practice.

It is said that Sun Bin and Pang Juan worshiped Gui Guzi as their teacher and learned the art of war. After they came down from the mountain, they jointly assisted the king of Wei. Pang Juan was jealous of Sun Bin's talents and framed him for liaison with the enemy. He dug out Sun Bin's kneecaps and threw Sun Bin into the wild.

Sun Bin was in unbearable pain, and his wound was once infected, and even worms grew in it during the hot summer.

But he used the method of fighting poison with poison, extracted corpse worms from the dead, ground them into powder with the ashes, mixed them together, sprinkled them on his knees, and wrapped them with a shroud. The wounds healed within three days.

From then on, Sun Bin began to pay attention to this purely natural medicinal material, constantly transforming it, and gradually formed a system. The medicinal materials also extended from the bones of the dead to various poisonous insects and poisonous weeds.

Later, Sun Bin was worshiped as a military advisor by the Qi State, and he carried forward this unique treatment technology and finally eliminated the Wei State.

Because the treatment methods are very weird and can bring people back to life, this profession is called: ghost doctor.

Sun Bin also naturally became the ancestor of ghost doctors.

In order to commemorate this great ancestor, later generations made specimens of Sun Bin's kneecaps and foot bones into clay pots for his feet, respectively, and enshrined them under this mountain.

And those skeletons are the bones of several generations of tomb-keepers, from the first disciples, to the later soldiers, to the common people today.

The old witch doctor's method of dealing with the villagers is the ghost doctor's unique skill.

It was an extinct creature called a fire bug, which was cultivated in a clay pot. The villagers dug up the clay pots, and the eggs of the fire bug spread among the crowd. The eggs spread quickly and only affected men, not women.

At first, it only spread to a few people, but in order to scare the villagers, the old witch doctor simply controlled a dog and took the kneecap into the lake. Lake water and groundwater are interconnected, so well water is also infected.

She just wanted to scare the villagers in this way so that they would stop thinking about the mountain. Who would have thought that these villagers were so stubborn that they asked me to handle this matter...

The old witch doctor's statement is very close to my guess.

I guess the reason why the villagers were poisoned was that well, because the old witch doctor had several water jars in her home with a lot of water in them. She probably didn't drink the well water.

As for the infection of the well water, I guessed it was related to the kneecaps and the clay pots, so I deliberately let Niu Dazhuang say that I had fished out the two clay pots.

After the clay pot was taken out, the well water would naturally be free of pollution. The old witch doctor would definitely go secretly to fetch water in the middle of the night, because there was not much water in the water tank at her home.

If the old witch doctor really goes to fetch water at night, we can conclude that there is something wrong with the old witch doctor. But I never expected that the old witch doctor would arrange such an event. It was really beyond my expectation.

After listening, the old witch doctor stopped talking. The little widow snorted coldly: "Now tell me, should those people die?"

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