Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 111: Repaying evil with kindness

"Let me tell you a story about Sun Bin!" I took a deep breath and said, "Pang Juan caused Sun Bin to look like this and even made him disabled. Logically speaking, Sun Bin should hate Pang Juan. Right? But later, when Qi and Wei went to war, Sun Bin used a trick to block Pang Juan on Maling Road, but instead of killing him, he let Pang Juan go and announced that Pang Juan had committed suicide."

"Pang Juan felt extremely guilty and prepared to return to his master Gui Guzi to continue practicing. However, a few years later, Sun Bin contracted a strange disease. He searched for famous doctors but could not find a cure, so he went to his master Gui Guzi in desperation. At this time, Pang Juan had amazing medical skills. He gave Sun Bin acupuncture treatment, and finally allowed Sun Bin to survive. The two of them studied ghost medicine together, taking advantage of each other's strengths and eliminating their weaknesses, and they achieved the glory of ghost medicine today..."

"Imagine if Sun Bin had not let Pang Juan go, who would have saved him when he was seriously ill? How could the line of ghost doctors be carried forward? Repaying evil with kindness is a traditional Chinese virtue, and more importantly, it is to leave a blessing for yourself .”

"The successor of the ghost doctor should not only inherit Sun Bin's medical skills, but also inherit Sun Bin's tolerant heart!"

Even I don’t know why I felt so much emotion at this moment and said so many words in one breath.

The old witch doctor frowned and glanced at the little widow, but the little widow turned her head to the side angrily: "Mom, I listen to you, and I will do whatever you say."

The old witch doctor sighed heavily, then filled the clay pot with some water, crushed a few red bugs to death, and threw them into the clay pot. Tell me that as long as I feed this water to the villagers, the poison will be cured.

I said: "Now that the villagers have turned into walking zombies one by one, I'm afraid I won't be able to feed them! Besides, this little water is not enough."

The old witch doctor smiled lightly and glanced at the little widow: "Go and help him."

Although the little widow was angry, she did not dare to confront the old witch doctor and could only follow me.

When I found those villagers, my mind was buzzing and confused.

Some of them have actually walked into the river, and the water will flood their heads in the next second.

I quickly looked at the little widow and asked the little widow to help.

The little widow took out a bell and rang it rhythmically. The tinkling sound spread far in the air.

And as this strange sound sounded, I found that the villagers gradually gained intuition and stopped moving forward. Instead, they looked around inexplicably. Then they lost strength and fell to the ground one after another.

Five minutes later, almost everyone woke up and couldn't figure out why they were here? What followed was endless panic, crying for father and mother and running towards the village.

While comforting everyone, I ran to the river and pulled out all the people struggling in the river.

With my comfort, everyone finally calmed down, and I arranged for everyone to drink the antidote.

After drinking all the food, everyone's symptoms still did not ease.

Niu Dazhuang looked at me angrily: "You liar, you said you could get rid of that evil thing today, but you almost killed the whole village. I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

"Yes, kill him, kill him, he is the one who harmed us, and now the Earth God is even more angry and wants to take our lives."

I rolled my eyes at the villagers helplessly and said, "Okay, stop yelling. From now on, your illness will slowly get better. All this is thanks to the old witch doctor! The Lord of the Land gave the old witch doctor She asked her in a dream and told her that as long as you don’t touch that mountain anymore, you will detoxify the whole village. The old witch doctor has promised the Tudou not to touch that mountain anymore, so the Tudou has told the old witch doctor the antidote. What you just drank was the antidote, and now you are all safe..."

Everyone is still full of doubts, and I can't provide any evidence to prove it, so I can only tell everyone that I will not leave until they recover.

Everyone was finally convinced, and I quickly went to notify their families and bring them back.

It seemed that the peasant women were all under control. They fell into a drowsy state and could not wake up at any sound. Finally, they slowly opened their eyes amidst the sound of the little widow's flute.

In fact, it's not that these peasant women weren't poisoned, they just didn't show it. I suspect there are two reasons for this. The first is that these peasant women are not the masterminds of digging up the hills. The second is that the old witch doctor and the little widow are self-protection methods. If the whole village is poisoned, they are the only two who are not poisoned. , will definitely arouse the villagers' suspicion.

After returning, Li Mazi and I were imprisoned in the Earth Temple again. I was quite helpless about this, and even somewhat understood the methods used by the old witch doctor and the little widow to deal with the villagers...

If it were me, I would have killed them long ago, right?

But I was not angry, but repaid them with kindness, telling them to pay attention to cleaning their wounds on weekdays, and it was best to buy some hydrogen peroxide to rinse them, which would speed up their recovery.

I firmly believe that repaying kindness with kindness will bring me good rewards, but I didn't expect that these good rewards would come too quickly.

Almost the next morning, Niu Da Zhuang ran into the temple excitedly. He did not use crutches this time, but walked by himself. Although he stumbled a bit, he was much better than the previous few days.

Niu Dazhuang told me excitedly that the wounds had scabbed over and were no longer itchy, and he could still feel pain.

I breathed a sigh of relief, it was okay if I could feel it. What I was most worried about now was the lack of feeling in my knees.

Niu Dazhuang's symptoms were originally the mildest, so it was reasonable that he recovered the fastest.

As for the other villagers, although they did not recover as quickly as Niu Dazhuang, their symptoms also improved significantly. The status of Li Mazi and I also increased, becoming their 'saviors'.

The only ones who enjoy the same treatment as us are the old witch doctor and the little widow, because I told the villagers before that the people they should be most grateful for for their recovery are the old witch doctor and the little widow. After all, they were the ones who concocted the antidote.

The old witch doctor and the young widow have received a lot of relief from the villagers in the past two days. People have sent rice, noodles and bacon, which has almost filled their house.

The old witch doctor also came to me about this and thanked me in person, saying that if it hadn't been for me, they would have almost made a big mistake.

About a week later, almost all the villagers recovered, and Li Mazi gradually improved.

When I told Li Mazi the truth, Li Mazi just kept sighing.

I asked him helplessly why he was still sighing. Aren't things settled now?

But Li Mazi looked at me melancholy and said that he originally wanted to further develop a relationship with the little widow, but now it seems that the little widow has a relationship with him purely to harm himself.

I smiled and said, "How do you know that she's not interested in you? I think the way she looks at you is a little different. Why don't you give it a try and let me match you?"

Under my instigation, Li Mazi launched a crazy offensive against the little widow, bought a lot of things for her family, took the initiative to help her family with farm work, and even helped her family decorate their house.

Unexpectedly, there was really a way to do this. The little widow took the initiative and wanted to go to a big city with Li Mazi to see the outside world.

Everyone knew what this meant. Li Mazi stayed up all night and left Baisha Village with the little widow at dawn.

Sometimes, hatred is like a barrel of gasoline. The more you add fuel to the fire, the stronger it will burn.

Changing the solution and treating the unintentional mistakes of others with tolerance will often lead to unexpected gains.

May everyone have the heart of Sun Bin! Or the world would be a better place.

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