Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1081 Scissors Formation

Getting married is actually a very cumbersome matter, and the two ghost spirits must meet beforehand.

Then place a bowl of water on both sides, with a chopstick standing in the water. If the two Yin spirits look at each other, the chopsticks will stand firm. If one of them misses it, the chopsticks will fall down. Then this is a ghost marriage. It won't work out.

Even if they barely get together, the ghosts will torment the family and make them uneasy!

But today's ghost marriage is very simple. The trafficker quotes a price, Lao Ma pays the money, and the trafficker hands Lao Ma a doll with a ghost spirit bound. Later, Lao Ma buried the doll next to his son's coffin, and the two ghost spirits formed a ghost marriage.

Lao Ma held the doll and asked with some worry: "Are you sure the girl is inside? Don't lie to me."

The trafficker said impatiently: "If you don't believe it, just give it back to me! To tell you the truth, I sold it to you cheaply because I felt sorry for you. I don't know how many people want it outside."

Lao Ma didn't dare to say anything anymore, thinking about burying the doll next to his son's coffin early tomorrow morning.

The trafficker took the money and left after making sure there was no problem.

Leng Rushuang and I also successfully stole a dozen pairs of scissors and saw the traffickers preparing to leave the village triumphantly. Along the way, many villagers asked them about the price, obviously wanting to buy more girls to use as tools for childbirth.

I pondered and said, "These human traffickers are so abominable. If we let them go, there may be many young girls who will be tortured."

"What are you going to do?" Leng Rushuang asked me.

I thought for a while and said, "We can't let them go. We need to arrest them first and then talk!"

Leng Rushuang said: "There are three of them, and they are all men. There are more people than us. It is better to outwit them than to be stronger."

Outsmart, how to outsmart?

Seeing my confused expression, Leng Rushuang said confidently: "It's up to me!"

She asked me to follow her from a distance, just to ensure her safety, and not to show up unless absolutely necessary. She deliberately walked in front of the traffickers.

As soon as the trafficker saw how beautiful Leng Rushuang was, he was immediately fooled and followed her from a distance, preparing to abduct her as well.

As a result, Leng Rushuang led them all the way to the temple. The man in sunglasses and I suddenly took action and tied up the three traffickers in an instant, with a smelly sock stuffed in each of their mouths.

When the girl who was originally covered in bruises saw the three traffickers, she suddenly went crazy and kicked and bit them like crazy: "You scum! I have been tortured by you!"

It turns out that she was also abducted by this group of traffickers.

Leng Rushuang asked the man in sunglasses to guard the trafficker, and then we went to the cemetery at the back. We referred to the ancient twelve constellations and arranged the scissors according to the twelve constellations. After everything was done, I said to Leng Rushuang: "We don't have to leave in a hurry. Let's see if this formation works first."

Leng Rushuang agreed without even thinking: "It just so happened that we took the opportunity to rescue those abducted girls from Houxi Village!"

The two of us returned to the temple. The ruthless monk had already cleaned the main hall of the temple and lit the incense again. The young carpenter was helping him wipe the Bodhisattva enshrined in the hall, every time he did so piously and conscientiously.

The leprosy-headed monk originally ran away with other monks, but he still couldn't suppress the guilt in his heart, so he came back again. But he could not maintain the development of the temple with his own strength. I was thinking about how to help him.

That night, while I stayed in the temple to keep an eye on her, Leng Rushuang took the man in sunglasses to Houxi Village and took advantage of the darkness to rescue the woman who had been sold to Lao Fu's house. She was probably still young. After being rescued, she kowtowed to us gratefully. The three traffickers, whose faces turned pale, were beaten severely by her again.

We had dinner, and Leng Rushuang began to torture and extract confessions.

She took out the red-hot iron rod she had prepared and said to the three traffickers: "Tell me the truth, how many innocent girls have you killed over the years?"

The trafficker said with a grimace: "There are just a few of them, they are all here!"

Without thinking, Leng Rushuang stabbed him with an iron rod. The man screamed in pain like a pig. Leng Rushuang said without changing his expression: "Did you see that? This is the fate of lying!" Then she asked the trafficker next to her: "Tell me!"

The trafficker turned pale with fright: "One hundred...more than one hundred..."

"So many?" Leng Rushuang was shocked by this number.

By the time the third trafficker arrived, the other person had completely collapsed. He asked me whatever he asked, and his attitude was very cooperative. According to him, they are an organization that specializes in trafficking women. They often traffic in girls at train stations, schools, bars and other places, and then sell them to isolated villages like Houxi Village.

Leng Rushuang's evaluation of the three of them was: scum!

I think she is a little too polite, she is clearly a beast!

We threw these three people into the corner of the temple and were stared at by the man in sunglasses. They had no intention of sleeping for a long night. The man in sunglasses had many ways to torture them, such as...finding someone to practice boxing with him?

Early the next morning, the three traffickers had been beaten so badly that they could no longer recognize their own mothers.

Leng Rushuang and I found that after the scissors array was placed, Zhang Lihua actually stopped and did not dare to come out to seduce the little carpenter.

It seems our plan has worked. Next is the small wooden comb. This yin object was probably used by Zhang Lihua to comb her hair during her lifetime. Because her hair was nourished with the girl's blood, the comb was also stained with the girl's resentment. Over time, it became a yin object. things. After Zhang Lihua's death, it became a burial object and has been guarding Zhang Lihua's hair. Therefore, Zhang Lihua's bones have been reduced to ashes, and only the hair is still properly preserved.

The resentment in this comb is too heavy and needs to be resolved. The best way is to stay in the temple, drum the bells at dusk and morning every day, and be influenced by incense. Coupled with the chanting of the monk with diarrhea, it will only take ninety-nine and eighty-one days to wash away the grievances on it and turn it into a magic weapon.

Maybe this comb can cure the dysentery on the monk's head.

The matter was settled, Leng Rushuang and I both breathed a sigh of relief. I was just about to check whether the karma on my arm was lessened when I heard a heart-rending cry from outside the temple door: "Little master, come and save me! There is a ghost!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lao Ma stumbled into the temple.

How come the people of Houxi Village can be so tormented by one wave after another?

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