Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1082: Evil people will have their own trials and tribulations

The ruthless monk looked at the old horse in surprise and asked, "What happened?"

Lao Ma said in panic: "Didn't my son die in the cemetery behind the temple before? I saw that he died at a young age. It was too pitiful for a person to be alone and helpless in the underworld, so I wanted to give him a ghost marriage. .Who knew I was deceived by the damn dealers and they sold me a crazy ghost! I originally wanted to bury the doll with the ghost inside next to my son’s coffin this morning, but who knew that the doll suddenly seemed to be alive? , knocked me unconscious and ran away while I wasn't paying attention, and then killed people in the village. Those families who bought wives were murdered! Young Master, if you don't come forward, Houxi Village will be over!"

The leprosy-headed monk looked embarrassed and said, "But I can only chant sutras, but I can't deal with ghosts!"

Lao Ma said desperately: "What should we do?"

Crazy ghost, how could a crazy ghost appear?

I thought about it and turned my attention to the wing where the traffickers were detained.

I pushed the door open and went in, making the traffickers tremble in fear. I took out the rag from one of them's mouths and threatened: "Now I ask you two questions and give me honest answers, otherwise I will let the man in sunglasses follow me again." You guys have a good time."

The trafficker was so frightened that he kowtowed to me: "Grandpa! You ask! I will tell you whatever you ask, just don't let that evil star come in, he will beat us to death."

"Okay!" I nodded: "What happened to the female ghost you sold to Lao Ma?"

Several traffickers looked at each other mischievously, not knowing what they were planning.

I couldn't bear to plot against me in front of me, so I shouted loudly: "Man with sunglasses!!!"

The trafficker screamed: "I say! Grandpa, I say!!"

I looked at him impatiently: "My patience is limited."

The trafficker said: "It's like this. Nowadays, it is popular in some places to match ghost marriages. We think this is also a business and don't want to let it go. However, a normal good woman must be sold at a good price, and it must not be used to match ghost marriages. . Later we came up with a way to abduct some women with mental problems from remote rural areas. Their families felt that they were a burden and were reluctant to throw them away. So we lied and said that we would take them to work in the city, and then deceived them. Come out and kill them, seal the ghosts in puppets, and prepare ghost marriages for those short-lived ones."

Is this what the hell people do?

The more I listened, the angrier I became. When he finished speaking, I called the man in sunglasses loudly.

The trafficker looked at me regretfully: "Grandpa, didn't you say that as long as you tell the truth, everything will be fine?"

I was too lazy to pay attention to him and said to the man in sunglasses who strode in, "Leave it to you!"

The man in sunglasses nodded and cracked his joints.

I walked out of the side room and told Leng Rushuang what the trafficker said. Leng Rushuang snorted disdainfully: "It's true that evil people are punished by evil people. There are no good people in Houxi Village. It just happens that a crazy ghost can torment them. This is karma."

"But you can't just ignore it, right?" I said.

Leng Rushuang hummed: "How do you want to save me?"

"Control the crazy ghost first!" After I said this, I set off with Leng Rushuang and Lao Ma.

This kind of ghost is already difficult to deal with, and it's even harder when it's a crazy ghost. At this time, several families in Houxi Village had died one after another. They were all killed by crazy ghosts, and they were all families who had participated in the human trafficking.

Leng Rushuang and I quickly found the crazy ghost. She was looking silly and stupid, and she was hanging Lao Fu and his wife from the beam with her mind. If we had arrived a little later, we would have had to receive a box lunch.

Leng Rushuang regretted seeing this and said, "If I had known earlier, I would have come a little later!"

She is quite vindictive, and even now she doesn't like the old couple.

When the crazy ghost saw us, he did not rush to attack us. Instead, he curled his lips in aggrievedness and cried, "I want to go home..."

It seems that the only way to deal with her is to send her soul to her hometown. I sighed and asked, "Where is your home?"

Unexpectedly, the crazy guy shook his head: "I don't know!"

A crazy ghost is a crazy ghost, and there is no way to communicate normally. I glanced at Leng Rushuang with some embarrassment, and Leng Rushuang suddenly said: "I have a wonderful way, you control her first!"

I agreed and said to the crazy ghost: "Brother, there is candy here, do you want to eat it?"

The crazy ghost nodded repeatedly: "If you want to eat, you must eat."

"Then come here!" When the crazy ghost came close, I grabbed her spirit body and sealed her back into the puppet.

Leng Rushuang looked at the surviving couple Lao Fu calmly and said: "Go and call all the remaining living people in your village."

Lao Fu saw that I could subdue the crazy ghost, how could he dare to go against our words? He quickly went and called everyone in the village. Perhaps because they heard about the crazy ghost killing people, the villagers were very panicked, and some people even packed up their things and were ready to run away.

Leng Rushuang said: "You all know about the crazy ghost. You have done too many evil things in Houxi Village and you deserve this retribution! Now that the crazy ghost has been temporarily subdued by us, I will negotiate a condition with you. If you agree, I will Send the crazy ghost away, if you don’t agree, I will release her again and let her stay with you for the rest of her life.”

"Promise, we promise!"

"you say!"

"Good girl, tell me!"

This group of people, who used to scream about their bad looks and bad looks, have now turned into good girls, changing their faces faster than turning the pages of a book.

Leng Rushuang said: "If the men in your village cannot marry a wife, they can only blame themselves for their lack of ability. In the future, they are not allowed to participate in such immoral things as human trafficking. Those who have been bought, let them go immediately! I will make them crazy Ghosts are enshrined in the temple in the back mountain. You must go there every first and fifteenth day to offer incense and repent for your sins. If some people don't go, crazy ghosts will naturally come to you."

The people in Houxi Village looked at each other and thought about it for a long time, and finally reluctantly agreed.

But what Leng Rushuang and I didn't expect was that many of the trafficked women had already given birth here and were reluctant to leave. All they want is to be treated as normal people and to have occasional contact with their families.

Although Leng Rushuang hates these women, since it is their own wish, we have no right to interfere.

Leng Rushuang and I took Mad Gui's puppet back to the temple. Leng Rushuang took out the Wuyi Bell and modified Mad Gui's memory, allowing her to treat the temple as her home and she could play here all the time. With her presence, people in Houxi Village would not dare to act recklessly, and would even come to the temple to offer incense. With the incense, Zhang Lihua's evil spirit can be suppressed later and does not dare to make mistakes. It is like killing several birds with one stone. I give a thumbs up to Leng Rushuang's arrangement.

We left Houxi Village in the trafficker's car. The little carpenter secretly told me that he decided to send the abducted girl back to Guangzhou, and then pick up the master's ashes and send them back to his hometown. I saw the loving eyes between him and the woman, Couldn't help but smile.

The little carpenter's peach blossoms are really strong!

After arriving in a larger town, we parked the car in front of the police station and taped a piece of paper on the car window.

The paper said: Three human traffickers were sitting in the car!

I believe that the people's police will continue to investigate and wipe out these damn human trafficking groups.

Leng Rushuang, the man in sunglasses and I embarked on a new journey.

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