Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,883: Haunted Mansion (Additional Updates)

After I separated from the little carpenter, I once again lived a pure life. The man in sunglasses continued to be taciturn, Leng Rushuang continued to study the golden compass, and I looked out the car window and went crazy with no love in my life.

The terminal station of this train is Hangzhou. It is an old-fashioned green train, so the carriage is messy, stuffy and hot.

Coupled with the long drive, I felt that my last bit of perseverance was being exhausted and I was ready to jump out of the car and run away at any time!

At this time, Leng Rushuang suddenly raised his head and glanced at me strangely.

As soon as I saw the look in her eyes, I knew she must have discovered something, but the compass in her hand didn't move at all, and it didn't seem like she felt the presence of a vagina. I glanced at her in confusion and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Did you find something?"

Leng Rushuang pointed to the front and said, "Listen carefully to the conversation between the two passengers."

It was noon at the moment, and there were people in the carriage busy making noodles, and some playing poker... It was so noisy that you couldn't even hear what others were saying.

After Leng Rushuang's guidance, I finally saw the two people, a young man in a suit and an old man. The young man wears a pair of elegant glasses and looks like a white-collar elite at first glance, but he is very respectful to the old man with a white beard next to him, and he seems to have something to ask for.

Although the old man's clothes are simple, his eyes are calm and alert, unlike ordinary country people.

I glanced at Leng Rushuang curiously.

Leng Rushuang explained: "This old man should be a member of the family, and the young man wants to ask him for something. It's too chaotic here, I only heard a few words, it seems that there is a ghost house that wants him to come out and help take care of it."

"Haunted house?" I shook my head uninterested: "This kind of thing has nothing to do with us. We only deal with ghost objects and are not responsible for the ghost house business."

Leng Rushuang rolled her eyes at me: "Can you pursue it a little bit? Anything related to the dead is called a ghost object. Since it is haunted, it means there must be a ghost object."

Leng Rushuang's eyes lit up when she said these words.

I found that as long as she mentioned vaginal objects, her otherworldly face would become crazy, as for that?

I simply stretched out my ears and listened carefully. I heard the young man respectfully call the old man next to him Mr. Bai, with a humble and polite tone: "Mr. Bai, thank you for coming out. Not to mention how happy we, Mr. Wang, will be after knowing this. We have arranged a special car to wait for you at the station. Take a look. Should we start the practice today, or should we choose an auspicious day?"

Mr. Bai looked a little arrogant and ignored the young man's words.

The young man asked again anxiously, and Mr. Bai reluctantly replied: "I have to wait until I get to the place to see this kind of thing. I dare not make any conclusions until I see it with my own eyes."

The young man heard what he said and nodded immediately.

The car ride was long, and Mr. Bai looked like an outsider. The young man gradually became a lonely man who shared my same problem. While the train was stopping at an unknown station, the young man got off the train and smoked with Mr. Bai's permission.

After he left, Leng Rushuang immediately signaled to me: "Let's trick him!"

I glanced at the dense crowd in the aisle and said with a wry smile, "Can you please stop trying to steal other people's jobs?" Before I could finish speaking, Leng Rushuang grabbed my arm rudely.

I found that since becoming familiar with Leng Rushuang, she didn't respect me as much as before.

Although it is just an unknown station, the train has been waiting for a long time. At this moment, the young man in a suit has got off the platform and found a shady place to smoke.

Leng Rushuang and I quickly jumped out of the car. Leng Rushuang walked straight towards the young man and said casually: "Go buy me a bottle of water!"

did you see? This girl dares to order me around.

I glared at her resentfully and turned around to find a place to buy water.

When I came back carrying two bottles of mineral water, Leng Rushuang was chatting with the young man with a smile on his face. Leng Rushuang is beautiful, and she is like a goddess even in the city, let alone in such a remote station? The young man talked to her with a flattered expression on his face, as if he had won a millionaire.

Holding back my laughter, I put the water into Leng Rushuang's hand.

The young man glanced at me unexpectedly and immediately became alert: "He...he is your boyfriend?"

"No!" Leng Rushuang shook her head without thinking: "Am I that bad in my judgment? He is my brother, and we are here to do things."

The young man breathed a sigh of relief and nodded politely to me, which was regarded as a formal greeting.

I responded casually, unscrewed the bottle cap and drank some water.

Leng Rushuang took the opportunity to chat with the young man: "Oh! Our family recently bought a new house. I thought it was a happy event, but it has been non-stop since we moved in. I always hear the sound of pots and pans in the middle of the night. We are tortured I went to Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou to ask for a peace charm or something like that."

When the young man heard what she said, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Your house is not peaceful, but there must be something dirty, right?"

"Who knows." Leng Rushuang pouted her lips deliberately and said coquettishly: "When will this car arrive in Hangzhou? It's so annoying..."

The goddess's coquettishness was so powerful that the young man couldn't resist it at all, and was immediately attacked: "This train is relatively slow. Except for old farmers in remote areas, few people take this kind of green train. But you don't know, in remote areas It also has the advantage of being remote. Many masters like to live in seclusion in places like this. Let me tell you..." The young man came closer and deliberately lowered his voice and said: "The Peace Talisman of Lingyin Temple is useless at all. We The company boss invited all the monks from Lingyin Temple to chant sutras and recite Buddha’s name, but it didn’t work.”

"Ah?" Leng Rushuang pretended to be surprised: "What is the problem so serious?"

The young man continued: "It's like this. The boss of our company bought a piece of prime land in Hangzhou to develop a high-end residential community. The land originally belonged to the old city. In order to buy the property rights, I don't know how much effort it took to get there. When the demolition started, I found a very strange house! It had been abandoned for a long time, but there were always sounds of walking inside, and in the middle of the night there were bursts of babies crying. At that time, some workers said that the house was 80% It was haunted, but the contractor didn’t believe in evil, so he still ordered the forklift to continue pushing the house, and guess what happened?”

The young man's tone was somewhat mysterious.

Leng Rushuang pretended to be curious and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The car crashed and everyone was killed!" the young man said with a look of fear on his face: "The forklift overturned just as it arrived at the door of the house, and it happened to smash the foreman who was standing aside to give instructions to a pulp."

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