Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1084 Mr. Bai

Leng Rushuang frowned in surprise.

Things are indeed a bit strange, and even I can't help but become interested.

The young man was frightened when he saw Leng Rushuang, and started talking like he was on stimulants: "There was a life on the construction site and we had to stop work. Our boss is well-informed. After hearing about this incident, he immediately invited the monks and Taoists. We went to save the evil spirits, but they were all scared away! We simply hired a private detective to investigate the house. It is said that the house was built in the Republic of China. At that time, a foreigner opened a photo studio there. Later, when the foreigner returned to China, the house was occupied by a A wealthy silk merchant bought it and turned it into his own private residence. As for what happened in the house, because it was so long ago, many clues cannot be verified, and private detectives can't do anything."

Leng Rushuang nodded: "Has anyone ever entered that house?"

"Who dares!" The young man shrank in fear: "That is a haunted house. I heard from nearby residents that strange things often happen in that house, and some residents heard the sounds of various babies floating in the house in the middle of the night. The crying sounds are terrifying. Nowadays, many workers just pack up and leave without paying their wages. Our big boss knew that this was not going to work, so he went around looking for experts. Finally, through a friend’s introduction, he said that there was a Mr. Bai in the countryside who drove the car. The ghost is very powerful, so he sent me here to invite someone.”

Leng Rushuang pretended to be enlightened and nodded: "So that's it. I don't think you look like a country boy in your clothes."

The young man received the praise from the goddess and couldn't help but beam with joy: "I'm not running errands for the boss!"

Leng Rushuang took the opportunity and said: "You are in real estate. I have always wanted to buy a house in Hangzhou. What are the current housing prices like? Where is your newly developed community?"

The young man probably didn't have much luck with women, so Leng Rushuang had all his secrets stolen in an instant.

Leng Rushuang got the address of the ghost house and nodded with satisfaction. Just as the train was about to leave, the three of us got back on the car.

During the rest of the trip, the young man cast admiring glances at Leng Rushuang from time to time. Because he turned his head so many times, even Mr. Bai, who was motionless beside him, felt it.

Mr. Bai followed his gaze in surprise. When he saw a beautiful woman, he couldn't help but sigh: "Young man, the word "sex" is like a knife to the head!"

At this moment, the young man had completely bowed to Leng Rushuang's pomegranate skirt. He would not listen to such kind words and advice.

I saw it interestingly and couldn't help but smile at Leng Rushuang.

Leng Rushuang asked me: "Why are you laughing?"

I shook my head and pretended nothing happened.

Leng Rushuang narrowed her eyes and clenched her fists and said, "I know even if you don't tell me. You are laughing at me for putting down my identity to seduce that kind of person in order to gather information. But... didn't you do this before?"

Me, when have I ever betrayed my beauty?

The train moved forward slowly, still stopping every three steps and leaning on five steps. I was tortured to the point of going crazy by the boredom, and in the end I could only fall asleep.

In my daze, Leng Rushuang woke me up: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, we are here."

I rubbed my eyes and saw that it was already dark outside the window. The train had already entered Hangzhou Station and most of the people on the train had gotten off. Mr. Bai and the young man were no longer in their seats and should have gotten off the train.

We also took the time to pack our things and got out of the car with the crowd. When we arrived at the exit, we were surprised to see the young man stretching his neck and waiting patiently. I couldn't help but snickered and said to Leng Rushuang, "I didn't realize that you are quite charming, and this kid will never forget you."

Leng Rushuang gave me a hard look.

As soon as the young man saw us, he immediately came up to us happily: "I just wanted to take care of Mr. Bai, so I got out of the car in a hurry, and I was worried that I would get separated from you!"

He looked at Leng Rushuang lovingly and said, "Have you arranged accommodation when you come to Hangzhou? If not, I can help you..."

I saw a bit of indifference and alienation in Leng Rushuang's eyes, and I knew she would definitely refuse.

After all, the clues you want have been obtained, and there is no point in getting entangled with this hanging thread. Not to mention that Leng Rushuang is from the Leng family in Tianshan, even an ordinary beauty would not be able to fall in love with this little Diaosi.

To avoid unnecessary trouble, refusal is the only way.

However, just before Leng Rushuang spoke, I rushed to say: "That would be great. Without your help, we are unfamiliar with the place in Hangzhou and would be really afraid of getting lost."

The young man listened to my words and smiled shyly.

Leng Rushuang looked at me in surprise.

The young man very politely led us to the taxi waiting area, helped us take a taxi, and specifically told the driver: "Just take them to the hotel I mentioned." After the explanation, this Then she said to Leng Rushuang in a gentle voice: "The driver will take you to the hotel. This hotel is our boss's business. I have reserved the room in advance. You can just check in. After I finish arranging Mr. Bai, I’ll treat you to dinner again.”

Leng Rushuang nodded, and the young man trotted away.

The taxi drove towards Hangzhou City in the night. After seeing no outsiders, Leng Rushuang asked me immediately: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, we have all the useful clues, why are we still entangled with him?"

"Aren't you curious about Mr. Bai's background?" I looked at the night view of the city outside the car window and said with a smile, "If we were separated from them, I wouldn't know how much Mr. Bai weighs."

There are actually not many reclusive experts in this circle. I think the boss behind that young man has so much business in Hangzhou, so he should be a person with a background. Such a person would go out of his way to ask Mr. Bai for help, which made me even more curious about Mr. Bai's background.

In fact, what I am most worried about is that Mr. Bai will be related to Longquan Villa. If that is the case...

There was a hint of murderous intent in my eyes.

Leng Rushuang looked at me worriedly: "Are you okay?"

I shook my head hastily: "It's okay, of course it's okay."

The taxi suddenly fell silent. The driver looked at us in the reversing mirror and suddenly asked with some gossip: "Are you from outside the country? How do you know Mr. Liu?"

"Mr. Liu?" I looked at him puzzled.

The driver immediately explained: "Mr. Liu is a well-known entrepreneur in Hangzhou. The hotel you are going to is his business. I heard that he is developing a new building! But I saw a report in the news a few days ago that something happened at the construction site. A few people died."

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