Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,885 Untouchable Territory

Leng Rushuang and I exchanged looks.

The driver continued: "Hey, let me tell you! Just throw that piece of land away. Whoever develops it will get into trouble. It's an evil land."

"Brother, what do you say?" I asked pretending to be interested.

When the driver saw me talking to him, he started to talk about it in a nonchalant manner: "You are a foreigner, so it's not surprising that you don't know. The place that Mr. Liu developed is an old city. Some of the houses can be traced back to before the founding of the People's Republic of China. However, they are haunted." Because of this, most people simply don’t dare to go there. In recent years, some developers have spotted the land and want to develop it, but every time they break ground, it doesn’t work. There are foreign priests, monks who can chant scriptures, and monsters who can catch monsters. The Taoist priests, no matter who got there, were helpless, and no one dared to touch him after that. Mr. Liu was rich and arrogant and did not believe in evil, so something happened. In the past two days, I heard rumors that he was mobilizing connections to find experts to help crack it. , By the way, you are not the experts invited by Mr. Liu, are you?"

The driver looked at us in the rearview mirror with great interest.

I smiled at him: "Do you think we look like experts? We are not high except for high blood pressure."

The driver shook his head and smiled bitterly: "That's right. What skills can you young people have? That piece of land is terrible. I heard that in 1995, a big boss from Guangzhou bought it for development. He was the first to promote the house. A dozen workers died suddenly that night, which made the news. Other workers were too frightened to start work, and it was delayed for several years. I don’t know how many so-called experts were invited, but no one came. Use it, something will happen, someone will die. In the end, the Guangzhou boss had no choice but to sell it and return to Guangzhou. As a result, his whole family died on the second day after he arrived in Guangzhou..."

"So evil?" I asked.

"That's not true." The driver lit a cigarette and said: "This incident caused a sensation at the time, and that piece of land became the hardest nut to crack. According to the market price, it is a golden area. If a real estate is developed, it will definitely "Who dares to make a fortune? I'm afraid that the money will be earned or spent!" The driver said as the car stopped in front of a five-star hotel.

Leng Rushuang, the man in sunglasses and I got out of the car. The driver said goodbye to us politely and drove away slowly.

Leng Rushuang sighed softly: "If I had known that this matter would cause uproar in Hangzhou City, why would I have to betray my appearance?"

I smiled at her and comforted her: "If you think about it, you can save money on opening a hotel."

Leng Rushuang rolled her eyes at me unceremoniously: "That's all you can do!"

We entered the beautifully decorated lobby and briefly spoke to the front desk clerk. The front desk staff immediately said very politely: "So you are friends of Special Assistant Wang? He just called and has already explained it to us." , while quickly helping with the check-in procedure and thoughtfully giving the room card.

It turns out that the young man’s surname is Wang, and he is a special assistant. Doesn’t it sound very cool?

We took the elevator back to our respective rooms. The first thing I did was to take off my clothes and take a nice hot bath. As soon as I changed into clean pajamas, the man in sunglasses knocked on the door. I opened the door and looked at him. He stood outside the door and looked at me. The two of them stared at each other for five minutes. Remember this guy is mute? Don't speak to anyone except Leng Rushuang.

I rolled my eyes at the boss and asked politely: "What's the matter?"

The man in sunglasses pointed to the cold room at the end of the corridor.

"Your boss is looking for me?" I asked curiously.

The man in sunglasses nodded.

Following the man in sunglasses to Leng Rushuang's room, I found her lazily lying on the sofa playing with the golden compass. And her room is obviously a level higher than mine in terms of decoration and size. Is it really okay to favor girls over boys?

The pointer of the golden compass kept spinning, obviously something had been discovered.

In fact, this is not unusual. In such a big city, it is quite normal to have several kinds of femininity.

I walked over casually and asked condescendingly: "You called me here in the middle of the night, so mysterious?"

Leng Rushuang stared at the golden compass and studied it for a long time: "It's so strange. The golden compass told me that there is a very powerful evil object here, with a super high grade."

"Really?" My eyes lit up and I suddenly became interested.

It's like playing a game. If you defeat the big boss, you will be rewarded with the best equipment. And for me, the moral virtue gained from handling and disposing of powerful Yin objects must be very high! In this way, my karma will be eliminated as soon as possible, so that I will not have to shorten my life and die.

Leng Rushuang nodded: "It's very violent, so it might not be easy to deal with it."

None of the vaginal objects I've dealt with over the years have been easy, so I didn't really take it seriously: "Can you find its location?"

Leng Rushuang shook his head: "This is the strangest thing. Even the golden compass can't find it..."

No wonder the pointer of the golden compass keeps spinning. It seems that it just felt the existence of this evil object, but it was difficult to find it for a while.

Leng Rushuang and I discussed: "Now that the Golden Compass has a target, do we still have to deal with the ghost house?"

Leng Rushuang glanced at me: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, are you pretending to have amnesia with me? Let me remind you, you were the one who insisted on interfering with this matter at the train station, and you also had to look at the white man. Who is this gentleman?"

I turned away with some embarrassment: "Um...what should we have for dinner?" The topic changed so quickly that I couldn't help but give myself a thumbs up.

Leng Rushuang gave me a look of disdain: "Go downstairs and eat some specialties."

Leng Rushuang, the man in sunglasses, and I went downstairs and bumped into Assistant Wang who had arrived in a hurry after settling Mr. Bai. He obviously came here specially for Leng Rushuang. He was sweating profusely. As soon as he saw Leng Rushuang, he asked in surprise: "Are you going to eat? Fortunately, I came in time. You are new here, so you must not know where it is." The food is more delicious, I will take you there."

"Thank you very much." I said against my will.

Assistant Wang quickly shook his head: "Nothing, this is my honor!"

So the group of people left the hotel together, and I was not surprised to receive Leng Rushuang's contempt.

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