Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1086: Covering Ghost Eyes (Additional update)

Assistant Wang was probably eager to show off in front of Leng Rushuang, so he spent a lot of money to take us to a hotel by the West Lake. Sitting in the private room, we could see the West Lake in the night, which was quite pleasing to the eye.

The dishes are also very delicious, including West Lake vinegar fish, Dongpo pork, sweet-scented osmanthus cake... I basically ordered all the special dishes related to Hangzhou that I can think of.

So while I was eating and drinking, I secretly said to Leng Rushuang: "I think this guy is pretty good, otherwise you can just make do with it."

Leng Rushuang ungratefully stepped on me under the table.

During the dinner, Special Assistant Wang asked concernedly about Leng Rushuang's arrangements for the past few days. Leng Rushuang said without changing his expression: "Actually, there are no arrangements. I originally wanted to go to Lingyin Temple to ask for the peace talisman, but you didn't If it doesn't work, I definitely believe you. I'm worried about what to do?"

Leng Rushuang said, frowning slightly, looking very anxious.

Special Assistant Wang said quickly: "Miss Leng, don't be anxious, I'll help you find a solution!"

Leng Rushuang smiled slightly: "Thank you so much!"

"This...this is nothing." Special Assistant Wang was too excited to say anything.

I poured cold water on him at the right time: "Special Assistant Wang, how are you going to help us?"

One sentence of the question overwhelmed Special Assistant Wang. He hesitated for a long time without saying anything. He was pretending to be a hero in front of the goddess.

I sighed and planned to help others to the end: "Didn't you say that Mr. Bai is an expert? When he does it, can you take us to visit it? If he is really so efficacious, we would also like to invite him Please help."

I thought Special Assistant Wang would agree without even thinking about it, but he actually showed a look of embarrassment on his face: "This... this... doesn't seem to be that easy. First, he is a worldly expert and has a weird temper. He is not anyone. I was willing to help with everything. This time I agreed to go out. It was because our boss dragged a lot of trouble and even gave me a golden Buddha as a gift before I reluctantly agreed. Secondly, the land is too dangerous. If Miss Leng visits,

If something happens, I will have a bad conscience for the rest of my life. "

My child, you are so eloquent, it would be a pity not to act in Qiong Yao drama!

Leng Rushuang saw that I was defeated and took action decisively: "Wang Special Assistant, you also said that Mr. Bai is a great outsider. If he really has the ability and chooses to live in seclusion, he definitely doesn't care about money. Maybe he will help us in order to accumulate virtue? Besides, we won’t enter the haunted house, we will just look outside to see what can happen? "

The goddess had already spoken, but Assistant Wang was extremely unwilling and could not refuse. He thought for a moment and nodded seriously: "Okay, I'll find a way to arrange it!"

During the next meal, Special Assistant Wang kept asking for Leng Rushuang's personal information. Including age, constellation, hobbies, etc... While eating the delicious West Lake Vinegar Fish, I was thinking wickedly. If this honest young man knew that Leng Rushuang's hobby was collecting things used by dead people, what would he do? Will faint on the spot.

After dinner, Special Assistant Wang sent us back to the hotel and then said goodbye. Before leaving, Leng Rushuang asked Mr. Bai about the matter again. Special Assistant Wang patted his chest and reassured us before leaving.

I thought that Mr. Bai would go to the haunted house the next day to find out what was going on, but he didn't do anything.

Special Assistant Wang called Leng Rushuang and said, Mr. Bai said that Ziwei Xing was full of bad omens in the past two days, and it was not suitable to start an altar. He would not be able to go to the haunted house until the third day. Let us wait patiently.

Leng Rushuang said to me after hanging up the phone: "It seems that Mr. Bai is not a liar, but really has some ability."

I hummed and said nothing more.

On the third day, Special Assistant Wang arranged for a car to pick us up.

The old city waiting to be developed is like a malignant tumor that has been forgotten in the city, exuding a stench, but no one cares about it. Because the contract has been signed, there is no one living here, and the word "Demolish" written in red paint can still be seen on the ruins.

And the so-called ghost house is located in the very center of this old city, as if it is held up by the stars. The house is a standard European-style building. Because of its age, the walls have fallen off, and the glass on the windows has been smashed. Some have boards nailed on, and some are left open, like bloody mouths. Gusts of cold wind blew out from inside, making people shudder.

At this moment, there were many people gathered around the house. There were residents who rushed over after hearing the noise, and construction site workers watching the excitement... These people gathered neatly into a circle.

There were several people standing in the open space in front of the house, including Mr. Bai and Special Assistant Wang. Special Assistant Wang was standing next to an imposing middle-aged man. This should be Mr. Liu.

Behind Mr. Liu were a dozen people dressed as bodyguards, who at first glance were here to protect Mr. Liu.

We just got out of the car at this moment, Special Assistant Wang waved to us, and when we walked over, he respectfully said to Mr. Liu: "Mr. Liu, this is what I mentioned to you, my fellow countryman!" He said, winking at us and asking us to cooperate.

We also took advantage of the opportunity to say hello to Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu just waved his hand casually, obviously having no time to pay attention to us. Leng Rushuang and I laughed silently, standing aside and watching the excitement.

The so-called haunted house in front of me is not eye-catching. If Assistant Wang hadn't repeatedly explained that this place was really evil, I wouldn't have given it a second glance even if I passed by. In order to cooperate with Mr. Bai's work, Mr. Liu specially arranged for a dozen young and strong young men to help. At this moment, Mr. Bai was arranging them to carefully place candles at the eight corners outside the house and light them. I took a closer look and found that the position of the candles was indeed placed according to the Bagua.

This formation has a scientific name called Ghost Eye, and it is a defensive formation!

Because according to normal rules, if you don't provoke ghosts, ghosts will not actively provoke you, unless they are some perverts who think about ooxx all day long. But if you take the initiative to provoke a ghost, and the other person happens to be an evil ghost, you can prevent the evil ghost from hurting others by putting on the ghost eyes in advance. However, this formation is very old and not many people use it now.

After placing the candles, Mr. Liu asked anxiously, "Mr. Bai, can we go in to exorcise ghosts?"

"Not yet!" Mr. Bai shook his head firmly.

"Not enough?" Mr. Liu exclaimed in confusion: "Is there something missing? Just say something and I will order someone to buy it immediately!"

Mr. Bai looked up at the clear sky and said: "Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind."

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