Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1087: Searching the Demonic Water Bowl

"East wind?" Mr. Liu looked at Special Assistant Wang inexplicably: "Hurry up and call the Meteorological Bureau and ask if there will be an east wind today?"

Assistant Wang quickly took out his phone and prepared to dial.

Mr. Bai waved his hand calmly: "No need to fight, I'm not talking about the east wind, but the opportunity! The time has not come yet, and it may be dangerous to go in."

"Dangerous?" When Mr. Liu heard this, he didn't dare to urge him any more. He could only stand quietly and wait. A considerate bodyguard had already held up a black umbrella and stood respectfully behind Mr. Liu to provide him with shade.

Mr. Bai, holding his long beard in his hands, stood in the sunshine and waited for the opportunity.

At this time, several questions came from the crowd watching the excitement: "Why don't you take action? Didn't the monks and Taoists who came earlier start the altar immediately? Why is this little old man standing there basking in the sun?"

"Is that okay? He's probably a liar, right?"

"Can you start? I have to go home and play mahjong!"

Mr. Bai stood there with his eyes closed, as if he couldn't hear the sounds around him and was not affected at all. Just his attitude of not being alarmed by changes was already quite a master's demeanor. I couldn't help but have a good impression of him, and I wasn't as suspicious of him as I was before.

After all, someone who acts so aboveboard will definitely not be associated with Longquan Villa.

Unexpectedly, the wait lasted more than two hours. During this period, the candles were changed twice and the crowd watching the excitement dispersed. There are only a few people left who insist on waiting, wanting to see if Mr. Bai is really capable?

Finally, Mr. Bai opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. It was noon at this moment, the time when Yang Qi is the strongest in the day. After waiting for so long, I finally knew what he was waiting for.

He can be considered an old fox for acting so cautiously.

Mr. Bai took out a small red cloth bag from his pocket, knelt down and carefully opened the bag. There was an old black water bowl inside!

The water bowl is a porcelain vessel used by ancient people to hold water for washing brushes. However, Mr. Bai's water bowl was filled with black liquid, which was very strange.

The moment the water bowl appeared, Leng Rushuang's golden compass also reacted. Leng Rushuang quietly said to me: "That is a yin object. It should be handed down from the Tang Dynasty. It is of high grade."

"Is it the negative thing that the Golden Compass felt before but couldn't find?" I asked curiously.

Leng Rushuang answered very simply: "No!"

I nodded.

In fact, during the two days of waiting for Mr. Bai to take action, Leng Rushuang had been studying the Golden Compass, hoping to use its power to find the elusive ghost. But that thing seems to be spiritual and plays hide and seek with us. The more we want to find it, the better it hides.

Leng Rushuang was so angry that she almost smashed the golden compass, a treasure that was worth a lot of money.

At this time, our eyes all fell on Mr. Bai. He used the little finger of his right hand to gently pick out some black liquid in the water bowl and sprinkled it on the ground. He sprinkled it two or three times in succession. The black liquid suddenly seemed like As if alive, he walked around and crawled into the house.

This scene stunned everyone present, and Mr. Liu was even more stunned and speechless.

You can tell by looking at his expression that he regards Mr. Bai as a living god! After all, being able to direct the movement of liquid can only be done by Superman.

The few people watching around were also frightened, and they all watched the scene in front of them with bated breath!

The liquid quickly crawled into the house. Apparently Mr. Bai wanted to use this vaginal object to spy on the situation inside the house. I suddenly felt that it would be nice to have such a vagina. At least I don’t have to do everything myself. Think about how many sins I have suffered over the years. I have been to graves and wells. Where have I not been? If there was such a thing...

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, I’ll just cry if I think about it too much!

Just after the liquid entered the house, the wind in the house suddenly became stronger, and there was a hint of chill in the wind, which made people shudder. Immediately afterwards, the candles placed outside began to sway unsteadily, as if they were being impacted by some force.

Mr. Bai shouted: "Protect the candle, don't let it go out!"

Several bodyguards immediately covered the candle with their bodies.

After a while, the black liquid crawled out of the room. Mr. Bai hurriedly placed the water bowl on the ground. The black liquid crawled back into the water bowl as if it was alive.

Mr. Bai's face was calm, showing no emotion or anger. Mr. Liu asked nervously: "Mr. Bai, how is it? Has it been resolved?"

Mr. Bai sighed softly: "If only it were that simple." His eyes fell on the old house in front of him, as if he was stuck in some kind of thinking. After thinking for a long time, he said: "Strange, really strange."

Mr. Liu was very anxious. Hearing the sound, he hurriedly asked: "What's weird?"

"This house is full of weirdness." Mr. Bai said to himself: "I have never seen such a house."

Mr. Liu frowned impatiently: "Mr. Bai, what's going on? You should talk!"

Mr. Bai seemed to have not come back to his senses yet. He looked at the house in front of him and said: "A ghost house is called a ghost house only when there are ghosts, but there are no ghosts in this house..."

"What?" Mr. Liu said with a surprised expression: "There is no ghost, so why are things happening here one after another? What happened to the candle just now? Why did the weather suddenly become windy when it was perfect?"

Mr. Bai obviously couldn't figure out the key: "That's why I said it was strange. This house is too strange."

Mr. Liu looked at him suspiciously: "Mr. Bai, I spent so much money to invite you over, and you didn't even go in to take a look at the house and just said there are no ghosts. What do you mean?"

He had a bad tone and felt like he was being cheated.

Mr. Bai was originally looking at the house with a confused look on his face. After hearing his words, he suddenly smiled, turned around and said calmly: "There are ways to spend more money, and there are ways to spend less money. If you think I I came here for your money, I don’t need your money! As for this house, you might as well find someone else to buy it, I’m sorry that I can’t do anything about it.”

After Mr. Bai finished speaking, he carefully packed the water bowl, stood up and left without even looking at Mr. Liu.

When Mr. Liu saw it, he suddenly panicked and hurriedly ordered Assistant Wang to chase him.

Taking advantage of the chaos here, Leng Rushuang asked me secretly: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, what do you think of this matter?"

I looked at Mr. Bai's leaving figure and analyzed carefully: "I don't think he is lying, but you can also feel the evil wind that just blew out. There is definitely Yin Qi in it! So there is no ghost in the house." It’s not realistic either.”

Leng Rushuang nodded.

I continued: "There must be something wrong with this house, but the water is too deep. If you don't manage it arbitrarily, it will cause a fire."

"That's right." After hearing what I said, Leng Rushuang also lost interest in the house in front of her: "Then let's go, there is no need to waste time here." We were about to leave, and the golden compass in Leng Rushuang's hand Suddenly there was a reaction, the pointer rotated rapidly, obviously feeling some powerful force.

Leng Rushuang looked surprised and held the golden compass tightly. After a while, the pointer gradually became quiet, and the direction of the needle tip pointed unbiasedly at the gray and dilapidated ghost house in front of her!

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