Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,889 Death Camera

"Return the camera?" Leng Rushuang said disdainfully: "Do you think we are fools? No one lives here at all, who are you going to return the camera to?"

"It's true, I didn't lie to you!" Lin Li's tone was very panicked, and she cast her pleading eyes on us: "I'm really here to return the camera."

Leng Rushuang has played the domineering image to the extreme, and now it’s time for me, the warm-hearted big brother next door, to make a grand appearance.

I smiled and comforted Lin Li: "Don't be afraid, just explain it slowly and clearly."

Lin Li, who was panicked, glanced at me gratefully: "Thank you, but... who are you? Are you here to take risks too? Don't go in. That room is very dangerous. Have you taken anything inside?" If there is any, return it immediately, otherwise something will happen.”

Because Lin Li's condition was very bad and she was even a little nervous, so in the name of taking care of her, we invited her to the nearest teahouse to rest and chat.

The owner of the teahouse was a fat uncle. When he saw a customer coming in, he invited us in very politely and even opened a private room for us to chat.

Leng Rushuang ordered a pot of Maojian, and the fat uncle kept promoting the best Longjing in his store. West Lake Longjing is famous all over the world, but I firmly believe that the Longjing in this small shop is definitely not authentic. Seeing Leng Rushuang unmoved, the fat uncle reluctantly went to make tea.

Lin Li rested for a while and relaxed a lot. Probably because Leng Rushuang had a bad impression on her, so she asked me nervously: "Who are you? Why did you appear in that haunted house?"

"We're here to see the fun." I said nonsense. Anyway, the people in Hangzhou must know that there was a fatal incident here and it was on the news. This excuse didn't sound too false.

As expected, Lin Li didn't think much and just nodded: "Did you see or hear anything?"

"I didn't hear anything, but I saw something!" I replied.

Before I could finish speaking, Lin Li asked extremely excitedly: "What did you see?"

I like to joke, and I just said it casually. Seeing her so nervous, I felt a little uncomfortable, so I could only smile awkwardly and said, "I saw you!"

Lin Li breathed a sigh of relief: "I mean everyone except me..."

"I haven't seen that." As soon as I finished speaking, Leng Rushuang frowned impatiently: "Can you answer our questions now? Why did you go to the haunted house and fainted?"

"What, did I faint?" Lin Li asked in surprise.

Leng Rushuang looked at her as if she were an idiot.

Lin Li coughed twice in embarrassment, and then said: "Actually, this is the case. This haunted house is very famous in Hangzhou. I heard that many things have happened before. The Internet selected this place as one of the top ten scariest haunted houses in China. One! I signed up for a club at school. We usually get together to play board games or form groups to play escape room games outside the school. Recently, after our club leader learned about this haunted house, he suggested that everyone come here to explore . Many timid people in the group did not dare to come. In the end, only five people participated, and I was the only girl among them. But after arriving at the haunted house, we found that there was nothing particularly scary, so everyone just looked for treasures inside. "

"You are so courageous!" Leng Rushuang snorted coldly.

"Everyone just thought it was exciting at the time." When Lin Li said this, a trace of regret flashed on her face: "That haunted house has been empty for decades, how could there be a treasure? Everyone walked around the house a few times , I thought it was boring and wanted to leave. Unexpectedly, just when we were about to leave, the leader of our club actually stepped on the floor and found a rusty iron box under the floor. Everyone was very excited and spent a lot of money. It took me a while to open the iron box, but there was only an old film and an antique camera inside."

When Lin Li said this, she pointed to the camera around her neck: "That's it!"

"Then what? What happened after that." I knew very well that what Lin Li was saying now was not the point, what happened next was the most important thing.

When Lin Li heard my question, her eye circles turned red and she burst into tears. She sobbed and said, "The leader of the club tried this camera and found that it still works, and there is still unused film in it. Everyone." We all found it very interesting, so we decided to take photos in the haunted house and develop them later. Not only can we take them back to show off to the members who didn’t come, but we can also keep them as souvenirs! So we took photos in the haunted house, and then we were excited I went back to school, but something happened that night."

"What happened?" I asked with great concern.

"The leader of our club committed suicide by jumping off the building!" Lin Li said with great certainty: "There must be some inside story. The leader is a very sunny person. He definitely has no suicidal tendencies. There is a guy in the club who likes to study ghosts and gods. The members of the cultural group heard about it and thought it was the reason why we went to the haunted house. In this age of technology, who would believe this? No one took it seriously at the time. As a result, the next day, another member of the group who went together also jumped off the building. He committed suicide, and the appearance of his death was exactly the same as that of the leader."

"Now everyone couldn't sit still and felt that something was wrong, especially since there were only three of us who went to the haunted house together, we were even more uneasy! One of them went home directly because he was worried, while the other one and I I continued to live on campus. Because I was afraid, I went to the temple to ask for a peace charm, and then went to the church to get a Bible and a cross. I wonder if these things played a role? I was fine all the time. But the other two people, one just After returning home, she jumped off the building while her parents were not paying attention. Another classmate also jumped from the library. The latter did not die on the spot and was still breathing when she was found. According to the classmate who found her, the muscles on her face were distorted. He is actually still laughing, and his laughter is particularly scary..."

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