Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1900: Ghost Talk in the Photo Studio

When Lin Li said this, she started shaking unconsciously, obviously she was too scared.

She cried and said: "This feeling of terror has already made my heart beat with fear. What's even more terrifying is the classmates around me. Since I came back from the haunted house, everyone has ignored me, as if I carry a terrible curse. Who knows?" Say anything to me and you'll die. I regret very much. I shouldn't have come here in the first place. If it weren't for curiosity, so many things wouldn't have happened. I thought about it carefully and found out that all the strange things were from treasure hunting in the haunted house. At first, I wondered if the ghosts in the haunted house were blaming us for taking their things, so I wanted to return the camera quickly."

"How did you get in?" Leng Rushuang asked, crossing her arms.

Lin Li thought for a while and said with sobs: "I jumped in from the window at the back. That's where we entered from. I originally planned to put the camera back and leave, but who knew that after we got inside, it became more and more difficult to breathe. , in the end, I simply didn’t know anything at all…”

It seems that all the strange things come from this camera, but it is right in front of me, but I can't feel any yin energy from it. Why?

At this moment, Lin Li suddenly stood up nervously: "Oh, the camera is still on me. I didn't give it back. Will those evil spirits come to me?"

Leng Rushuang rolled his eyes and thought to himself, "If it's to return the camera, we can do it for you."

"You?" Lin Li looked at us with some suspicion.

Leng Rushuang explained: "Anyway, I just put the camera back. Maybe the five of you were recorded by the ghost in the haunted house, so you fainted when you entered, but nothing happened to us when we entered. Who? Knowing what terrible things will happen if you go in again? If it weren't for us this time, you would have fainted in there for a year and no one would have come to save you. What would you do then? I think you might as well give us the camera. I’ll send it back for you.”

Lin Li, a silly girl, didn't think much about it. Instead, she looked thankful: "Really? Can you really help me?"

Leng Rushuang nodded: "Of course!"

Lin Li hurriedly took the camera off her neck and handed it into Leng Rushuang's hands like a hot potato: "Thank you so much, you guys are such good people!" After saying this, Lin Li couldn't think of anything else. He left without thinking.

I looked at her hurried back and couldn't help but laugh and cry: "The people in her school ignored her. Apart from the fact that she went to a haunted house, it may also have something to do with her character. This kind of way of life is to kill the donkey." , how can there be real friends?"

Leng Rushuang snorted coldly, didn't say much, and instead fiddled with the camera in her hand.

The fat uncle also came back with hot tea. Seeing that there was someone missing in the box, he asked curiously: "Huh? Why is there one person missing?"

I said casually: "She had something urgent, so she left first."

The fat uncle nodded, and after pouring tea for the three of us, he didn't even have the intention to leave. Instead, he chatted with us about home affairs with some gossip: "Where are you from? Have you ever gone to that haunted house to watch the fun? ?Didn’t he say that Liu hired an expert to subdue the evil spirits there? How was it? Did it succeed? "

Before I could answer, Leng Rushuang was already alert: "How do you know so clearly?"

"It's not a big deal. If I hadn't gone to check out the store, I would have gone too." The fat uncle snorted twice: "God bless you, but don't let that expert succeed and let the person named Liu suffer more." If he commits a crime for a few days, it’s best not to develop it, and he will lose everything.”

"Do you have any deep grudge against him? You wouldn't curse him like that." I asked curiously while drinking Maojian.

The fat uncle said angrily: "Why not? I have such a big teahouse, and Liu is only willing to give me one million in compensation. How can that be done? It's at least one million plus two houses." That's it. I don't believe it anymore. As long as I refuse to move, he will still dare to demolish it!"

It turned out that the demolition payment had not been agreed upon, so Mr. Liu was not allowed to see him.

I couldn't help but smile: "Brother, how long have you been running this teahouse?"

"How long? I've been here since I was born." The fat uncle looked at the teahouse with great emotion: "This teahouse is old. Our family has been selling tea for generations. It has been passed down for several generations."

Leng Rushuang's eyes lit up when she heard this: "Really? Then you are an indigenous resident here."

The fat uncle smiled and said: "It goes without saying that it is guaranteed to be fake!"

Leng Rushuang winked at me, obviously considering the fat uncle as the next key target for collecting clues. I understood instantly and immediately asked: "Brother, what's going on in that haunted house? It's said to be very evil outside."

When he mentioned the haunted house, the fat uncle's tone became more formal: "That's not a rumor, it's really evil! When I was very young, I heard from my grandfather that the haunted house was empty when he was a child. No one lived in it and no one dared to live there. In the past, some brave people did not believe in evil and only stayed in it for one night before escaping. As a result, they were frightened and went crazy. No one knew what they saw inside. Later, One after another, many people want to develop this place, but every time they break ground for that house, something goes wrong, and it always takes a few lives before the project stops."

"So scary?" Leng Rushuang pretended to be scared.

The fat uncle nodded repeatedly: "That's right! It's not unreasonable for that house to be called a haunted house. By the way..." He seemed to suddenly remember something: "It is said that the house was originally a photo studio, but it was It was destroyed by a fire. The current house was rebuilt on the original site. I wonder if the haunting thing has anything to do with the fire? I often went there to play when I was a child, and once I fell asleep while playing hide and seek. In the haunted house, I was finally awakened by the cry of a baby. When I went home and talked to the old people, they all said that I had bumped into a ghost and asked me to burn yellow paper at the crossroads before I could survive."

After the fat uncle finished speaking, another customer came to the store. He was busy chatting with us and was busy doing business.

After getting valuable information and drinking tea, we left the fat uncle’s teahouse and returned to the hotel. Unexpectedly, Special Assistant Wang was already waiting for us in the hall. As soon as he saw Leng Rushuang, he immediately came up to us with bright eyes: "Miss Leng, why are you back?"

Leng Rushuang looked at him indifferently: "I've been walking around outside, why are you here? Where is Mr. Bai."

Special Assistant Wang said with some embarrassment: "It's been settled. I didn't expect that the old man had such a bad temper that he wouldn't even give us Mr. Liu face. But you also saw it, right? He still has a few tricks up his sleeve, and he can actually make those The ink flows into the ghost house on its own, and I have already asked him. Even if he cannot visit your home in person, I must ask him to write two talismans for you to take home to ensure your safety."

Leng Rushuang smiled slightly: "Thank you very much."

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