Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1091 Murder Photos

Special Assistant Wang wanted to invite us to dinner, but Leng Rushuang refused on the excuse of being too tired. Special Assistant Wang did not dare to say anything more, but he still sent us back to the room very gentlemanly, and then left angrily.

After he walked away, I began to educate Leng Rushuang: "What you did is wrong. Look how much you hurt that innocent boy's heart. Be careful, you are too cold to marry."

Leng Rushuang glared at me rudely: "You have time to worry about others. Can you think about what's so weird about this camera?"

As she spoke, she thrust the camera into my hand.

The camera is very heavy, but despite its age it is still spotless, like new. I went back to the room and studied it carefully for a long time, but I couldn't see anything unusual. Finally, I took out the film and decided to develop it. Maybe there would be any clues in the photos.

I got up and changed my clothes and went out. It turned out that Leng Rushuang was taking a shower, and the man in sunglasses ignored me. In the end, I had no choice but to set off alone.

Nowadays, mobile phones and digital cameras have become popular, and few people know how to develop photos. Therefore, the photo studios and photo development rooms that used to be everywhere on the streets have disappeared without a trace. I walked for a long time and spent a lot of energy to get there. I found a place on a remote street that could develop photos.

The boss is also old, skinny and wears a pair of reading glasses.

He held the film and studied it over and over for a long time. I thought he was trying to see if it could be developed, but in vain he raised his head and asked, "Where did you get this film?"

I was stunned by his question and instinctively asked, "What? Is there something wrong?"

"That's not true!" The boss shook his head: "It's just that I have never seen the style of this film. It looks like the workmanship is very old."

It turned out to be because of this, so I casually said, "This is a retro film I bought online. It's nostalgic."

"So that's it!" The boss suddenly realized: "Everything is available online now, we are really behind the times." He took the money and wrote me a receipt, which clearly marked the time to pick up the photos.

I repeatedly explained that it was urgent, but he just nodded and said: "No matter how urgent it is, you have to follow the order. Every step of the process can't go wrong."

I had no choice but to leave.

When I got back to the hotel, Leng Rushuang asked me what I was doing, and I told her about developing the photos. Leng Rushuang smiled and said: "I thought of this when I was taking a shower just now. I didn't expect that you would get ahead of me. You are indeed the famous shopkeeper Zhang Da!"

"Come on! Eat quickly, I'm going to starve to death." I replied.

After finishing the meal, Leng Rushuang said to me cautiously: "What should I do with the camera? Do you want to put it in my room?"

We don’t know much about this vaginal object yet, and I know she is worried that something will happen to me. However, these years are not in vain. I have a lot of experience in dealing with such emergencies, so I waved my hand lightly and said: "No, just put it in my room, just so I can see what it is capable of." "

I thought Leng Rushuang would try to save me, but she listened to my words and nodded immediately: "Okay, I think this is the safest way. If you agreed to put the camera in my room just now, I They will think you are timid and fearful, and you are particularly worthless!"

Women nowadays are becoming more and more difficult to take care of.

I silently rolled my eyes at her to show my inner dissatisfaction, and then walked into the room without looking back.

The camera was still placed firmly on the table, nothing unusual.

I took a shower and jumped directly onto the soft bed. After a good night's sleep, when I woke up the next morning, the camera was still there, unmoved.

Is this guy really a fetish? Why is there nothing unusual at all? Could it be that Leng Rushuang's Golden Compass was mistaken? I began to have such doubts.

When I told Leng Rushuang about this doubt, I received her scornful disdain. She held the camera and said, "I have a bold hypothesis."

"What hypothesis?" I asked curiously.

Leng Rushuang looked at the camera intently: "Could it be that everyone who had the accident took photos with this camera? The reason why it is safe in our hands is because we have never taken photos at all."

It is indeed possible!

I patted Leng Rushuang on the shoulder: "Not bad, not bad, you are really making rapid progress with me!"

Leng Rushuang snorted: "Come on, it will be good if I follow you and don't learn to be bad."

We were all studying cameras in the hotel that day. Except for the possibility raised by Leng Rushuang, it was really hard for us to think of anything else.

Assistant Wang called us at noon to invite us to have lunch together, but Leng Rushuang pushed us away again. At that time, she was in front of the computer, reading the post attentively. That haunted house was relatively famous, and many people on the Internet used exaggerated words to describe it, attracting many college students who wanted to die to explore it.

The next day, Leng Rushuang, the man in sunglasses, and I went to pick up the photos on time. When the boss handed the photos to me, he looked apologetic: "I don't know whether it's because the film took too long or because the processing method was wrong. The effect of the photos is not very good. "He even insisted on returning the money to me.

Of course I couldn't ask for money. I took the photo, Leng Rushuang, and the man in sunglasses and went out to find a corner and immediately opened it and looked at it eagerly.

There are not too many photos, only about twenty in total. Every photo was taken blurry. I don’t know if the focus was not adjusted properly or for other reasons. Everyone’s face in the photo seemed to be covered with a layer of gray fog. Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, judging from the clothes they were wearing, they must have been a few years old when the photos were taken.

Although the characters in each photo are different, one thing that is very coincidental is that their backgrounds are all in the dark haunted house. It seems that they all found the camera there and took pictures!

In the last photo, four students with blurred faces were posing with scissor hands in front of the photo, looking very happy, but there was only a hazy figure in the corner bending down.

Leng Rushuang pointed at the photo and said: "The bent person should be Lin Li. She survived by chance not because of the amulet and cross she said saved her, but because she was not photographed at all. "

Listening to what she said, it was a disguised verification that our previous inferences were correct.

The scariest thing in the haunted house is not the ghosts, but the murder camera!

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