Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,092 Clues (Additional update)

If our inference is correct, then everyone in the photo has been killed.

We rushed back to the hotel without stopping, intending to use the Internet to search for some information. However, because most of the photos were old, we searched for a long time and did not get any valuable information.

This makes me a little frustrated!

Leng Rushuang comforted me and said: "Many things have to be left to chance. It's useless for you to be impatient. It's better to calm down and think carefully about whether we have forgotten any important clues."

Important clue?

I briefly sorted out the stories about haunted houses that I had heard from various people in the past few days in my mind, and suddenly realized what was going on and jumped up from the sofa.

Leng Rushuang was startled by my appearance: "Are you okay?"

"I remembered!" I clapped my hands: "Do you still remember? Lin Li told us that they found a film and this camera in the iron box of the ghost house. The film we developed was in the camera. What about the other film? Are there any clues in it?"

Leng Rushuang nodded immediately: "I remembered what you said. Unfortunately, Lin Li left too suddenly and we didn't leave her contact information. It's too difficult to find her now..."

"It's not difficult!" I smiled weirdly.

There are not many universities in Hangzhou, and there should not be many people named Lin Li. If you have rich connections here, you will definitely be able to find one, and of course Wang Tezhu is the most suitable candidate.

I called him and used the excuse that it was Leng Rushuang's request. As soon as Special Assistant Wang heard that Leng Rushuang had something to ask for, he immediately made a lot of promises like a shot of chicken blood.

I don’t know if he used Mr. Liu’s power, but he told me the results of the investigation very quickly.

There are five universities in Hangzhou with students named Lin Li, and one of them has two people with the same name. Although the scope is still not small, I am very satisfied.

Leng Rushuang, the man in sunglasses and I simply packed up and set off in a hurry. The first two universities we went to ended in failure. When we arrived at the third university, we finally met the woman that day.

Lin Li was also very surprised to see us. She came over in surprise and asked straight to the point: "Is there something wrong with that camera again? Didn't you return it?"

Leng Rushuang was already a little tired after searching twice. When she heard her words again, she was immediately unhappy and said coldly: "Miss Lin, we are just helping you, not your domestic slaves. Please follow us. Speak politely."

Lin Li blushed at her lesson and said awkwardly: "Yes...I'm sorry, I'm a little too neurotic."

I was very worried that Leng Rushuang would scare Lin Li and not get the crucial film later, so I hurriedly jumped out to be the peacemaker: "It's okay, don't be afraid! We're not here for the camera this time. It’s for the film.”

"Film? What film?" Lin Li asked in surprise.

"When you found the camera in the haunted house, didn't you still have a piece of film?" I said.

Hearing what I said, Lin Li suddenly realized: "You are talking about it, it is not in my hands, it is in the head of our club, but his belongings were packed up and sent back to his hometown. I don't know if it is still there." "

Holy shit! Isn't it?

I suddenly felt a sad feeling that my hope was dashed.

Lin Li hurriedly added: "That's good, I'll ask you, please wait a moment."

Lin Li quickly took out her cell phone to contact the club president's former dormitory friend, and quickly got the result. Because the club leader died suddenly, his roommates helped pack and pack his belongings. In today's society, everyone is cleaning up their own troubles. Who would be so concerned about things that are not their own? Not to mention packing up the belongings of the dead.

So his roommate just put things away in a symbolic way. Many things were left in the dormitory, and film was one of them.

Lin Li hurriedly asked her roommate to send the film over, and used the excuse that it was hers and had been placed with the group leader because of some matters. The roommate was a little reluctant, so Lin Li had to have a sumptuous dinner before the man sent the film.

The style of the film is completely different from the one developed before. It seems to be earlier and has a sense of age.

After getting what we wanted, we hurriedly said goodbye to Lin Li and returned to the store where we developed photos. When the skinny boss saw me, he pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked curiously: "What films do you need to develop this time?"

I handed him the film and repeatedly told him to speed up.

The boss nodded: "I understand, then you can pick it up tomorrow morning!"

I nodded to him gratefully, then opened the door and left. After returning to the hotel, Special Assistant Wang came to show his hospitality again and invited Leng Rushuang to have dinner. Leng Rushuang wanted to refuse, but I didn't want to miss this free dinner, so I agreed without any shame, and received several looks from Leng Rushuang.

During dinner, Special Assistant Wang told us that Mr. Bai decided to clean up the haunted house in three days. He also said that the old man was stubborn, extreme and very unhuman. Although the price offered by Mr. Liu was very impressive, the old man didn't take it seriously at all. I wonder if he was stupid or he really didn't care about money?

After dinner, Special Assistant Wang wanted to ask Leng Rushuang to visit the West Lake. Leng Rushuang looked at the sky: "Looking at the West Lake so late, what can you see?"

"Just... take a walk..." Special Assistant Wang's face turned as red as a cooked lobster.

The result was predictable. Leng Rushuang refused without even thinking: "I'm very tired and want to go back and rest."

So in the aggrieved and innocent eyes of Special Assistant Wang, we entered the hotel without looking back. After I went to bed that night, I had a strange dream. In the dream, I seemed to be another person, standing in a room so dark that I couldn't see my fingers. The surroundings were so quiet and weird that I could even clearly hear my own heartbeat, beating rhythmically.

Suddenly, a beam of light appeared in front of my eyes, and I realized that I was in a place similar to an art gallery, with pictures hanging on the black walls.

The photos are all old-fashioned, and each one has a person's face on it. They are either smiling or angry, sad or numb, all kinds of colors, different from each other!

I was very uncomfortable with these dense photos. I wanted to leave, but I couldn't. It was like I was trapped in a maze and couldn't find the exit.

Just then, I finally found a door ahead. I pushed the door open and walked in almost without thinking. The room in front of me was old but clean. The wooden floor had peeled off its paint, but it was wiped clean so that there was no dust in the gaps. After looking around for a long time, I suddenly realized that this was the haunted house we had been to before!

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