Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 193: The ancient house is panicked

In the dream, the haunted house seems to still be inhabited by people, and is not so desolate that it is in dilapidated condition.

The eerie silence was finally broken, and I heard a thump of footsteps. Immediately afterwards, a group of people came out one after another from behind several doors. They all stared at me expressionlessly, as if they were very unwelcome to me, an uninvited guest.

What shocked me so much was that they were actually the people I saw in the photo just now. It was as if they had stepped out of the photo, and each one of them appeared alive in front of me.

A woman held a baby who had just turned one month old in her arms. For some reason, the baby suddenly opened its mouth and started crying. The crying became louder and louder, making my eardrums hurt.

I woke up to the piercing cry of a baby. Although I knew that everything that had just happened was a dream, I was still frightened into a cold sweat. I wiped the sweat with my sleeve and instinctively pressed the switch on the bedside, but my hand came up empty.

I suddenly lost all sleep, and looked around carefully. There was a very familiar smell in the scary dark space.

This is definitely not the hotel I stayed in before, but... a ghost house!

The dust floating quietly in the air and the musty and rotten smell suddenly woke me up. I hurriedly sat up from the ground. With the moonlight shining in from the broken window, I found that not only did I appear in the haunted house, but I also had something in my hand. Is holding on to that camera tightly.

At this moment, I just wanted to leave this creepy place, but as soon as I took a step, I heard the sharp cry of a baby coming from behind me. It was not an hallucination, not a dream, but it really appeared behind me. .

I paused, not daring to make any other moves.

At this moment, the wall also made a strange noise, as if someone was scratching with dry fingernails. I secretly twisted the Eternal Spirit Ring on my finger. Once something terrible appeared in the wall, I would immediately activate the Eternal Spirit Ring!

As a result, Leng Rushuang arrived in time with the man in sunglasses before the Everlasting Ring could be put to use.

The two people broke in through the window, like heroes appearing at critical moments in the martial arts world. Because of their appearance, the wall suddenly became quiet, and the baby's cry disappeared completely as if someone had suddenly covered its mouth with a hand.

Leng Rushuang rushed to me worriedly: "Are you okay?"

I shook my head: "Why am I here?"

"How do I know?" Leng Rushuang shook his head: "Golden Compass felt the camera leave, so I immediately went to your room and knocked on the door. No one responded after knocking for a long time. I was worried that something had happened to you, so I had to follow the instructions The compass guides us here.”

"This is not the place to talk. Let's talk when we get back." I was still frightened and just wanted to leave this evil place quickly.

Back at the hotel, I told Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses exactly what I had dreamed about.

Leng Rushuang looked shocked: "You mean, you were in a dream, but you went to the haunted house after you woke up?"

"Yes." I nodded: "And this camera has been following me. It seems that it wants to take me back. What is in that house?"

I feel that everything happening now is more complicated than I expected. It seems that I underestimated the evil this time.

Soon it was completely dark, and I sat on the sofa feeling a little uneasy, thinking about everything that had happened last night. Leng Rushuang reminded me to get the photos, while she stayed at the hotel to investigate how I left last night.

I agreed and went to the shop where the photos were developed to pick up the photos. When the skinny boss saw me, he had a puzzled expression on his face: "What do you do? Why do you take so many weird portraits?"

At this moment, I wasn't even in the mood to deal with him. I just took the photo and left in a hurry without saying anything.

On the way back, I flipped through the photos one by one. Although the faces in the photos were still blurry, the clothes were earlier than those taken on the previous film. Some of the people in the photos were actually wearing clothes from the late Qing Dynasty. Although the background of the photo is still the haunted house, it still surprised me because of the huge time span.

Back at the hotel, Leng Rushuang had retrieved the surveillance video with the help of Special Assistant Wang. When he saw me coming back, he pulled me to sit in front of the computer without saying a word: "Watch it for yourself!"

I looked at the screen in confusion, and saw in the surveillance video that I walked out of the hotel alone with a dull expression and a camera.

"Do you have the habit of sleepwalking?" Leng Rushuang asked me curiously.

I shook my head: "Probably not."

"That must be the fault of the camera!" Leng Rushuang sighed: "Did you get the photo back?"

I hummed and handed the newly developed photos to Leng Rushuang, and she immediately started flipping through them carefully. As she flipped through the pages, she suddenly let out a soft sigh: "This person looks familiar!"

Leng Rushuang took out one of the photos and handed it to me, asking me to look at the people in the photo.

In fact, every photo was taken so blurry that it was impossible to identify the person's appearance, but the one Leng Rushuang gave me was a bit strange. It must be that while taking the photo, someone suddenly walked into the viewfinder, so he was accidentally included in the photo, and his face was much clearer than the others.

I looked carefully and suddenly thought of a person. I looked at Leng Rushuang in disbelief: "This person... looks very much like Mr. Bai!"

Leng Rushuang nodded: "I think it's very similar. If it's really him, it means that Mr. Bai has been hiding his identity. He knows this haunted house very well, and this is not his first time here at all."

I was a little puzzled: "Why did he do this?" Mr. Bai in the photo looks very young, just a teenager. Why does he appear in the haunted house?

"You'll know if you ask him face to face." Leng Rushuang smiled at me, picked up the phone and found Special Assistant Wang.

Special Assistant Wang was a little surprised to hear that Leng Rushuang was looking for Mr. Bai, but the goddess spoke up and he told us the location of Mr. Bai without any hesitation.

Because of his different status, Mr. Bai's treatment is much better than ours, and he lives in a villa on the mountainside!

After hanging up the phone and we were getting ready to leave, someone knocked on our door. Leng Rushuang was a little surprised, but she still opened the door, and it turned out that the person standing outside the door was Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai was unusually calm about our surprise. He sighed softly and walked into the room with a smile: "I knew you were not ordinary people on the train. I also noticed that you tried to trick that silly boy. These few days "Tian I have been hiding in secret to observe you, and I know that you are also very interested in haunted houses, so I want to cooperate with you."


What he said surprised us even more.

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