Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,094 Omen of Death

After all, I had seen some things in the world, so I gave Mr. Bai a friendly smile and asked him to sit down.

Mr. Bai was not polite and took a seat on the sofa generously.

Only the man in sunglasses was a little unhappy about his arrival. After all, he had been spying in secret for a long time but the man in sunglasses didn't notice. If he wanted to assassinate Leng Rushuang in secret, wouldn't Leng Rushuang be dead long ago?

Since she wanted to discuss cooperation, Leng Rushuang was not going to be polite to Mr. Bai. She directly took out the photo and asked, "Mr. Bai, is this you?"

Mr. Bai took the photo and took a look. His casual eyes suddenly became shocked. His whole body seemed to have been greatly shocked. The hand holding the photo kept trembling: "This... this is what you have been doing since." Where did you find it? How come there is this photo.”

It seems that the person in the photo is indeed Mr. Bai, that's why he is so excited.

Leng Rushuang and I were smart enough not to ask any more questions. After Mr. Bai calmed down for a moment, he said: "Yes, the person in the photo is me. This is the scene when I came to Hangzhou with my master when I was thirteen years old. More than sixty years have passed in the blink of an eye, and I have grown from a child to an old man..." Mr. Bai seemed to be caught up in the memories of the past, and his tone was full of vicissitudes of life.

I couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Bai, why did you go to the haunted house?"

Mr. Bai smiled: "My master and I came here specifically for the haunted house. At that time, there was a big landowner in Hangzhou. After his son and others entered the haunted house, he became bedridden and hung up his last breath. He could die at any time. I have to kick my legs. At that time, my master was a well-known Maoshan Taoist priest nearby. The big landowner invited my master here after being introduced to save his son’s life! My master believes that everything starts from the root. If the symptoms are treated without If you want to cure the root cause, then no matter what you do, it will be in vain, so he took me to the haunted house." Mr. Bai said this and pointed to the photo: "This is the day. I was still very young at that time and could only stay with the master. I was beaten, so I can’t remember many things clearly. But there were indeed other people in the haunted house at that time, and I don’t know how I was included in the photo..."

Leng Rushuang and I exchanged glances without interrupting him.

Mr. Bai continued: "After my master entered the haunted house, he had a battle with the ghosts inside. Unfortunately, he underestimated the enemy and was defeated. Not only that, he was also blinded by the evil ghost. My master and I escaped. I went to a ghost house, but learned that the son of the big landowner was dead. The landowner felt that my master was useless, so he took out his anger on my master. Not only did he find a few thugs to beat us up, but he also spread rumors to slander my master. He had no real ability. My master was so angry and anxious that he fell seriously ill, and his health was not good for a long time. He passed away not long after. His death touched me very much, and later I simply kept my name anonymous and never mentioned that I was a Maoshan Taoist priest. The heir of the family. But now that I have joined the profession, no matter how careful I am, it is still difficult to hide it. If something really happens, I can't ignore it. Later, I gradually became somewhat famous. But... I never thought that I would have to deal with this haunted house in my lifetime. .”

After Mr. Bai finished speaking, he sighed softly.

I nodded, having a certain understanding of Mr. Bai's life experience.

Leng Rushuang asked: "Then why did you come?"

Mr. Bai said: "There are two reasons. First, my master was depressed and ended up because of this haunted house. As his descendant, if I can solve the problem of the haunted house, I will be able to give my master a sigh of relief! Secondly, I have been secretly paying attention to the movements of the ghost house over the years. Its power is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more people are dying. As a descendant of Maoshan Taoist priests, I must not stand by and watch."

I nodded in admiration and asked doubtfully: "Since your master has dealt with the haunted house, has he ever told you what's weird in it?"

Mr. Bai smiled and said: "More than mentioning it, my master was unconscious before he died. He talked to me about the haunted house every day. He said that there was not only one evil ghost in the haunted house, but a group of them. I was sealed in the house and couldn't get out at all. I was not convinced after my master's death, and I came secretly twice, but each time I returned without success. I used the path-finding water bowl that my master left for me to enter twice. In the haunted house, nothing was found, not to mention a group of evil ghosts, not even a shadow of an evil ghost was found!"

When Mr. Bai said this, he said to me with some confusion: "Of course my master will not lie to me, so where did the evil ghost go?"

Leng Rushuang and I looked at each other, and invariably our eyes fell on the camera. It seemed that the haunting of the haunted house was related to this camera.

We didn’t explain anything to Mr. Bai, we just talked about the haunted house. Before Mr. Bai left, he said to me and Leng Rushuang: "I know you are not ordinary people. The ghost house left here will always be a disaster. If it can be removed, it will be a good thing to do good deeds, so I ask you two to help!"

"Don't worry, we will never be alone!" What I said couldn't be more sincere.

Mr. Bai nodded with satisfaction, turned and left.

After he left, Leng Rushuang and I began to study the origin of the camera. Only by knowing everything related to it can we find ways to conquer it. I suddenly remembered that in the taxi, the driver once told us that a big boss in Guangzhou bought the land where the haunted house is located, but it was not developed in the end. After returning to Guangzhou, his family was burned to death in a fire. I asked Leng Rushuang to search for relevant news on the Internet. Although it was a long time ago, I still found some clues. Leng Rushuang followed the clues and finally found the photo of the big boss.

I immediately compared the developed photos one by one, and finally found him in a black and white photo. He had his hands behind his back and was wearing the most popular clothes of the 1990s, with the waistband of his trousers held high.

Leng Rushuang took a look at the photo and seemed to have discovered something: "Look here! His face is overexposed. Although it is a black and white photo, it still feels a little red. Does it look like it is burning with a ball of fire?"

I leaned over and took a look, and sure enough I saw the big boss' blurry face was a little red.

Leng Rushuang immediately took out photos of the four college students who were traveling with Lin Li. In the photo, the four college students twisted their bodies into a strange angle in order to be funny, making them look like they died after falling from a tall building with all their bones and muscles broken.

I said with some disbelief: "Can a camera predict death?"

I studied the photos one by one and finally found that this inference is most likely correct. Some of the people in the photos have long tongues hanging out, like hanged people; some have pale faces, like people who have drowned...

It seems that the moment they press the shutter, the camera has already decided how they will die.

Who does this camera belong to, and why is it so powerful?

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