Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,995 Photographer Steve

Leng Rushuang and I agreed that if we want to settle this matter, we must start with the camera. But because of the passage of time, it is extremely difficult to investigate the truth. At the critical moment, we thought of Special Assistant Wang again.

As soon as this silly boy heard that Leng Rushuang had something to ask him, he rushed over immediately.

Leng Rushuang asked him where he could check previous news? Special Assistant Wang thought for a while and replied seriously: "You can go to the Provincial Library, where all newspapers since the liberation of Hangzhou are stored."

Leng Rushuang's eyes lit up and he took us off without even thinking.

Assistant Wang drove us to the Provincial Library, caring for Leng Rushuang diligently along the way. But at this moment, the goddess was full of things like haunted houses and evil spirits, and had no intention of paying attention to him. Special Assistant Wang couldn't help but look sad.

We rushed to the library, and with the help of Special Assistant Wang, we successfully entered the place where all the newspapers since liberation were stored. There were dozens of tall bookshelves in a 100-square-meter room, and each floor was filled with newspapers. Looking at each piece like this, I guess I am not far away from old age and death...

Leng Rushuang ignored my protest and immediately ordered us to search for all news related to the haunted house. Assistant Wang was confused: "Miss Leng, are you also interested in haunted houses?"

I thought evilly: She is not only interested in ghost houses, she is also interested in all ghosts!

Leng Rushuang, Special Assistant Wang, and I started to read the newspapers one by one. When I was tired and my back ached, I looked up and found the man in sunglasses standing aside with his arms folded leisurely, watching the fun. I protested to Leng Rushuang: "Hey! You can't be so biased, right? Why doesn't he come to read the newspaper?"

Leng Rushuangyun said calmly: "The reason is very simple. He can't read. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child and has not read a day's book."

Well, this reason is so strong that I can't even say a word to refute it.

Too cruel!

The dense writing in the newspaper made me want to vomit, but it was all about the rising food prices and the incompetence of the Republic of China government. It made me dazzled and made me want to faint at any time.

Just a second before I was about to give up, Special Assistant Wang suddenly shouted: "Come over quickly, there is news about the haunted house here."

Leng Rushuang and I hurried over and saw news about a fire written on the yellowed newspaper.

The house fire took place in the haunted house, which was originally a photo studio owned by a Frenchman named Steve. Unfortunately, the Chinese people at that time were still very pedantic and did not know much about photography. It was even rumored by the White Lotus Sect members at that time that cameras were invented by evil spirits. As long as they were photographed, their souls would be sucked away immediately. Coincidentally, a female student from the Republic of China was accidentally hit and killed by a tram on her way home after taking photos. Her family members thought of the White Lotus Sect and believed that Steve had killed their daughter.

At that time, the incident became more and more violent because foreigners were involved, and among them, the White Lotus Sect was fanning the flames. Later, the people blamed the government for supporting foreigners and organized a group of thugs to rush to the photo studio and burn it down with a fire...

The news also said that Steve escaped death because he was out for something at the time, but his family was not so lucky. Seven innocent people, including his wife and children, all died in the fire, and Steve was close to collapse. , almost crazy.

Afterwards, he returned to France in despair and has not been heard from since.

Leng Rushuang and I studied secretly: "Did Steve leave this camera behind? Because his family died in the fire, he turned into a ghost and possessed the camera to harm people?"

But I always feel that things are not really as simple as this.

I suddenly thought of a way and discussed with Leng Rushuang: "Do you still remember the dream I had that night? I saw many people the night I went to the haunted house, and they might have been killed by the camera. I I want to try to have a dream like that again, this time you are observing in secret, and as long as my life is not in danger, don’t rush to save me."

Leng Rushuang was a little worried: "Is it too risky?"

"Our industry is always in danger!" I comforted her and decided to implement the plan tonight.

On the way back to the hotel, Special Assistant Wang carefully asked us who we were. With so many things going on, even a fool knows that we are not just here to ask for a peace charm.

Leng Rushuang smiled and said: "To tell you the truth, we are on the same team as Mr. Bai." Anyway, Mr. Bai has taken the initiative to come to us for cooperation, so what she said is not a lie.

Special Assistant Wang looked surprised, but didn't say much.

After returning to the hotel, I discussed some specific details with Leng Rushuang. But I know in my heart that when an emergency comes, huge danger is inevitable.

That night, I fell asleep with the camera in my hand.

Soon, I fell asleep and came to the room with countless photos hanging again. This time, I no longer had the nervousness and panic I had before, and I began to study the photos seriously. As a result, I unexpectedly discovered that all of them were portraits that would only be used after death.

The tradition of portraits of Chinese people has a long history. Although there were no high-end goods like cameras in ancient times, emperors or wealthy people in the past dynasties would ask painters to paint pictures for themselves, and then hand them over to future generations for veneration and souvenir.

I saw the door in the room and walked in without thinking.

Sure enough, it was the haunted house. It was kept spotlessly clean and the surroundings were extremely quiet. When the footsteps came again, I didn't panic at all and watched those people approaching one by one.

They looked at me with numb eyes, as if they were very disdainful of my arrival.

These people dress differently and come from all periods. I even saw four fashionably dressed young people among them. If I guessed correctly, they should be the four college students who were traveling with Lin Li.

Why are their souls here?

They were obviously very afraid of the camera in my hand. They formed a circle but did not dare to step forward rashly.

I had no choice but to ask calmly: "Does any of you know the origin of this camera?"

No one answered, so I had to ask again and explain: "I'm here to help you. If you don't unlock the secret of the camera, your souls will be imprisoned here forever!"

This time there was some movement in the crowd, and the last girl in Republican costume walked out slowly and said pitifully: "I know its origin!"

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