Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,996 The Secret of the Camera (Additional Updates)

Looking at her dress, I immediately understood: "Are you the female student who was hit and killed by the tram?"

The female student nodded: "Yes, it's me. If it weren't for me... so many tragedies wouldn't have happened."

"What's going on?" I didn't have time to listen to her complaining about herself, so I interrupted her anxiously.

The female student said: "I had an accident after I took the photos, and then I became a lonely ghost. Later I found out that my family was bewitched by the White Lotus Sect because of my death. After the photo studio was burned down, I have been very uneasy and want to Come here to atone for your sins. Mr. Steve is actually a good man. After his family died, he was inspired to return to France, and the place became a ruin. Unexpectedly, a few years later, Mr. Steve came back. This time he changed Even with a name, it's like he has changed into a different person, very gloomy and weird."

"Later, Mr. Steve continued to take pictures of people here. At that time, people had gradually begun to accept the new thing of photography. Steve rebuilt the photo studio while taking pictures, but this time, he completely changed. People were not Did he say that taking pictures would bring bad luck? Won’t the people who took the pictures die? His family was killed because of ignorance, so he wanted to fulfill all these people’s words. Every time he took a picture, the person involved would be killed. Kill each other, and then build the corpses into the walls. As the number of killings increased, the photo studio was quickly built. Mr. Steve was completely crazy at that time. Before he died, he spent a lot of money on Asking someone to build him a unique camera, the craftsman he hired used his bones and his skin to polish a camera, which is... the one in your hand!"

As soon as she finished speaking, I almost threw the camera in my hand. No wonder this camera is so cruel. Anyone who takes a picture will die. It turns out that there is Steve's overwhelming hatred in it.

At this moment, I felt something warm in my palms, and when I looked down, I saw bright red blood oozing out of the camera lens.

The heat of the blood burned my skin, and I couldn't help but drop the camera on the ground. With a click, the camera actually pressed the shutter on its own. Fortunately, I am agile and react quickly. As soon as the click sounded, I turned over neatly and jumped behind the camera.

I grabbed the camera again, only to realize that a new film had been loaded into it at some point. If I had been photographed by it, would something have happened to me?

The camera didn't catch me, I looked furious, and the whole room changed. Along with the clicking sound, countless pairs of withered fingers stretched out from the wall. They struggled to crawl out, and the rustling sound made people's scalp numb.

I realized something was wrong and was wondering how to escape? I saw a dazzling white light in front of me, and Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses appeared again to save me from danger.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in the hotel. Leng Rushuang asked me nervously: "How are you? Are you okay?"

I smiled bitterly at her: "It's my fortune, I'm not dead yet."

I told Leng Rushuang the whole story. Leng Rushuang suddenly realized it. He looked at the camera and said in amazement: "It turns out that it is carved from human bones. No wonder the first time I got it, I felt like the leather on it was It’s so delicate, it turns out to be human skin!”

"Stop talking, I feel sick!" I feel like vomiting when I think about how I have been playing with the camera these days, even holding it in my hand while sleeping.

Leng Rushuang smiled sweetly: "Shopkeeper Zhang Da, you are well-informed. Sleeping with a vagina twice is nothing."

do not talk! Otherwise I would really vomit!

Now that we know the origin of the camera, we must find a way to get rid of it, and we cannot keep it to continue to harm people. Leng Rushuang asked me: "Should we send him to the church? This is a foreign devil. Should we deal with it in foreign ways?"

I looked at the camera carefully and considered: "A senior once said to me something like this before, no matter how powerful a yin object is, it is just an object. As long as it is an object, it has weaknesses. If you find the weakness, you can defeat it in one fell swoop." it."

"Weakness?" Leng Rushuang also looked at the camera: "What's its weakness? Afraid of water? Afraid of fire?"

I thought about it and suddenly had an idea. I smiled and said to Leng Rushuang, "What do you think would happen if we took a selfie for the camera?"

"Selfie, what do you mean?" Leng Rushuang didn't understand at all.

I rolled my eyes at her: "What I mean is that we put the camera in front of the mirror and press the shutter so that it can take pictures of itself. Not everyone who is caught in the camera will die? What if it is the camera itself."

Leng Rushuang shook her lips: "Are you too poisonous? Is this method feasible?"

"We'll see if we try it. It's not our camera anyway, so we won't feel bad if it's broken." I said nonchalantly.

We found a large mirror in the hotel, and then placed a table in front of the mirror. We set up a camera on the table. In order to prevent anyone from being in the mirror, I borrowed a mop from the cleaning lady and pressed it down with a mop rod from a distance. shutter.

Accompanied by the crisp click and bang, the mirror shattered into pieces, and the camera actually emitted black smoke...

I don’t know if this is because of mutual conflict, or if Steve, who is transformed into a camera, sees himself in the mirror and can’t accept it? Anyway, the camera was ruined. Although I don’t have any good impressions of foreign churches, Steve is a foreign devil after all, so we contacted a church in Hangzhou and buried Steve’s only body, the camera, in the tomb behind the church. In the garden.

The tombstone just said a few simple words as I meant - Steve the Great Photographer.

Two days later, Mr. Bai also began to deal with the haunted house. Without the intimidation of the camera, the process was very smooth and smooth. The haunted house was successfully pushed down by the forklift, but the moment the wall fell down, the bones inside were exposed to the sun one by one. They are criss-crossed, and I don’t know how many corpses were used to build such a house. Who would believe that it is not haunted?

It is said that because of this incident, the fat uncle of the teahouse who had always insisted on being a nail household happily signed an agreement with Mr. Liu. He felt scared just thinking about being neighbors with so many corpses over the years.

The matter at the haunted house was resolved smoothly, and I found that the karma on my hand was shortened again. It seemed that this was indeed a great evil!

Leng Rushuang came to me the next day and said with an apologetic look: "Shopkeeper Zhang, I'm going back to Tianshan. In fact, I didn't come here to experience, but to escape. I always feel that the patriarch of a family is too stressed, and I'm still too young and can't bear it at all. But I experienced a lot during my time abroad and got to know you. I feel that I have grown a lot, and it's time to take on my own responsibilities..."

When we have been together for such a long time, it is impossible to say that we have no feelings.

I said half-jokingly: "I will be bullied from now on. Patriarch Leng can't just sit idly by."

Leng Rushuang chuckled and hooked up with me, diluting a lot of separation sorrow: "I swear in the name of the clan leader, from today on, Shopkeeper Zhang is the closest ally of the Leng family in Tianshan. Wherever it is useful, the Leng family's The masters will definitely go out in full force and go all out!"

I said goodbye to Leng Rushuang and the man in sunglasses in Hangzhou, and embarked on the journey back to Wuhan.

(PS: Tomorrow there will be a battle with Longquan Villa! The mysterious owner of Longquan Villa will also appear soon.)

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