Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,097 Highway Sniper Battle

On the way home, in order to accumulate some more negative virtues, I temporarily bought a car and asked Li Mazi to send me a pair of swords for killing ghosts and gods. I traveled all over the backcountry and remote areas along the way and dealt with a lot of negative consequences. It also helped many people.

I obviously feel that my cultivation has improved greatly, and I am more comfortable handling vaginal objects, and basically I have not encountered any obstacles.

Among them was a ghost-eyed mad sword produced in the Western Regions. I subdued it in just a cup of tea, which was considered a new world record for subduing evil objects!

The black veins on my hands also completely faded away, and I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that I had to be more cautious when doing business in the future, and it would be better to be less tainted with cause and effect.

I even considered buying some turtles, fish and shrimps to release when I went back, and then donating a large sum of money to Project Hope, because what I was most worried about was that the karma on my own body would affect Xinyue and Fanfan.

Now I finally understand how difficult it is to be a femininity dealer...

After visiting the last village that day, I felt a little tired both physically and mentally. I was about to drive back to Wuhan and spend a good time with Yin Xinyue.

As soon as I got on the highway, the man in the T-shirt suddenly called me and asked me in a cold voice: "Jilin, where are you now?"

I had a bad feeling in my heart and replied, "I'm on the expressway from Anqing to Wuhan. What happened?"

The man in the t-shirt's tone immediately became urgent: "Get off the highway immediately, take a remote path, and stay hidden. I'll wait for you in Hongcun, Anhui!" After saying that, the man in the t-shirt hung up the phone.

Seeing his serious tone, I vaguely guessed something had happened. After all, the man in the t-shirt never made fun of me, so I chose to believe him this time. Regardless of the fine or points, I immediately turned around on the highway and took a narrow path, heading straight for Hongcun, Anhui.

A few hours later, the sky gradually darkened. I was the only one with one car on the remote stretch of road. The car lights illuminated the wheat fields on both sides of the road, but I always felt like I was being watched.

Could it be that those bastards from Longquan Villa are here to cause trouble again?

I was driving very fast and didn't dare to use the invisible needle to detect it, so I called Otama out. She is a monster, and her sense of danger is dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary people. I ordered her to go nearby to see if there was any danger.

Oudama was sleeping soundly. He was still a little angry when I called him out. He said lazily "Oh" and turned into a white light and flew out of the window.

But seeing Oyu like a shining little star, he circled around the car three times, then flew back to the passenger seat with a whoosh, and whispered: "Bad brother, there is a car on the side that has been following you!"


I turned the rearview mirror and immediately noticed that there was indeed a large truck on the mountain road to the side, but the truck was well hidden and had no lights on.

The mountain road didn't show up on the GPS, and the other party was driving very smoothly even without turning on the lights, so I didn't notice it at all before.

This car arrived a bit strangely. I asked Otama if there was a living person in the car. She thought about it and said yes.

At this time, the man in the T-shirt called again, and his tone was three times more urgent than before: "Jiulin, why haven't you arrived yet?"

"We'll be there soon... In the first year of junior high school, I seem to be being followed." I didn't dare to hide it, so I directly told the man in the T-shirt what I had discovered.

"Several people?"

"I don't know, it's a car!" I replied.

The man in the T-shirt on the other end of the phone took a deep breath, and said very seriously: "Jiulin, listen up! From now on, you must keep a distance between cars, and you must not expose your head to the other person's. In sight.”

I subconsciously shuddered: "Damn it, is that a sniper sitting in the car?"

"Yes!" said the man in the T-shirt.

"Is it the killer invited by Longquan Villa?" I couldn't help but become nervous.

"We'll talk about it after we meet in detail. I'll wait for you in Hongcun. Try your best to get rid of them. If you can't get rid of them, save your life at all costs!"

What the man in the t-shirt said at all costs probably also included Oudama, who could take a bullet for me when necessary. Although this was a bit cruel, I knew that the man in the t-shirt was afraid that something would happen to me. After all, Oudama is a spirit body, and even if it is injured, the man in the T-shirt can still help it recover.

This is different from the previous fighting methods. No matter how high my cultivation level is, I am only a flesh and blood body. The opponent can kill me instantly with just one bullet.

Thinking of this, I was so nervous that my throat went dry and my heart was beating fast! Oudama, who was still unaware, was still lying on the car window wagging her tail to blow the wind. I pulled her back, and Oudama asked angrily: "What are you doing?"

"Be careful of getting shot in the head!"

I told it that there might be a sniper around, and Oudama stuck out his tongue in fear: "Are snipers like those in anti-Japanese TV dramas that kill Japanese machine gunners with one shot from 800 miles away?"

At this juncture, I didn't have time to educate her on science, so I replied: "Yes, that's right, it's that thing. You should go back to the gourd first! To avoid being accidentally injured."

Wei Yu reluctantly crawled back into the ice jade gourd, not forgetting to warn: "Bad brother, you must not die!"

I reached out and turned off all the lights in the car. It was too easy to be shot in the head while sitting in a bright car. At the same time, I observed the big truck on the mountain road out of the corner of my eye, and saw it suddenly speed up and follow it.

It speeds up, and I can only speed up! However, the condition of this small road was very poor. There were stones all over the ground that knocked me to pieces. There were irrigation canals on both sides of the road. If the car rolled over into a ditch, I would be at the mercy of others.

Thinking of this, I felt frightened and braked to slow down. I slowed down, and the other party also slowed down. I could faintly see a dark tube protruding from the big truck, emitting a cold light.

I was so frightened that my heart almost stopped. I quickly lowered my head and then heard a "bang" sound. A small hole was shot through the car window, but the surrounding glass was almost intact. This shows that the speed of the bullet is very high and the penetrating power is extremely strong!

The position of the small hole is exactly where my head is. If I hadn't reacted quickly and lowered my head, I might be a dead person by now...

My heart is beating like a drum. This sniper is so amazing. He can hit the target so accurately on a high-speed truck!

I kept my head down and turned the steering wheel wildly to turn the car around. The other party didn't expect this move from me and immediately distanced themselves from me.

I know that the other party will definitely turn around, and when the time comes, I won't be able to prevent him from aiming directly! In desperation, he turned the steering wheel and drove the car directly into the crop fields on the roadside.

It is now May, and the wheat has just been grouted. It was run over by my wheels and fell into pieces with a crunch. I thought to myself that this was a serious crime. I should go back and find the owner of this cropland and compensate him for the damage!

Then I heard the roar of the engine from behind. When I looked in the rearview mirror, I saw the big truck driving directly down the mountain road. Because it fell from a high altitude, its front bumper was completely twisted and the windshield was shattered. I'm afraid the person sitting inside also suffered a bloody head. In order to kill me, this person went to the point of being crazy!

Now that my opponent's identity was exposed, he was no longer afraid. He chased me at full speed and soon reached the edge of the wheat field.

My car couldn't climb the slope and had to turn. But as soon as I turned, my entire upper body was completely exposed to the opponent's sniper rifle!

The opponent also realized this and leaned out of the car window, constantly shining the infrared ray of his sniper rifle on my head.

"Damn it, don't bully others too much!" I roared angrily, and the invisible needle flew out from my arms.

The image of the invisible needle clearly appeared in my mind. There were two people sitting in the car. One was the driver, wearing a work uniform, with blood on his head; the other was squatting on the passenger side holding a Russian SVD sniper rifle. In the driver's seat, he was extremely thin and blue-faced. He was wearing a camouflage suit and had a green snake hissing and spitting out letters tattooed on his cheek from top to bottom.

I turned the needle around and stabbed it into the tire of the truck. With a pop, the front tire of the truck burst at the same time. The car was driving at high speed and lost control instantly. The whole car tilted up and then flew into the air.

I quickly turned the steering wheel and watched as the car flew past me with a whoosh, then landed heavily in the wheat field, followed by billowing smoke.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Damn it, even if I don't die, I will be seriously injured now, right?

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