Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,998 The Twelve Dead Zodiac Signs

To be on the safe side, I decided to go over and see if those two people were dead?

If he's not completely dead, give him a stabbing blow to avoid future troubles!

So I took the ghost-killing swords in my hands and walked forward. The big truck had been severely deformed by the collision, with its four wheels pointing upwards and still idling. I held the car door with my hand and directly mobilized Ran Min's magical power to pull off the deformed car door.

The driver fell back in the car, rolled his eyes, and twisted his neck in an exaggerated way, revealing a section of thick white bones. He looked absolutely dead.

I went around to the other side again, and just as I was reaching out to pull the car door, suddenly there was a huge force pushing out from the inside. I quickly moved aside with my eyes and hands, and only heard a crash! The car door flew open, and something like a meat ball rolled out.

The meat ball rolled away for several meters before slowly stretching out the person's limbs and head. I was horrified. This was clearly a bone shrinking technique lost in the world!

This killer was not simple. He actually performed the bone shrinking technique at the moment of the car crash, compressing all the bones in his body tightly together and turning them into a strong ball of flesh, thus escaping his life.

I was so shocked that I forgot to stab him when he returned to his human form. With a clicking sound, the opponent's limbs had completely stretched out. I quickly used the invisible needle and stabbed his vital parts.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly pulled out a small pocket pistol used by secret agents and shot me three times. I instinctively jumped to the side. When I looked back, I saw a cluster of small sparks splashing in the air. At first I didn’t know what he hit, but then it suddenly dawned on me that this man actually knocked off my invisible needle...

You must know that the invisible needle is not much thicker than a hair, and it is night again. How fast this person's reflexes are!

The invisible needle fell to the ground and shook non-stop. The force of the bullet was too strong, causing it to be severely damaged and it might not be able to be driven in a short time. I quickly retracted the invisible needle, and then the guy turned his gaze to me and raised the gun in his hand.

I rolled on the spot and hid behind the wreckage of the truck, feeling the bullets whizzing past my scalp.

Then there was a bang, and the man actually jumped to the top of the truck. He quickly changed a magazine with both hands, and then licked his lower lip with a sinister smile. I noticed that his tongue was particularly long and slender, like a snake, and then he pointed the black muzzle at me!

The opponent was condescending, and I had nowhere to hide. In desperation, I mobilized Min Ran's power, and a golden light shook from my body. I'm not sure whether this move can block bullets. After all, it's hard for a god to dodge, but for now I can only fight.

After a few shots, the golden light shield gathered around my body visibly shook. I clearly saw three bullets hovering in mid-air. I was overjoyed. Damn it, I actually blocked it!

You have the musket, I have the power, who is afraid of the other!

The other party was shocked, quickly jumped out of the car, and rummaged around in the car. I guess he wanted to get the sniper rifle.

A sniper rifle is much more powerful than a pistol. Naturally, I can't just stand here and wait for him. If I can't stop him this time, my death will not be worth it!

While he was looking for the gun, I quickly ran back to my car and started the accelerator.

As soon as the car started, the opponent rushed out with a sniper rifle and aimed at my head with infrared rays. I suddenly turned on the headlights, and the white lights dazzled him so hard that he couldn't open his eyes. He tried his best to protect his eyes with his hands, as if he was in great pain.

In fact, I had no intention of running. This man had extremely strong night vision and his eyes must be particularly sensitive. My two sixty-watt headlights were enough to temporarily blind him.

I stepped on the accelerator hard and ran towards him crazily. The other person couldn't see me and quickly jumped to the side by instinct. I turned the steering wheel, ready to crush him to death, but the car drove past very smoothly. I looked in the rearview mirror and found that there was no one on the ground.

I hurriedly called Oyu out and asked her to look around. Where was the man hiding?

Weiyu agreed, climbed up to the roof of the car nimbly, and said after a while: "Bad brother, he disappeared!"

"How could it disappear..."

I suddenly felt a chill. It was very possible that this guy had crawled under my car.

Just as this thought came to mind, there was a sudden bang, and a bullet flew out from between my legs. It was only a few centimeters away from killing me. The bullet hit the roof of the car with a thud, and Odama shouted from above: "Wow, your car has a big bulge!"

The movies are all lies. The thin steel plate on the car body cannot stop bullets at all.

"Jump out of the car!" I shouted to Oyu, and then immediately jumped onto the passenger seat. The seat I had just been sitting on also exploded, and a bullet shot out of it. I almost exploded from it!

The driverless car lost control. I simply jumped out of the speeding car and rolled in the wheat field for a long time before stopping. Although I was not injured at the moment, I looked quite embarrassed. There were straws stuck in my body and head, just like a beggar.

Looking back, I saw that my car was spinning wildly in the wheat field, rolling to the ridge, making a rumble and explosion, and then stopped.

Oudama flew down from the air lightly and asked: "Bad brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" I shook my head.

"Ah, your finger is bleeding, let me help you stop the bleeding."

After saying that, Oyu held my finger and sucked it, and I smiled bitterly: "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." Odama said inarticulately.

I stood up and looked towards the place where the car crashed. I thought that such an awesome killer must have some back-up plans. Unexpectedly, he was hanging on the chassis of the car in a bloody state. His two arms were broken, hanging down limply, his mouth He vomited blood in large mouthfuls.

It turns out that there is a powerful magnet on his belt that can absorb metal. He firmly attached himself to the chassis of the car. As a result, when an accident happened, I could jump out of the car, but he couldn't get out. It was really unlucky...

I was baffled to win this battle. While he was still breathing, I pulled out my ghost-killing sword and put it against his throat and said, "Who are you? Who sent you here?"

The other person sneered and suddenly vomited blood all over my face. The blood was also mixed with some hard things, probably his broken teeth.

Oudama immediately became angry and slapped him twice. Oudama's claws were very sharp. These two slaps swept over him and tore off most of his face: "You bastard, who allowed you to be disrespectful to my master?" !”

I wiped the blood from my face and asked Oudama to retreat first. I was afraid that if I beat him to death, I wouldn't be able to get any information out of him.

"Zhang Jiulin, this time the village owner came out of seclusion early and vowed to take your head. Your death is not far away..." the other party said harshly.

"Are you from Longquan Villa?" I raised my eyebrows: "You guys are really ignorant. The four elders, the two disciples, and the young owner of the village have all become the ghosts of my sword! What capital do you have? Come to me seriously. Even if your village owner comes in person, I will still kill you!"

The other party sneered: "That's because you haven't learned the methods of our twelve dead animals!"

"What are the twelve zodiac signs?" I was stunned for a moment. After all, I had only heard of the twelve zodiac signs, and this was the first time I heard of the twelve dead signs.

The other party's mouth moved, and Oyu yelled: "No, he's going to bite his tongue and commit suicide!"

I hurriedly went over to pry his mouth open, but it was too late. He spit out a piece of bloody tongue from his mouth, and then blood gushed out of his mouth like a fountain. Finally, he rolled his eyes and stopped breathing.

The nerves and blood vessels on the human tongue are very dense, and if bitten off, one will bleed to death. But that requires iron willpower, comparable to the Japanese samurai committing seppuku. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to bite off their own tongues.

This scene made me break into a cold sweat. The people in Longquan Villa are cruel to others, but even more cruel to themselves!

Just when I was fascinated by this corpse, there was a sudden sound of footsteps behind me...

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