Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,099 The League of Assassins (Additional update)

I turned around and saw the man in the T-shirt walking toward me with a sword on his back. I was surprised and prepared to call him, but the man in the T-shirt put his slender fingers on his lips and made a silent gesture!

He walked all the way to my car, took a flashlight out of his pocket, and then carefully inspected the chassis of my car.

After about five minutes, I dug out a button-sized object from an inconspicuous corner, with a small spiral antenna on it.

The man in the t-shirt threw it on the ground, stomped it to pieces, and then said, "You have been bugged!"

It turns out that this place is only a few miles away from Hongcun, Anhui Province. The man in the T-shirt was waiting around for me to arrive. He made several calls but I didn’t answer, so he looked for me along the highway, and sure enough he found me here.

Seeing that I had dealt with the killer, the man in the t-shirt nodded happily and said, "Jiulin, your strength has grown rapidly now. You single-handedly eradicated the green snake among the twelve dead animals!"

"Twelve dead animals, what are they?" I couldn't help but ask. This was the second time I heard this term.

The man in the t-shirt told me that Longquan Villa supports twelve assassins with top-secret identities, and even many people inside the Villa don't know of their existence. Each of these twelve people has a unique set of killing skills, and each of them uses an animal from the twelve zodiac animals as a name. At first, this assassin organization was called "Twelve Zodiac Signs", but what they did was to kill people and silence them. When the twelve zodiac signs cross the border, there will be no life, only death!

These twelve people are directly loyal to the owner of Longquan Villa. They usually do some shady and dirty work for the owner. Sometimes they also eliminate dissidents. They can be said to be the owner's right-hand man.

I said a little disapprovingly: "They are just twelve killers. Could they be more powerful than the four elders?"

"You can't say that. The twelve dead animals have been trained as killing machines since they were young. These people can handle knives before they can hold chopsticks. Killing is their special skill. There are specialties in the art, and these twelve people have In a sense, it may be more difficult than the four guardians." The man in the T-shirt explained.

Take the green snake I killed as an example. He was locked in a cellar since he was a child and ate raw rat meat to develop a pair of night eyes comparable to those of a cat. Even in the dark night, your sight is not disturbed.

Green Snake's skill is to use all firearms, especially sniper rifles. Someone once wanted to assassinate the owner of Longquan Villa and hired the world's mercenary king, Blue Death Wellington, at a high price! As a result, from a distance of 300 meters, Green Snake shot through Wellington's scope and made a hole in his head.

If I had not followed the advice of the man in the t-shirt and taken this lonely road, I would have been shot in the head on the highway...

The man in the T-shirt also said that as early as in the ancient city, we had met the twelve dead animals. The fat man wearing the skull necklace was a tiger, and the thin man I killed was an Aries.

After hearing this, I took a deep breath: "Longquan Villa has been idle for a while, why did it come to make trouble again? By the way, in the first year of junior high school, how did you know this information?"

The t-shirt man said: "I don't have the ability to predict the future. The information that Longquan Villa wants to assassinate you was told to me by the head of the Zhang family!"

It turns out that the Jiangbei Zhang Family and Longquan Villa have both sent undercover agents to each other, just like in Infernal Affairs. The undercover agents of the Jiangbei Zhang Family recently found out that the owner of Longquan Villa has left seclusion. The first thing he did when he got out of seclusion was to concentrate his firepower. The twelve dead animals were sent out to kill me and establish my authority.

Naturally, the head of the Zhang family cannot come forward to save me personally. If the undercover agent he installed is exposed, it will affect the interests of the entire Zhang family in Jiangbei. But he couldn't just ignore me, so he came up with a compromise idea and told the T-shirt man the news. He knew that with the friendship between the T-shirt man and me, he would definitely risk his life to save me.

I sneered and said, "The patriarch of this family is really an old fox! He didn't harm his own soldiers and generals, but also sold a huge favor."

The man in the t-shirt smiled bitterly and said: "The head of a clan must take the overall situation into consideration, and it is impossible to sacrifice the interests of the family for you alone. But no matter what, you now have a pivotal position in the Jiangbei Zhang family, and they have begun to recognize you!" "

"That's useless." I said disdainfully.

Nominally I am a member of the Zhang family in Jiangbei, but in fact I have been working alone over the years. The reason why the head of the Zhang family values ​​me is probably just because I, the cannon fodder, have been attracting the firepower of Longquan Villa, right?

I asked: "Are we waiting here for the twelve dead animals?"

The man in the t-shirt shook his head: "No, those people are so elusive. It would be terrible if they ambush us! Let's go to Hongcun first. There are more cities and towns where we can easily deal with them."

I nodded in agreement. I took my wallet and ID from the car, and took off the license plate. When I passed a pond, I threw the license plate into it. I didn't want to get in trouble with the police afterwards.

The man in the T-shirt and I walked for a while, and gradually we saw a bright light ahead, which was Hongcun.

Hongcun is a famous tourist attraction in Anhui Province. It is an ancient Huizhou building with blue and black tiles and white walls. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers and has a very beautiful environment. However, it is not the peak tourist season right now, many shops are closed, and there are only a few tourists on the road.

Weiyu smelled the candied haws on a stick and was about to move in my arms, so I let her out and bought her a bunch of candied haws. Weiyu ate so much that her eyes narrowed into two crescents!

Passers-by saw me walking with the man in the T-shirt and a little lolita in a kimono, and whispered about the relationship between the three of us. I had no interest in complaining about this.

The man in the t-shirt suddenly said: "Jiulin, have you noticed that Oyu has grown up?"

I was stunned for a moment: "Huh? Have you grown up?"

Oyu heard our conversation, touched his chest with his hand, and said innocently: "This place seems to have grown recently, it's so swollen!"

A black line appeared on my forehead, I looked around and said, "Can you please pay attention to the impact outside!"

I remember that Oudama used to be an airport with a flat river, but now it seems to be a little bit like a lotus, maybe because we get along day and night, I don't care, but the outsider, the man in the t-shirt, can see it most clearly.

I asked him what was going on. Isn't Oudama a thousand-year-old fox demon who won't grow up in thousands of years? Why did I grow up when I came to China? Could it be that I am not accustomed to the climate in Japan?

The man in the t-shirt shook his head and said that although Oudama had lived for thousands of years, he had been in a semi-sleeping state for the previous thousands of years, and he only woke up once a year during the Japanese God Festival. Now he drinks my essence and blood every day and is activated by my yang energy. The body that was stagnant in childhood begins to grow normally.

Looking at Oudama's pretty and flawless face, I think if we continue to develop at this rate, in ten years we will be able to become a charming and charming girl, right? I still have her with me, so Yin Xinyue will be jealous every day.

Having said that, I really want to see what Otama will be like when he grows up.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that Oyu pulled off my clothes and said, "Bad brother, why are those people lying on the ground?"

I looked back and saw that all the tourists who had just been walking on the road fell straight to the ground, with a big rat with red eyes lying on each of them.

The man in the t-shirt nervously pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword and shouted: "This is the Soul-eating Rat, the Yin Rat among the twelve dead animals has appeared!"

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