Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,100 Soul-Eating Rat

I opened my eyes and saw that the Yang Fire on the people lying on the ground was all extinguished, and their souls were all transferred to the group of soul-eating rats. The spirit trapped in the rat's body cries to us: "Save us! Save us!"

I was horrified, what kind of evil magic was this that could forcibly extract the soul of a living person?

The man in the t-shirt asked: "Jiulin, do you still remember the Hundred Ghosts Defying Fate Formation used by Yin Yang Tiger?"

The Hundred Ghosts Defying Fate Formation is to extract the living souls of a hundred living people and share the damage on themselves. It is also the special skill of Yin Yang Tiger among the four elders of Longquan Villa. I nodded and said, "You mean, it's these soul-eating rats that take away the souls of living people?"

The t-shirt man said: "The twelve dead animals have always been doing the dirty work in Longquan Villa. They are shady existences. The owner of Longquan Villa sent them out this time. On the one hand, he is determined to get rid of you. On the other hand, it also shows that he has run out of skills!"

At this time, the soul-eating rat on the ground squeaked and ran in one direction at the same time, as if to guide us.

The t-shirt man warned: "Jiulin, don't hurt them. Injuring a soul-eating rat is equivalent to killing an innocent life, and you will suffer karmic retribution."

"If these rats attack us, wouldn't we be very passive?" I asked.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Let's go and take a look first!" the man in the T-shirt replied.

The rats fled into an antique hotel like a black tide. When we entered, we found that there were no lights in the room, only two red candles were lit, and an old man with a sinister eyebrow was sitting on a chair and smiling at us.

There are only a few sparse hairs on his head, and it is also covered with dysentery. His body is thin and dry, not taller than a child, and he feels like a mouse.

The rats on the ground ran towards him and jumped on him, covering him until only his face was exposed. The old man actually showed a look of great enjoyment, reaching out his hand to caress the mice's shiny fur.

Wei Yu covered her mouth and said, "Wow, this person is so disgusting. I almost vomited out the candied haws I just ate!"

At this time, the old man spoke, and his voice was high-pitched and thin: "Zhi Zhi Zhi, welcome, welcome, two masters come to the door in person, it is really brilliant, Zhi Zhi Zhi!"

I noticed an unconscious man and woman lying on the ground, probably the owner and his wife of this hotel. There seemed to be a person sitting next to him. Although the person didn't speak, his breathing was very heavy and his eyes were shining brightly.

The man in the T-shirt pointed his sword at the old man's nose and said: "Yin Rat, you and I are fighting, don't hurt the innocent! Let these people go, and I will play with you for as long as you want."

The man in the t-shirt bit 'you' very hard, obviously hinting to the Yin Rat that he already knew there was another killer hiding in this room.

The Yin Rat squeaked and said: "Senior is so fierce, it really scares the villain. I have no other hobbies, I just like to play. Why don't we play a game? If senior wins, the villain will let go of these things." People, squeak!”

This obscene way of speaking made me frown.

The man in the t-shirt suddenly shouted: "Stop talking nonsense and let me go!"

His roar was full of yang energy, and the air around him shook. Those soul-eating rats, which were extremely yin things to begin with, were so frightened that they all hid behind the chairs. Even the Yin Rat himself was so scared that he shrank his neck. What made people even more speechless was that his eyes were so bright that he was so scared that he cried!

I thought to myself that if the owner of Longquan Villa sent such a bunch of motley characters to deal with me, would he be looking down on me?

"Mom, please stop showing off your power! You simply don't take Grandpa Niu seriously."

With a roar, a wine can was thrown from the corner, and the man in the T-shirt warned: "Get out of the way!"

We hurriedly avoided it, and the wine jar broke into eight pieces on the ground. The aroma of wine suddenly overflowed, and then a naked man with a naked upper body and a face full of flesh ran towards us. He is two meters tall, and his body is covered with bronzed muscles, like a mountain of flesh. What makes people speechless is that he actually wears the kind of cute braids that children in ancient times wore, but I can't tell him at all. The appearance is associated with 'cuteness'.

The big man rushed over like a rock. I felt like the whole restaurant was shaking. The glass around me made a rattling noise. He shouted, "You guy with a sword on his back, don't hide if you can. I'm a bully and I'll crush him to death with just one finger." you."

After saying that, he punched the man in the T-shirt. The man in the T-shirt ducked out of the way. The pillar behind him, which was thicker than my waist, clicked and broke into two pieces like chopsticks. I was horrified, what kind of strange power is this?

There is no abnormal yin energy in the big man, he is using pure power!

While dodging, the man in the t-shirt pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword on his back, and thrust the sword into the body of the bull. The big man also had a few moments to forcefully contract his muscles to reduce the damage to himself.

He raised a pair of huge fists and hit the man in the T-shirt on the top of his head. I screamed: "First grade, get out of the way!"

The man in the t-shirt just sneered, and saw that the bull's fist quickly stopped in mid-air, and kept swinging, as if he had stepped on high-voltage electricity. Only then did I remember that the Eight-faced Han Sword of the man in the T-shirt was fused with the Yin spirit of the famous Japanese Warring States general Tachibana Michyuki, and had the attribute of thunder. The few swords he had just struck thunder and lightning into the body of the bull, forcibly paralyzing it. his limbs.

"Mom, what did you do to me?" the big man said angrily.

"That's enough, you bull, don't be rude to your guests!" Yin Shu shouted.

Man Niu's joints suddenly made a popping sound, and his body had returned to normal. I was surprised in my heart. How strong is this man? He actually broke through the thunder and lightning seal of the T-shirt man.

It's just that such chaos had great side effects on his body. He spit out a large mouthful of blood, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, gave us a vicious look, and then retreated to the corner.

The man in the t-shirt told me in a low voice that Man Niu is one of the twelve dead animals. He does not know any magic, but his body has been different from ordinary people since he was a child. He must have suffered from the legendary gigantism. And his method of killing was to strip naked, run to other people's homes, and strangle them to death one by one.

After a near-miss episode ended, Yin Shu crossed his legs and asked: "Zhi Zhi Zhi, have you two agreed to play a game?"

If we agree, it will be like being led by the nose. If the evil rat asks us to arm-wrestle with the bull, wouldn't it mean that the lives of these innocent people have been lost in vain?

Seeing that we were silent, the Yin Rat suddenly grabbed a soul-eating rat, put it in his mouth and bit it, until it was bloody and bloody. The soul trapped in the soul-eating rat was also eaten by him. As he ate it, he praised it: "Zhizhizhi, the soul tastes so delicious!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after the Yin Rat devoured a living soul, the wrinkles on his face seemed to have disappeared. Seeing him killing an innocent life, I suddenly became anxious: "Stop, we agree!"

The Yin Rat's chin was covered with rat blood and flesh, and his small mung bean eyes stared at us with evil intent. He smiled and waved to the Barbarian Bull: "Barbarian Bull, bring the jar over here!"

Manniu moved his huge body and carried two jars over. I thought the jars contained something terrible, but when he opened the mud seal, they turned out to be empty.

I looked at the Yin Rat in confusion?

He pointed at the boss and his wife lying on the ground and said: "Zhizhizhi, this game is very simple. You two randomly pick a person and compete with the bull to see who spends less time stuffing the person into the jar. The one with less time Even if you win!”

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