Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1101: Battle of wits

"Stuff people into jars?"

I looked at the two jars on the ground. They were not much bigger than ordinary pickle jars. The diameter of the mouth of the jar was only as wide as the palm of my hand. How could a big living person be stuffed into it? What kind of international joke is this?

Seeing my hesitation, Yin Shu smiled and said: "Zhizhizhi, can't you make the move? How about I let Man Niu set an example first."

Man Niu received the order and picked up the boss from the ground. At this time, the boss's wife woke up, hugged Man Niu's leg and cried: "Don't kill him, don't kill him, please!"

"Mom, get out of here!" Manniu kicked the proprietress away. Her head hit the pillar loudly, and a stream of blood dripped from her forehead.

Manniu kneaded the boss in his hands like a toy and squeezed his ribs hard. With a click, all the ribs were broken. The boss coughed up a lot of blood and woke up. He vomited blood and screamed for help.

This scene really made me unbearable and I shouted: "Stop!"

The Yin Rat glanced at me with a sinister look, and made a gesture to tell the Barbarian Bull to stop first: "Zhi Zhi Zhi, little brother, do you have any other orders?"

I just yelled out in desperation, held it in for a long time and said: "This game is not interesting, why don't we change the way we play it!"

Yin Shu sneered again and again: "Zhizhizhi, no need to talk, if you want to play other games, you have to finish this one first. By the way, if you yell stop again, I will eat another soul!" As he said, he squeezed hard. The soul-eating rat in his hand was so squeezed that its eyes almost popped out.

I gritted my teeth with hatred and threatened us with the lives of ordinary people. It was so despicable! I can't wait to pull the yin rat off the chair, chop it into meat paste and put it in a jar.

The man in the T-shirt suddenly pressed my hand and signaled me with his eyes not to act rashly. I noticed that he quickly took out a ghost bag from his pocket and put it in his hand.

I understood what he meant and asked in a low voice: "Are you going to use his strength to fight?"

He nodded slightly: "The Barbarian Bull is stupid and clumsy. It would be nice if the evil spirits could possess him and use him to deal with the Yin Rats, but..."

I understand what he is worried about. The yang fire in Man Niu is extremely strong, and evil spirits cannot possess him. It suddenly occurred to me that I still had a 'magic weapon' on me, and I immediately said, "Give me the bag!"

"No, using the ghost bag once will cost you half a year of your life..." The man in the T-shirt refused.

I grabbed the ghost-sealing bag with my hands, but at this time, why did I care about half a year of longevity? Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

At this time, Man Niu was still torturing the boss, and all the joints of the boss's limbs were twisted, and the entire leg was bent behind his back, just like a circus contortion show, which was shocking to watch. The boss had already fainted from the pain. Yin Shu sat on the chair and watched with great enthusiasm. The boss's wife, with blood on her face, knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately: "Master, please save my husband!"

I can't bear it, but I can't take action now. I can only guarantee that the boss will not die.

I took out a small bottle from my pocket. This bottle was the blood given to me by Little Red Riding Hood. It had extremely negative attributes. Then I threw the invisible needle into it, letting it soak in the blood, and then used my mind to control it to fly towards the bull!

At this time, Manniu was stuffing the boss into the jar with all his strength. I used the invisible needle to stab the jar back and forth several times. With a click, the jar exploded.

"You failed!" I said.

Manniu looked at the debris on the ground in disbelief. He whined and hit the ground with his fist, causing the floor to shatter immediately.

Yin Shu had just been watching Man Niu's performance and didn't notice my little move, with a look of disbelief on his face. I smiled and said: "The jar is broken, the bull has lost, it's time for you to return those souls to us, right?"

"No!" Yin Shu shouted: "You haven't tried yet, maybe it's a tie!"

I smiled slightly: "I will definitely win!"

After saying that, I took the twin swords for killing ghosts and gods in my hands, and lightly slashed the pillar to make a gap: "Did you see, my pair of swords can cut iron like clay, I can chop that woman into pieces." Go in, you didn’t say you weren’t allowed to use tools, right?”

The Yin Rat's cheek twitched: "There is no basis for what you say, you put that woman in first and then talk!"

"Okay!" I immediately walked in the direction of the boss's wife. When I passed Man Niu, I quickly manipulated the invisible needle and pricked his shoulder and head, extinguishing the three sun fires on his body.

Man Niu was muscular and simple-minded. He probably thought it was a mosquito bite and reached out to pat his shoulder. When he lowered his head and saw that his hands were covered with blood, he suddenly yelled: "Mom, you are trying to trick me."

"Is that what the hell you're going to say?" I cursed.

Then I quickly opened the ghost-sealing bag. At this time, Manniu opened his hands to catch me. The moment his arm touched mine, I slapped the ghost-sealing bag on his chest. A cloud of black smoke quickly lingered around his body, continuously entering his seven orifices.

The barbarian bull roared and backed away, waving his hands back and forth: "Get out, get out of my body!"

"Man Niu, Man Niu!" Yin Shu stood up from the chair: "Boy, what did you do to Man Niu?"

At this time, the tall Barbarian Bull suddenly showed a woman-like resentful look. I knew that the possession was successful, so I pointed at the Yin Rat and said, "Kill this guy, and I will save you!"

Man Niu smiled tenderly and walked towards Yin Rat. The Yin Rat was so frightened that he grabbed a soul-eating rat in each hand and said sinisterly: "You don't abide by the rules of the game, I will make these people's souls fly away!"

"Try it!" The man in the T-shirt had endured him for a long time, roared violently, and stabbed him with his sword. The blade of the sword flashed with thunderous light and made a crackling sound.

The Yin Rat was startled and hurriedly threw away the Soul-Eating Rat in his hand. His body suddenly jumped upward, and his head and feet were hanging on the beam.

I wondered for a while, his feet were hanging in the air. What on earth were they using to hook the beams? Dingqing took a look and realized that it was actually a big, thick and long tail!

I heard that there is a very rare atavistic group of people in the world. This kind of people have spines that are half a meter longer than ordinary people, forming a tail behind them. But maybe the Yin Rat has practiced evil arts for a long time and developed a body that is half human and half rat.

"Zhizhizhi, if you want to harm me as a sinister rat, do it in the next life!"


The barbarian bull possessed by the Yin spirit kicked the pillar, and the whole house shook violently. The Yin rat swung around on it, screaming in despair.

What's not good is that one of the pillars of the house was broken by the bull before, and now another one is broken, and the whole restaurant begins to collapse. We were able to escape, but there were still the boss, the boss's wife, and a large number of soul-eating rats in the house.

"The house has collapsed, hide quickly!" Oudama shouted, getting ready to dive into the ice jade gourd.

I grabbed her collar and ordered sternly: "Go and save people!"

Oudama had a reluctant look on his face. At this time, I noticed a few soul-eating rats circling around the bull. I wondered for a while, did they like the smell of sweat on the bull? No, it's Little Red Riding Hood's blood. The Soul-Eating Rat likes yin things.

I handed the small bottle of Little Red Riding Hood's blood to Oudama and asked her to open the cork and run outside to lure all the soul-eating rats out. Oyu said oh, took the bottle and left, and sure enough, the room was filled with soul-eating rats squeaking and following him out...

The Yin Rat has fallen from the beam. The barbarian bull punches the ground one after another. A floor tile is shattered with each punch. The Yin Rat can only dodge in embarrassment and beg for mercy. He is now He really became a street rat.

I ignored these two people for the time being and carried the boss and his wife out of the house with the man in the T-shirt. When we walked out of the restaurant, there was a sudden bang and the whole building collapsed. If we had been a step later, we would have been buried alive. I felt scared.

Oudama ran in a circle holding Little Red Riding Hood's blood bottle in the open space, with a large number of soul-eating rats chasing behind her. She kept shouting: "Don't come here, don't come here, it's so disgusting!"

I looked at the restaurant that was in ruins and asked the man in the T-shirt, "They were probably killed by the smash, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the roar of a wild bull came from the ruins: "Yin Rat, Yin Rat, don't die."

The man in the t-shirt and I exchanged a surprised look. The bull managed to get rid of the evil spirit's possession by its own strength!

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