Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,102: Killing the Savage Bull with Two Swords

At this time, a woman in white clothes floated out from the ruins. I looked closely and saw that she was the one who had just possessed the bull.

The woman in white saluted me and said, "I'll forgive you, the great immortal, but that reckless man has too much yang energy. This little girl can only do this..."

I took out a piece of yellow paper from my arms, quickly drew a spiritual talisman on it with my middle finger, and said: "You come in first, and I will send you to Fengdu Ghost Town to report later!"

The woman in white cried gratefully: "Thank you, Great Immortal!" After saying that, she slowly got into the yellow paper. I folded the yellow paper and stuffed it into my pocket temporarily.

At this time, a man emerged from the rubble. He saw Man Niu holding a jar and crying. The Yin Rat had probably died in his hands. He turned around and saw us, his eyes were red, and he yelled viciously: "Mom, I want you to pay for the sinister rats with your lives!"

After that, he threw the jar over. I ducked instinctively. The jar didn't break when it hit the ground. It turned out that the jar was stuffed too firmly! The Yin Rat's entire body had its muscles and bones broken and was stuffed inside. The wretched old face was exposed from the mouth of the altar, with a pair of white eyes rolled in it, making people look horrified.

This is called cocooning oneself!

The bull roared and rushed over. The man in the T-shirt was ready to fight. I stood in front and said, "Let me do it!"

I had endured him for a long time, and I couldn't wait any longer. I quickly used the yin and yang knife skills, and nimbly drilled in and out between the roaring fists of the bull. The barbarian cow has no brute strength, and in front of my sharp double swords, it is like a big skewer of Turkish barbecue, only the parts are cut.

After several rounds of fighting, he didn't even touch the corner of my clothes, but I cut more than twenty bloody wounds on his body. Man Niu's whole body turned into a bloody man, but he was still able to stand upright, his nostrils kept twitching, and he breathed out heavy breaths like steam.

He suddenly shouted at the night sky: "Brother Yin Rat, Man Niu has come to the underworld to accompany you!"

After that, he took out a sharp steel nail from somewhere and quickly pierced it into his body. This scene stunned me. If I couldn't beat him, I would hurt myself. Is this a fine tradition of Longquan Villa?

"Jilin, be careful!" the man in the T-shirt shouted from behind me.

Man Niu's body was covered with steel nails, his eyes were blood red, and veins appeared on his forehead. The speed and strength of his fists and kicks suddenly increased by more than one level, and I couldn't resist it for a while.

He had just used steel nails to pierce several large holes in his body. This was forcibly activating his potential, and he could burst out with amazing power in a short period of time. This is the "magic method of disintegrating demons" mentioned in martial arts novels. Unexpectedly, in reality There really is such a cruel method.

This move also places a huge load on the body, ranging from coma to death. He pierced all the big holes in his body, which means that he will die after exploding!

My ghost-killing swords stabbed the bull, but he felt no pain at all, and completely gave up his defense, attacking me all the time, forcing me to passively defend myself.

Manniu suddenly reached out to grab my head, and I stabbed his palm with a knife. Unexpectedly, he endured the pain and grabbed my knife-holding hand.

This is very bad in close combat, but my Yin Yang Knife skills are ever-changing and I can deal with any variables!

Manniu took the opportunity to kick me in the abdomen. I immediately slid behind him and folded his arm hard, but his arm did not move at all. I suddenly had the urge to cry. My cracking skills were fine, but my strength was not as good as his.

Man Niu let out a roar, stretched out his left hand to grab my clothes, and threw me into the sky. I suddenly felt like I was riding a roller coaster to the sky. I heard the wind whistling in my ears, and my head was in a trance.

I looked down and saw the bull standing firmly on a stand, clenching its fist as big as a jar and preparing to kill me with one punch.

I gritted my teeth. There was a palm technique that fell from the sky in the palm of Tathagata God. There was also a sword technique that fell from the sky in my Yin Yang sword technique!

When his fist was about to touch me, I turned my body upside down, used the strength of his fist to jump, and rode on his neck. The two knives in my hands mercilessly penetrated the bull's neck.

The two knives had pierced his aorta, and I thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, he suddenly grabbed my feet and threw his body like a mountain of meat violently backwards.

I hurriedly picked up Ran Min's spiritual protective body. Soon after, there was a bang, and the body of the bull, which weighed more than 300 kilograms, pressed firmly on me. My internal organs felt like they were being run over by a steamroller. A large mouthful of blood spurted out from my throat, and stars shot out of my eyes.

It wasn't over yet. The bull stretched out his hand to strangle my neck. I heard my neck bones cracking and I was about to be strangled!

At this moment, Man Niu suddenly stopped moving, and his muscles kept trembling. I looked up and saw that the man in the T-shirt inserted the eight-sided Han sword with flashing lightning straight into his throat. Man Niu shouted inarticulately: "Mom, you are a scumbag!"

The man in the t-shirt ignored him and left the sword there. He quickly pulled me out, then took out a pill and handed it to me: "Take it!"

The elixir melts in my mouth, and a cool breath spreads down my throat. I feel very comfortable. I feel that my internal injuries have been healed...

I asked him what it was, and the man in the t-shirt said it was the second-turn Dahuan Dan refined by Yiqing Taoist Master. I thought to myself that Taoist Master Yiqing was really interesting. He always couldn't get along with us, but he never hesitated to give some good things. thing.

The man in the t-shirt helped me up and scolded me: "I told you not to go up, but you have to go up!"

I am extremely ashamed and admit that I underestimated the enemy this time! Manniu still maintained that posture, as if he was doing sit-ups, cursing, and I asked the man in the T-shirt how to deal with this person.

"Throw it away and let him use up his energy!" The man in the T-shirt said coldly.

Man Niu's artery was injured by me, and it kept spurting blood like a small fountain. He probably won't survive for long...

We took advantage of this time to quickly catch the soul-eating rats one by one and put those souls back into their master's body. The souls of ordinary people are very weak. Although their souls have returned, they are still in a coma for the time being. The two of us carried all these people to a youth hostel on the roadside. The boss was not tricked. Such a terrible thing happened outside just now. He was hiding behind the counter and watching shiveringly. When he saw us carrying people in, he quickly said: "Sorry, we are full!"

I laughed and said, "Who are you kidding? It's still full in the off-season? Come here and help carry people!"

The boss said with a grimace: "Two masters, who were those people just now? They demolished the restaurant opposite. Do you want to call the police?"

"Don't call the police, the police can't deal with them!" I replied.

With the help of the boss, we settled all the unconscious tourists. As for the soul-eating rats, we burned them to prevent them from causing trouble to the world again.

Oyu breathed a sigh of relief, and I asked her to return the blood bottle to me. Oyu looked at the small bottle curiously and said, "What kind of blood is this? It smells so good. I really want to lick it and taste it!"

I said casually: "Little Red Riding Hood's blood."

Weiyu showed a strange expression, and when he handed the blood bottle over, he dropped it and broke it. I felt so distressed that I yelled, "Did you do this on purpose?"

Oudama lightly hit his head with his small fist, stuck out his tongue and said cutely: "I'm not careful!"

I glared at her fiercely, knowing that she did it on purpose, but I couldn't say anything. Then the man in the T-shirt suddenly asked: "Where's the bull?"

I looked towards the place where the bull was lying just now. The bull was gone. The eight-sided Han sword of the man in a T-shirt was thrown on the ground, with some foul-smelling filth sprinkled on it. The sword's light had dimmed.

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