Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,103 The Invincible Fat Pig

The man in the T-shirt picked up his sword with a very disgusted expression on his face. The Eight-faced Han Sword was contaminated by filth and had temporarily sealed the power of thunder and lightning, so it could only be used as an ordinary weapon.

I suddenly discovered that not only the bulls but also the sinister rats in the jar had disappeared, leaving only the bloody jar still intact on the ground. We don’t know how this person dug out the Yin Rat, and it was still under our noses?

I asked Oyu: "Didn't you see anyone just now?"

Oudama spread his hands with an innocent look on his face: "No, I've been chased by those disgusting rats, so I don't have time to care about anything else."

Man Niu is probably dead. If the next opponent knows some corpse control skills, then I will really be in trouble. I told the man in the T-shirt about my worries. The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said, "Probably not. The other party is just recycling the corpses."

"Recycle the body?" I was a little surprised.

"The twelve dead animals are the secret weapon of Longquan Villa. They definitely don't want the identity of the organization to be exposed. Even if they die, they will take away the body..." the man in the T-shirt explained.

"Then who is here this time?" I asked.

The man in the T-shirt suddenly turned gloomy and whispered, "As long as it's not that person!"

I was curious for a while. Judging from the previous battles, although the twelve dead animals had evil methods and acted strangely, they were not so strong that they couldn't be dealt with. Could it be that their levels are uneven and there are particularly strong opponents among them?

At this moment, a sad and desperate cry floated into my ears. It turned out that the boss's wife came to life, hugging the boss's body and howling.

I couldn't bear it in my heart, so I went over to console her with a few words. People can't be resurrected, but I can compensate for her shop. After all, the twelve dead animals are here to hunt me down, and I also have a share of the responsibility.

Just as I said I wanted to compensate her, the wife of the boss suddenly threw herself on me and burst into tears. The wife of the boss was only in her mid-twenties, and I hadn't looked at her carefully before. Only then did I realize that she had a plump and sexy figure, and a charming little face with melon seeds. At this time, a pair of big white rabbits were pressing on my chest, which made me a little embarrassed.

I comforted her and said, "Madam boss, please forgive me and accept the change. We will save your husband from now on and bless him to find a good family in the next life."

"Master, thank you so much. My store has also been destroyed. I'm afraid I have nowhere to stay tonight. Can you please give me a ride? My home is in a small village nearby." The proprietress begged.

I was embarrassed for a while, not knowing whether to agree to her, so I had to ask the man in the T-shirt with my eyes.

The moment he turned around, he saw a chubby fat man walking over. He looked like a walking ball, with the length and width of his body almost equal to each other. Logically speaking, fat people usually have fair skin, but his skin is as black as the bottom of a pot. But when I saw the fat man exclaimed with an exaggerated expression: "Wow, how can there be dead people here? I'm so scared!"

I was confused for a moment. This fat man looked weird. Was he really just a passerby?

The man in the T-shirt suddenly pointed his sword at him and said coldly: "Fat pig, stop pretending, tell that guy hiding in the dark to get out and die!"

Fat pig? Another member of the twelve dead animals!

I vaguely noticed that there was a Yin Qi nearby, and its intensity was comparable to that of a Ghost King-level Yin spirit. Damn it, it seemed like this one was even more powerful than the previous ones.

Fat Pig raised his hands in fear and screamed: "Taoist Priest, don't point your sword at this person, he is so scared that he is jumping loudly."

"Pretend, keep pretending!" The man in the T-shirt looked at him with cold eyes.

Fat Pig showed a cowardly look on his face: "I'm just following orders. In fact, I really don't want to be an enemy of you two. It's all under the instructions of the village owner..."

The fat pig approached the man in the t-shirt while talking, with a greasy smile on his face. The man in the t-shirt held the Eight-sided Han Sword vigilantly, without letting down his guard at all.

When the sword edge was only a few centimeters away from Fat Pig's throat, he stopped and winked and said, "I don't really like fighting. I just want to kill you quickly so that I can have a midnight snack! "

The man in the t-shirt sneered: "You'd better go to the underworld to have a reunion dinner with your brothers."

Fat Pig grinned: "I want to gouge out your and Zhang Jiulin's eyeballs... and cook hot pot!"

After saying the words "shabu-shabu", Fat Pig suddenly pulled out a shiny watermelon knife from behind and slashed the wrist of the man in the T-shirt. The man in the T-shirt struck back with his sword, knocking his knife away. The fat pig immediately fell to the ground, then rolled on the ground and stood up again, like a roly-poly.

I have never seen such a weird and unusual opponent in my life. If this person didn't follow Longquan Villa to commit evil, he could probably become a comedian in the entertainment industry.

With a smile on his face, the fat pig held up a watermelon knife and slashed at the man in the T-shirt crazily. The man in the T-shirt simply wouldn't take this kind of unstructured move seriously. He knocked the fat pig down several times, but every time the fat pig rolled on the spot, he stood up and continued to fight unyieldingly. I originally thought the watermelon knife in his hand was a magic weapon, but it broke after a few cuts. Well, it turned out to be street stall goods that can be seen everywhere.

"The Taoist master is so powerful, I am so humble!"

After saying that, the fat pig rolled on the spot and spun like a meat ball. The knife in his hand danced into a silver light as the body rotated. I was horrified, what kind of weird trick was this? Is this person really the famous assassin of Longquan Villa?

The fat pig transformed into a human top and kept spinning around the body of the man in the T-shirt. Although this move was weird, it was really difficult to deal with. The man in the t-shirt gave a sharp shout and narrowly escaped victory, stabbing the fat pig in the throat with his sword.

The spinning fat pig suddenly stopped, lying on the ground with his hands covering his neck, his expression extremely painful. But I could tell at a glance that he was acting, because the sword didn't penetrate his body at all, and the sword actually bent slightly.

Could this man know how to wear a golden bell mask or an iron cloth shirt?

"If the Taoist priest stabs me, I will retaliate with the Taoist priest's sword!" After saying that, Fat Pig suddenly reached out and grabbed the Eight-sided Han Sword, and slashed the wrist of the man in the T-shirt with the watermelon knife in his other hand.

I shouted: "First grade, be careful!"

The man in the T-shirt threw away the Eight-sided Han Sword and jumped back, chanting mantras in his mouth, and a blue light surged from his body. He no longer planned to fight the fat pig in close combat, and wanted to use magic to kill him.

The fat pig threw away the Eight-faced Han Sword in his hand, quickly dug his throat with his left hand a few times, and then sprayed an obscene water arrow from his throat. The man in the T-shirt hurriedly retreated, his spell casting was interrupted, and the blue light on his body quickly dissipated.

I wonder what the dark green juice that the fat pig sprayed on the ground is? It was bubbling, and there were still some undigested toad legs, internal organs, blood clots and other things in it, which made people feel sick.

The fat pig wiped his mouth and said: "As soon as I vomited, I became hungry again. Taoist priest, please give me your meat!"

After saying that, he picked up the watermelon knife and slashed at the man in the T-shirt with a scream. I really fucking understand this, and there are such despicable methods. The fat pig doesn't know what kind of evil magic he has practiced that can make him invulnerable. Once the opponent uses the magic, he will vomit a puddle of filth to force the interruption.

The two were fighting fiercely, when a sinister voice said: "Fat pig, can you do it? Do you really not want my help?"

The fat pig gasped and said: "Jinlong, I have told you so many times, you are not allowed to call me fat pig, you have to call me thin."

"I'm going to say, you're a fat pig! You're a fat pig!" said the sinister voice.

"I'll kill you when I get back! I'll use your head as a chamber pot."

The fat pig snarled, and his sword skills became more messy. The man in the T-shirt also increased his speed, and their swords collided with sparks in mid-air.

"I'm here to help!" At this moment, a burly man flew down from the roof with his hands on his chest and a coffin under his feet. I was shocked, what kind of appearance was this?

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