Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,104 The Murderer King Zhang Xianzhong

The big man had fiery red hair that rose into the sky like a rooster's comb. Before it hit the ground, he suddenly stepped on the bottom of the coffin, and the coffin stood up, facing me in darkness.

Although I was more than ten meters away from him, I still felt a terrifying murderous aura coming from his body. The man in the T-shirt shouted at me: "Jiulin, leave this man to me, you are no match for him." !”

"Hehe, do you still have time to care about others?" Fat Pig smiled and waved the watermelon knife, chopping even more crazily.

The man in the T-shirt was enraged. He drew out a high-quality magic talisman and slapped the fat pig on the forehead during the fight. The fat pig covered his face and howled, then tore the magic talisman into pieces with his hands and laughed, "I'm kidding you, this trick doesn't work on me either!"

Then he chewed it and swallowed the magic talisman.

The man in the t-shirt was eager to get out of the fight and come to help me. I was afraid that he would get into trouble and be attacked by the fat pig, so I said, "On the first day of junior high school, just deal with him with all your strength. Leave this big guy to me!"

The man in the t-shirt blocked the fat pig with his sword and reminded: "Then you must be careful, the golden dragon is more powerful than others..."

"What, you actually said that he is better than me, it hurts my heart so much, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you guys.

Is the golden dragon the strongest among the twelve dead animals?

Jin Long suddenly laughed loudly: "Why do you two have such a good relationship? Is it possible that you have a habit of Longyang?"

I picked up the two knives in my hands and cursed: "Talk nonsense, I will cut your tongue!"

"Hmph, that's such a big statement! This time the owner of the village killed a chicken with a knife and sent all twelve of our dead animals to deal with you. I want to see how much you weigh."

After saying that, he kicked the coffin, and the wooden boards of the coffin flew apart. Inside was a stone tablet, which exuded an extremely overbearing yin energy, which made people feel terrified. I quickly read " The Tao Te Ching can stabilize your mind.

Oudama hid behind me and grabbed my clothes nervously, and the landlady was so scared that she collapsed on the ground. Even ordinary people can feel this fierce yin energy!

I told Oyu: "Take the boss lady to take shelter over there."

"Oh!" Wei Yu agreed: "Bad brother, you have to be careful."

I looked carefully at the stone tablet. On the head of the tablet were carved two fierce tigers with teeth and claws. There were only a few numbers on the tablet, which read: "All things are born with humans, and humans are not the same as heaven. Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!"

There was a buzz in my head. Isn't this the Seven Killing Monument left by Zhang Xianzhong, a murderer in the late Ming Dynasty, in Sichuan?

According to historical records, Zhang Xianzhong was the leader of the peasant uprising army in the late Ming Dynasty. Together with Li Zicheng, he overthrew the rule of the Ming Dynasty and was eventually brutally suppressed by the Qing army that entered the Pass.

This man killed many people throughout his life. History books say that if he didn't kill anyone for a day, he would be depressed!

Every time he led his army to capture a city, he would massacre it. When he met a slightly attractive woman, he would let his soldiers take turns to insult her, then cut off her head, take off her clothes and bury her upside down in the soil like a green onion, exposing her lower body, because he believed that a woman's lower body could restrain the enemy's artillery.

He would also choose some beauties himself, always waiting for them, completely naked, for his pleasure at any time. Once he vented his anger, he would kill and skin them, or steam them in a steamer and eat them!

It is said that in order to fatten up the war horses, Zhang Xianzhong ordered his soldiers to empty out the hearts, livers, intestines and lungs of the captured people, fill the hollows with rice beans, and wait until the rice beans had absorbed the human blood and corpse oil before feeding them to his own horses. war horse.

It can be said that Zhang Xianzhong was a completely murderous madman. When there were no people to kill, he would kill his own soldiers and generals, killing half of his more than 1.3 million troops in two months. He also said proudly: "I only need three thousand people to conquer the world, what do I need so many people to do!"

One time, his youngest son passed by him, and he called him "good son." When the youngest son did not respond, Zhang Xianzhong became angry and killed the youngest son. He regretted it the next day and asked his wife and concubines why they didn't stop him? Kill the wives and concubines together with the knife and axemen...

Zhang Xianzhong went on a killing spree when he captured Sichuan. Later, when the Qing army entered, the towns were largely deserted, and the people fled into the mountains and became hairy. There were only twenty households left in Chengdu, and the Qing army had no choice but to move the population of Huguang to Sichuan.

In order to commend his murderous achievements, Zhang Xianzhong erected a seven-kill monument in Sichuan! However, the Seven Kills Monument was never found. Some experts believed that the Seven Kills Monument did not actually exist, and that it might just be an exaggeration by the Qing army. Unexpectedly, it turned into a sinister object and appeared in front of me.

There was a violent yin energy lingering on the Seven Kills Monument. I was secretly suspicious. This monument weighed at least dozens of kilograms. How could the Golden Dragon use it?

At this time, Jin Long took out a thick iron rod from nowhere, inserted the iron rod from the middle of the stone tablet, and then raised it high, holding it in his hand like a mace. I was so stunned that I didn’t know what to say. There was such a weapon!

"Zhang Jiulin, accept your fate!" Jinlong picked up the Seven Kills Monument and smashed it towards me.

The Seven Kills Monument was so powerful and heavy that I naturally didn't dare to take it. I took a step back, and with a bang, I felt the ground beneath my feet tremble, as if I had experienced a major earthquake.

The golden dragon only paused for half a second before swinging the Seven Kills Monument towards me again. I still dodged.

He swung the monument left and right, and I kept hiding. In fact, this weapon is extremely heavy and bulky. I can definitely use the dexterity of the ghost-slaying swords to fight it! But if he misses, it will be fatal, so he has to wait until he has clearly observed his tactics before taking action.

Moreover, the Seven Kills Monument itself is made of brittle and hard material. After being swung a few times, cracks have appeared on it, and many small stones have peeled off. It is feared that it will fall apart soon.

I thought to myself that Golden Dragon had no brains. This is not how vaginal things are used. It was a complete waste!

The golden dragon suddenly roared violently, held up the Seven Kills Monument, and smashed it down on my head. I thought to myself that he was nothing more than these three axes. Wasn't he afraid? I immediately drew out my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods and faced him. I quickly used my twin swords to cut all the way up against the iron rod. I would either cut off his fingers or throw away the stone tablet.

We were very close at the time, and Jin Long suddenly grinned, and I realized something was wrong.

A swirling cloud of Yin Qi suddenly emerged from the stele, absorbing all the peeling stones, and the stele repaired itself.

My head was buzzing, as if there was an extremely crazy voice shouting: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

I suddenly felt that the golden dragon in front of me looked abominable, and I wanted to kill it quickly. I immediately realized that it was a sinister thing interfering with my mind, and I tried my best to recite the Tao Te Ching silently to stabilize my mind.

At this time, the golden dragon stretched out a big hand to grab me. I instinctively stepped back, but my retreat was blocked by the huge Seven Kills Monument!

In desperation, I rolled on the spot, but I didn't expect the golden dragon to swing the Seven Kills Monument against the ground at a faster speed. I could only use my two swords to protect my body. The two swords seemed to be aware of the crisis, and two dark green sword auras covered me in front of me.

When the Seven Kills Monument hit me, it felt like being hit head-on by a speeding train. The sword energy was instantly shattered. I vomited blood and drew a few meters before stopping.

The man in the t-shirt shouted: "Jiulin!"

The fat pig pestered him so much that he couldn't leave, so the man in the T-shirt opened a few ghost bags, released the evil spirits to play with him, and rushed to me in one stride.

"Are you okay?" the man in the T-shirt asked.

I touched my ribs. Fortunately, Mo Xie's Yin spirit in the two swords protected me in time. I didn't suffer any injuries, but there was a faint pain in my body.

"Fat pig, stop interfering, these two belong to me!" Jin Long shouted loudly, suddenly picked up the stone tablet and hit the man in the T-shirt on the head.

When I saw something bad, I pushed the man in the T-shirt away with my palm, and the stone tablet hit the middle of us with a bang, and the stone on it cracked a lot.

The man in the t-shirt looked really angry. He gritted his teeth and struck with his sword sharply. But as soon as he got close to the golden dragon, the Seven Kills Monument began to affect his mind. The man in the T-shirt quickly retreated and said, "This stone monument is a sinister object and will make people lose their minds!"

After saying that, he bit his middle finger, dripped his blood on the ground, and began to write and draw. I knew that he planned to use the formation to suppress the stone tablet.

"If you want to draw an array, let's dream!" The golden dragon roared and rushed over. I used the invisible needle and stabbed the golden dragon's neck.

However, the invisible needle only pricked me once, and then bounced back from something. I was stunned for a while, what was going on?

I saw another shadow superimposed on the golden dragon's body. It was an ancient general with black armor, black cape, and horn helmet. This general had a pale face, a ferocious and cunning look on his eyebrows, and held a pitch-black mace in his hand.

Could this be Zhang Xianzhong’s ghost?

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