Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,106 The man in the T-shirt heals his injuries

I supported the man in the t-shirt and walked around in the alley. I felt that I had gotten rid of the three killers, so I stopped. Then I took off the man in the t-shirt and helped him treat his wounds.

The muscles all over the body of the man in the T-shirt are white, except for the place where the jade knife stabbed him, which turned black!

I carefully observed the jade knife that stabbed the man in the T-shirt, and found that the blade was green and clear, with a lingering Yin Qi on it. It seemed to be a Yin object, but I didn't know if it could be pulled out. Was it poisonous?

But now was not the time to hesitate. I gritted my teeth and pulled out the jade knife, and found that the man in the T-shirt was bleeding profusely from his shoulder. Even if Yunnan Baiyao was applied on it, it would be washed away by the blood. I immediately tapped several acupuncture points around his shoulders, but the blood still did not stop completely and was still flowing slowly.

The man in the t-shirt grabbed the jade knife in my hand, looked at it, and said weakly: "This is the ruthless knife used by emperors in the past to kill concubines. After being stabbed by it, the wound will not heal..." Fortunately, he was not stabbed fatally.

I helped the man in the T-shirt up and prepared to take him to a place to rest.

At this time, the voice of the little Nazgul came from my mind: "Hey, Master, are you calling me?"

I lowered my head and looked at the Eternal Spirit Ring in my hand. It turned out that when I was beaten by the golden dragon and vomited blood, the ring was also stained with some blood, which inadvertently awakened the Eternal Spirit Ring. I immediately asked the little Ring Spirit: "Do you know of any Yin Spirit that can deal with the murderous devil Zhang Xianzhong?"

"Master, I recommend Zhao Feiyan or Yang Yuhuan. Isn't it said that a hero has a hard time being a beauty?" the little ring spirit replied.

"Damn it, you're trying to trick me to death!" I was speechless for a while.

Zhang Xianzhong is a severe psychopath. If he summons a beautiful woman and puts it in front of him, he will immediately rape, kill and then eat her.

"Master, don't be angry, there is a second option, and that is to summon Obai!" The voice of the little Ring Spirit came again.

After being reminded like this, I immediately remembered that when Zhang Xianzhong fought with the Qing army, it was the Eight Banners Army commander Ao Bai who led a death squad to capture and behead him.

Although Zhang Xianzhong's Yin spirit has been refined to be extremely powerful, if one thing falls after another, his old enemy during his lifetime will definitely frighten him!

The little Ring Spirit asked me for instructions: "Master, do you need to summon Obai?"

"No, wait a little longer!" I refused.

"Okay, Master, I'll be here when you need help. However, the essence and blood can only be valid until midnight. If it expires, we will have to meet again in three months." The little Nazgul explained.

I checked the time. There were still three hours until twelve o'clock, which was more than enough time.

The man in the t-shirt and I are running for our lives right now. If an obeis suddenly bursts out from the alley, it would be like exposing our position!

Moreover, the Golden Dragon and the Cunning Rabbit don't get along, and these two may still be fighting fiercely. If one of them can die, then my chances of winning will be greater...

None of the twelve dead animals are serious dealers in ghost things. They are killers, and each one is more withdrawn than the last. Maybe they have always performed tasks alone and never worked together, so this time they compete with each other for credit!

On the way, the man in the T-shirt told me that Fat Pig had been immersed in the special potion used by Thai head-reducing masters to refine corpses since he was a child. In addition, he had been growing his hair and drinking blood, and he had developed a pair of invulnerable zombie skin. His method of killing was clumsy and even a bit unsavory, but as long as Fat Pig takes action, no matter how strong his opponent is, he will definitely be the one who survives in the end.

The cunning rabbit is good at using vaginal objects and seduction. This woman is so elusive that no one has ever seen her true face.

We walked for a while, and suddenly a crescent-shaped lake appeared in front of us, reflecting the surrounding ancient buildings and the bright moon in the sky, sparkling like a mirror. I remember this lake is called Crescent Lake, and the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" directed by Ang Lee was filmed here.

The man in the t-shirt knelt by the water, picked up a handful of cold water and washed his face. Then he put his dirty Eight-sided Han Sword in the water and rinsed it. While he was washing it, he suddenly fell over. I quickly helped him. Stop him, take his sword and clean it for him.

I glanced at the face of the man in the T-shirt. His lips had begun to turn white, and the wound on his shoulder was bleeding. Half of his clothes were completely stained with blood. If he continued like this, he would go into shock.

I said worriedly: "You will die if you continue like this! Let's leave Hongcun now and take you to the hospital first."

The man in the t-shirt waved his hand and said: "Don't leave here. There is still a way to survive if you stay here. If you go out, you will probably die..."

I'm confused. Is there any help here? I continued to wash the Eight-faced Han Sword, and suddenly noticed a small bamboo tube floating on the water in front of me. I wondered, reeds should not grow in this kind of lake!

I thought about it and let the invisible needle fly into the tube. The image that was transmitted into my mind showed a soft and red thing. I was stunned for a moment before I realized that it was a human tongue.

I bet there is a person hiding under the water, holding this tube in his mouth to breathe!

This was definitely not a local diving enthusiast. He must be another killer from the Twelve Dead Signs. I was not polite to him and controlled the invisible needle to fly directly into his throat.

The image that was transmitted to my mind was like an endoscope used in the hospital. It passed from the throat to the internal organs. I controlled the invisible needle to shuttle through his stomach, pricking his heart, liver, spleen, stomach, and kidneys all over.

For a moment, a series of violent bubbles suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, and large streams of blood surged up. Finally, a man appeared wearing black tights and a black veil, with a galloping horse embroidered on his back.

The man in the t-shirt sat on a tree, glanced at it and said, "That is the galloping horse among the twelve dead animals. It is said that he is a direct disciple of Ichiro Ryuzawa and is proficient in various lost Japanese ninjutsu."

I glanced at the floating corpse in the water. I was worthy of being a disciple of Ryuzawa Ichiro. He even inherited Ryuzawa Ichiro's bad luck. He was killed by me before he even showed his face!

Killing Ben Ma was just bad luck. If this person really started to fight against us, we would probably be in bad luck given our current situation.

I handed the washed sword to the man in the T-shirt. He stood up holding the sword, glanced at the other side and said, "Jiulin, knock on the door with half a lion. There are our people inside."

"Half a lion?"

I looked carefully at the opposite side, and sure enough, there was a damaged stone lion standing outside a big red door. The stone lions were originally a pair, but the one on the other side was gone, leaving only a base.

Crescent Lake is not big, so we walked around with help and came to the big red door and knocked a few times, but no one responded.

The man in the t-shirt couldn't wait any longer for his injury. I immediately opened the lock cylinder with an invisible needle and pushed the door open without ceremony!

We walked through the yard and walked into the living room. Just when I reached out to turn on the light, I was stopped by the man in the T-shirt. He shook his head and said that turning on the light would attract the attention of people in Longquan Villa.

So I asked the man in the T-shirt to lie flat on the ground, illuminated it with my mobile phone, found some needles and thread, and managed to sew up his wound. My suturing skills are really mediocre, and I will probably leave a lot of scars after the injury heals. I feel a little sorry for his snow-white skin.

The man in the t-shirt is still very weak. The medicine I brought with me is for external application, but it is made from traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of stopping bleeding and promoting muscle growth. I simply treated the dead horse as a living horse doctor and fed these medicines to the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt choked on the powder and coughed. I said, "Wait for a while and I'll get you some water!"

There was a well in the yard. I took a wooden bucket, washed it, filled it with water, and then took a sip from the water gourd. The well water is cold and sweet, and tastes more positive than Nongfu Spring. It should be somewhat helpful in recovering from injuries.

When I passed under the eaves with the bucket, suddenly a small ripple appeared in the water in the bucket. I looked up in surprise for a long time, and then looked into the bucket. The well water was crystal clear, and there seemed to be no impurities.

The man in the t-shirt asked me: "Jiulin, what's wrong?"

"It seemed like something fell into the water just now." I said suspiciously.

He suddenly stood up, took out a handful of sulfur from his arms and threw it into the bucket. The water boiled quickly and turned green in an instant. It made my scalp numb.

The man in the t-shirt said with a sullen face: "The person I least want to fight has finally appeared. He is the Poisonous Monkey!"

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